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Whats your worst car story


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Okay I have owned alot of cars most of which are of the F-body style and some of the older cutlass models but out of all the cars I have owned my all time favorite was a 94 Z34 that I bought back in 2000. In my eyes that Z had the perfect size, power, and comfort but that was not to last long. I bought my Z with 54,000 miles and drove it for a month with no problems but one day I decided to change the tranny fluid and filter BIG MISTAKE as the car only lasted 4 miles before the tranny grenaded at 70mph. I thought no problem and paid 600 bucks for a used tranny changed it and had no more problems for about 2 more months. One winter night as I was headed to work I put the car in gear and the auto locks engaged and I noticed that for some reason they froze locked. On top of that the alternator decided to die and believe this or not I was stuck in that car in -2 weather with the doors stuck shut and a dead battery I had to call a buddy to tell him I was stuck in my car. Fast forward a month later I am now jumping the car to start it every other day as I am waiting to replace the alternator and I notice that the car has started leaking oil like a submarine with screen doors from the o-ring on top. Bye now I am pissed off at this POS but it still runs like a loobed cat until the day I raced my brother in his monte. I floored it from a 20mph roll and the timing belt broke which in turn completely destroyed my 3.4. The used motor cost me 1600 bucks and as soon as I put it in the car went up for sale. Now I'm not saying Z's are junk I just think I had a lemon and I thank you all for letting me vent a little. I think I will stick with the 3.1 in my cutty for now.

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:( and welcome!


all my cars are sad stories like this. and are in a state of being right now!


my 91 vert I still need to put my new tranny in, going on two years! currently no tranny in car, with rachet straps holding the engine up.

my 92 vert fuel pump quit while resurrecting it with the drivetrain from my lumina. still dead.

my 93 vert has a run rough, no start hot condition. When it won't start it cranks but the tach won't move. Not the PCM, CPS, or ICM!

my 94 3100 sedan (or my bros) just has the thermostat fail and the driver door handle break... again!

my 95 3100 sedan just did the 3400 topend swap, and it runs like crap and the alternator just quit.

my 95 3.4 sedan runs rough and stalls when cold. Has a leaky gas tank, no rear brakes, and is structurally condemned.

my 95 Ciera... is in another country.


why oh why did I chop up my 222k mile lumina? it never broke!

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Breaking a cv shaft on a back road 10miles out of town. With someone my parents told me never to hangout with. DONT DO DROP NUETROLS!!! they will kill a cv shaft of a tranny. The car sat for 3 1/2-4 months waiting for me to get money to buy a new shaft. it ran but there was no presure on the drive side of the tranny so no shaft no go.

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alternator has died 3 times (twice on a lifetime warranty, within two years), it died a week before a road trip, spent a day trying to change it myself, no luck, have it done. take my road trip the next week, have to buy a battery and change it out on the spot, not too big of deal. later that day, with 3 friends, 2 hours from where we were staying, 12 hours from home (for me), my engine seizes up. turns out I had a giant hole in the radiator. boughta 60k mile engine for 250$ and a 12 hour round trip, 700$ to have the swap done (and about another 1000$ worth of parts) and a week of putting the engine together myself, and she's been fine since, aside from a few minor bugs to fix from the swap.


Moral of the story: dont take a road trip 12 hours away from home if you think you could have problems :lol:

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this one time, I bought a TGP in rough shape, worked on it for 9 months cleaning up and repairing it, then I registered it and drove it around for a week when it decided it wanted to start, then one it went BOOM and my connecting rod decided it wanted to go straight through my starter solenoid in attempt to get a better view at the road.



and then this other time, I bought a TSTE, took a few weeks to register it, drove it around all fine and dandy for a month, then one night I get into big fight in girlfriend in the car in a parking lot, the STE decides it doesn't like this and starts making that awkward noise that a motor makes when the camshaft is ground up in awkward ways that cause exhaust valves not to open. that was November '05. So now my awkwardly ground up camshaft is in the Johnston landfill and my motor is sitting half rebuilt in my garage as the rust starts to creep into it.

