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obsessed??please help me out on the topic


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ok everyone, my girlfriend thinks i am obsessed and deosnt understand the conection that i have with my car, she thinks i am the only one that is obsesed with my w-body, anyone want to post a reply so that i can get her to read it, caseu i knwo that i am not the only one who is like this with my car....



thx guys for maybe helping her to understand

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Get a new g/f. Preferably one that drives a W :D


My wife dosen't understand my obsession with them either.

I've got several friends with other makes/models that have So's that don't understand their car "hang ups", eg, a friend that lives in Atlanta that has a hard on for Dodge Shadows :lol:

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OH I get that too! These are not obsessions.. its a passion! America has a passion for automobiles. Everything has a soul, and the biggest soul of them is the automobile. Why do you think there are so many car clubs, groups, and online forums? There is something about the sleek lines, power, and potential of a car that is just thrilling. A car is just a car to some, but to others, they see the engineering and and styling that goes into them.... To me, my car is like my own escape pod.. I can just jump in and take off and go where ever I want.. I love to wake up on Sunday mornings and jump in my car and just go for a drive.. get away from everything and everyone and just enjoy things.. I dunno.. some people just understand it and others don't.

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I am a car nut!


my g/f just smiles and slowly backs away. She doesn't understand why i am obsessed with cars but Loves me and lets me do my thing :)

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Just ask her how many pairs of shoes she has...that will shut her up.



I told m gf, you get your eye brows waxed, you tan, you get your nailed done and your facials. You buy everything in multiples so you have a colour to match everything at all times.


Mind you ...my gf is hot as hell 24/7....


But so is my car...haha...


She shuts up again...


2 points for me.

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Just ask her how many pairs of shoes she has...that will shut her up.


hey i got more pair of shoes then my gurl i got exacly 21 dif pair of shoes but ya back into subject my gurl is always yellin at me to for workin on my car or neone elses car she hates it when i see a nice car n my head turns she seems to think im lookin at a gurl or somethin when im watchin tv n therre is somethin that inolves cars on i like complty zone her out n she gets pissed but afta all that when i pay attention the sex is great :twisted:

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Obsession - the real obsession is the womans obsession to be the one and only single point of a mans attention. Its an obsession as old as uncivilized man , do you think a piece of tired iron thats only been in existance for roughly 100 years could possibly out do the oldest obsession - jelousy :lol:


How many men do you think had to hear "you love your horse more than me" just a little over 100 years ago ? Dont fight it just go with it. 8)

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89Cutlass, just to clairfy, tell your wife that you dont have OCD on your car. I suffer from OCD and GAD. OCD isnt about just random obsessions, but Compulsive ones. Like me, having to check my door locks 2 times before i go to bed, walk arround car, check to make sure trunk is shut, all windows are up (only way to check is to run finger along top). Then, i get in bed, then check my alarm clock 20 times. No more, no less. Not to be rude, just wanted to clairfy. Its a hard dissease. I have gotten beter, but stoped meds due to a side effect me and the GF didnt like. GAD is Genearl Anx. disorder, i worry about everything. The two can make you go in a downword spiral if its bad (and ive been there)


But yeah, I do have a normal obsession over my car too. What do i tell the GF? Nothing, she understands. She obsesses over her baby (2001 dak sport) too. When I go buy some more detailing stuff, I get the ok, anything to make the Olds look beter! Now the mom on the other hand, doesnt understand...but glad to see i drive a GM :).


rglguy, just point out her obsessions to her. That, and also, the kicker, tell her your obsessed with her :). I dont care whats going on, the GF take priorty over everything.


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yeah, my car is my life. Yeah, its sad, but true. I dont have a g/f to pay for/worry about so, all the money goes to the car. Hence the rockers Im doing. Anyway, my friends dont understand why I want to build up my GP, and they never will. Its my first car, and I want to keep it forever. I love it, seriously. No one but us will understand the obsession.



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I have 5 vehicles I'm always working on. I obsess about my cars, always planning the next big project, always blowing my cash.


I had a gf that understood. She wasn't into cars when I met her, but she thought it was cool that I was! She never had a problem with it, she even helped me sometimes and didn't complain. I'd put some mods in her car, and she thought it was awesome. Anytime I asked her about something that cost a lot of money and I asked what she thought, she'd say "DO IT!". She was a perfect girl for a car guy like me - interested enough to be supportive and helpful, but not so much into cars that she had any strong opinions on mods and stuff (like those ricer chicks do - thank goodness she never asked me to put a park bench wing on her car, her name on the door, or install a fart pipe).


So what'd I do with this gf? I married her. :kiss:

Luckily, she didn't change after marriage. If anything, she gets sweeter with every passing day. :wink: She just LOVES her 94 black Cutty too, every time we park somewhere, she turns around and admires it. She would probably kill me if I ever tried to sell it. :?


To think when I first met her, I was too superficial and almost let her slip through my fingers. :shock: We were "just friends" for a long time while I chased hot skinny chicks with big racks!

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I talk to her all the time! The wierd thing is she's starting to talk back :shock:


Cars are the ultimate hobby. I spend more time in my car than my house! Some girls dont understand why guys get obsessed with them My girl doesnt but she lets me obsess because it makes me happy. Besides if she ever gets he dream Sebring convertible shed be obsessed with that too. The truth is we like at the end of a hard day modding the crap out of them to get that extra hp to stand back and look at our mastery of mechanical majesty and shout to the world LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE CREATED! MWAHAHAHAAAA :twisted:

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Yeah Jon everyone does compulsive stuff sometimes. I know I personally have been known to do the same thing with the walkaround and the running fingers on the windows and stuff and checking to make sure its locked twice. People look at me like I'm crazy and maybe I am :lol: I don't let it get in the way of my life though the doctor just said I have more than average compulsive tendencies but I'm not OCD. Thats a tough disorder though I know a girl who washes her hands 50 times a day.

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Gnatgosplat reminded me of something - I bought mine the LSS so she doesnt say much. She comes down and helps me dolly out some metal when I cant reach and also helps me bleed brakes. I cant stress enough the importance of all that pumpin. 8)


I got one of the good ones and will keep her too so long as she doesnt smarten up :lol:

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my girl is the rare exception, I have to work on it when she is busy or at work ... she'll hop in and get working on it as quick if not quicker than me. sides, her ford truck is usually in need of basic maintenance, but its not bad- FOR A FORD.



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at work, and only at work, I have to wash my hands ALL the time, just another one. I dont think im really a normal one, im not a clean freak or anything.


But, Ive noticed mine are more focused on money (or things of value). I woudl check my old dorm room door like 10 times before leaving, checking my car, when I leave home, i check the door to the point that the knob is falling off. I also check my backpack at school to make sure I stll have my Calculator, and then about every 5 minutes, I check to see if I have my Credit card, acct. card, and VCU card, in the RIGHT order. Thats one of my worse



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