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I have two good stories;


Story # 1


Act I:


Back in 2002 I purchased a RARE 1969 CANADIAN Built 442 in Edmonton, Alberta from a guy name GTOJoe on ebay. I paid $3,000 for the car which was loaded full of Olds parts, the trunk had an original 1969 400 engine block in it, the interior was full of heads and intake manifolds and carbs. The trans was just rebuilt and there was a 1970 455 sitting in her engine bay which reportedly ran fine. Well I figure the car has got $3,000 of parts just sitting inside of it so what the hell I will buy it. After doing homework on how to get it home to me I decide to have it shipped via railway to Windsor, Ontario (which is a loooong ways) and from Edmonton and I will drive it across the Windsor-Detroit border. I later learn I HAVE to it this way because the car was built in Canada and I was basically importing a car into the US. Also I learn that I have to hang illegal license plates on it to do this. Otherwise I will end up hiring a broker to import the car and a bunch of Duty fees that exceed the cars value, and that’s IF I am even able to import this car into the country because of EPA regulations and border restrictions. So I con my buddy with a truck to take me up there for $50, I never mentioned any of the smuggling a car into the states or it's parts and avoiding duty and taxes on a Canadian built 442 and if we get caught we will probably get stuck at the border and maybe go to jail. So we both get up there and pick the car up from a tow lot that I paid $10 a day for storage that was located a few miles from the Ambassador Bridge. I ask the guy who took the car and was storing it, how she ran, he said OK its a little loud and it smokes a little but it drove OK. So I then pay the guy for the storage and he hands me the keys. My plan is now to load all of the parts from the car and put them in the back of my friends truck. The story I told him we were going to stick with was " we bought these parts off someone from Detroit and they couldn’t be here for pick up so they drove them to a friends house in Windsor" to again avoid taxes and duty on all the parts. I also told my friend to make sure he didn’t say that I was traveling with him.


Act II:


Well we unload all the parts from the 442 except the engine block because it has pistons a crank and a oil pan on it and it was too heavy to pull out of the cars trunk !!! And I fire the beast up, the car runs really rough and the trans is making a funny sound when put into gear. Well I pull her outta the lot and see smoke billowing out from under the hood. Closer inspection reveals that there is a compression fitting that someone put on the trans cooler line that was hanging low and got ripped off while loading the car onto the train. Well I didn’t bring any tools with me or fittings or ferrules so basically I say fuck it I will just rig it up so it wont leak as bad and buy a few gallons of trans fluid at the service station just to get it into the states and then I will trailer it home once I cross the border. Adding fluid as I drive. Well its August and like 100 degrees out and there is a 2 mile long line on the Bridge. Picture me sitting in line driving a white rusty ass 442 with black stripes which is low in the back because there is a motor in the trunk smoking like a son of a bitch because the trans fluid is getting all over the exhaust pipes. The car is backfiring, smoking, and I am just trying to play it cool with plates on the car from a 1995 Cutlass Supreme Convertible waiting to get in line for the Customs inspection. Every person working at the border that day was wearing military fatigues and carrying an m-16 because 9/11 happened last year and border was tighter than a nuns ass. I am thinking man I hope they don't run my plate and find out It's bogus or man I hope the car makes it across the border, or man I hope they don’t find out I am smuggling a car from Canada or like $5,000 worth of parts in the truck behind me.


Act III:


After about 30 mins idling the car and after about 3 gallons of trans fluid being dumped into this car to keep the car moving forward I get to the Customs booth, I get a 60 year old African American guy who looks pissed off at the world and the first question he asks is "Did you buy anything in CANADA?" not Citizenship, not why were you in Canada, not anything else but "Did you buy anything In Canada?" Keep in mind that the VIN tags on these cars are right in front of the driver at an angle under the windshield and in HUGE CAPITAL LETTERS IT SAYS UNDER THE VIN# is MADE IN CANADA and at this point I'm sure he's seen it. So I tell him no officer I just bought this here trans fluid and there were a few gallons in the backseat I had not used yet, he asked me then what was smoking on my car and I said a trans cooler line had broken and I was slowly leaking and it was burning off the exhaust manifolds so he said well hell at the rate that thing is using trans fluid that would be like charging you duty on a tank of gas you bought a hundred miles back. He asked me what I went to Canada for I told him for the casino and he laughed and said "You went to Casino Windsor in that thing?!?!?! hehe.... obviously you lost" Then he asked me if the car was a real 4-4-2? I told him yes and he said it had been along time since he seen one on the road and then he proceeded to ask me how she ran, I said "she runs rough but sounds pretty good when the secondaries open up". Then he asked me again if I had bought anything in Canada and I said no. He said OK before I let ya go "See if ya cant smoke em' (the tires) a little when you leave" I am thinking ohh god I am not even sure if this car is capable of doing a burnout let alone with a 400 pound engine block in the trunk. So I am like ahh what the hell I'll give it a shot, floored the car and she squawked them a little bit but not much.


Act IV:


Now my thoughts are back on my friend in the truck behind me they wont let you through the gates until the person behind you is cleared at this point, so I am waiting for him to get through. I have no idea what my friend is telling this guy but it's obvious they are having quite a lengthy conversation. The old man gets out of the booth and rolls his tonneau cover back to the cab laughs, smiles, and waves him through, next thing I see is a fist hanging out the window of my buddy’s truck and him finally pulling to the gate. Whew!!!! he made it, now if the car makes it to the bottom of the bridge I am then the proud owner of a Canadian built '69 442. Well I drive the car down to the bridge and start to have second thoughts about parking a 442 in Detroit over night while I go home to get my trailer.... Thinking well by the time I get back here this car will be up on blocks with no parts left so I will see how far she will make it before she runs out of juice (trans fluid that is). So I drive this car about 20 miles outside of Detroit and then the Temp warning light comes on (yes it still works)...The car is overheating and the car shuts down. I let he sit (I parked at a Hooters restaurant just south of Gibraltar) and flag my buddy into the parking lot. I figure at this point we both need some well deserved beers and we sit down adn I ask him what him and the Customs guy were talking about.

This is also a good time to let him in on my dirty little smuggling secret and how we both could have just ended up in jail, yada yada yada. Well he tells me man I wish I would have known that, so naturally I ask him why, he says man if I had known that I would have never fucked with that black customs guard back there. i say what did you say. He says awww I just told him that I bought those parts and was picking them up in Windsor, then he asked me are you sure you arent with that guy in front of you in that raggedy old Oldsmobile up there and your truck isnt full of smuggled used auto parts. So my buddy says yeah man you got us, they are in back of my truck take a look. Then he said the guys laughed and said get the hell outta here. So I laughed and gave him the rock and told him to "stay black", I nearly fell out of my chair in awe and dismay but he was dead serious about it. So he says well maybe he thought it was funny.


Act V:


We drank three pitchers of beer ate some burgers and I asked the manager of the store if I could leave my car there overnight and 'd be back with a trailer to pick it up in the morning. The manager said no problem that his waitresses go out after work all the time and it's status quo that there are cars there in the lot in the morning and the car would be OK there. Turns out I ran the motor til it ceased I scored the cylinder walls and toasted the 455 and had to end up using the 400 that was laying in the trunk. After reassembling the engine and virtually restoring the car I sold all the parts and the car barely broke even. I wish I would have kept the car.


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worst thing I have is about 6 mo ago, the rear floors (already rusted) fell out of my damn S10 Blazer on the highway, and took all the groceries with them.


i lol'd at that one

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I have two good stories;


Story # 1


Act I:


Back in 2002 I purchased a RARE 1969 CANADIAN Built 442 in Edmonton, Alberta from a guy name GTOJoe on ebay. I paid $3,000 for the car which was loaded full of Olds parts, the trunk had an original 1969 400 engine block in it, the interior was full of heads and intake manifolds and cabrs. The trans was just rebuilt and there was a 1970 455 sitting in her engine bay which reportedly ran fine. Well I figure the car has got $3,000 of parts just sitting inside of it so what the hell I wil buy it. After doing homework on how to get it home to me I decide to have it shipped via railway to Windsor, Ontario (which is a loooong ways) and from Edmonton and I will drive it across the Windsor-Detroit border. I later learn I HAVE to it this way because the car was built in Canada and I was basically importing a car into the US. Also I learn that I have to hang illegal license plates on it to do this. Otherwise I will end up hiring a broker to import the car and a bunch of Duty fees that exceed the cars value, and thats IF I am even able to import this car into the country because of EPA regulations and border restrictions. So I con my buddy with a truck to take me up there for $50, I never mentioned any of the smuggling a car into the states or it's parts and avoiding duty and taxes on a Canadian built 442 and if we get caught we will probably get stuck at the border and maybe go to jail. So we both get up there and pick the car up from a tow lot that I paid $10 a day for storage that was located a few miles from the Ambassador Bridge. I ask the guy who took the car and was storing it, how she ran, he said OK its a little loud and it smokes a little but it drove OK. So I then pay the guy for the storage and he hands me the keys. My plan is now to load all of the parts from the car and put them in the back of my froends truck. THe story I told him we were going to stick with was " we bought these parts off someone from Detroit and they couldnt be here for pick up so they drove them to a friends house in Windsor" to again avoid taxes and duty on all the parts. I also told my friend to make sure he didnt say that I was travelling with him.


Act II:


Well we unload all the parts from the 442 except the engine block because it has pistons a crank and a oil pan on it and it was too heavy to pull out of the cars trunk !!! And I fire the beast up, the car runs really rough and the trans is making a funny sound when put into gear. Well I pull her outta the lot and see smoke billowing out from under the hood. Closer inspection reveals that there is a compression fitting that someone put on the trans cooler line that was hanging low and got ripped off while loading the car onto the train. Well I didnt bring any tools with me or fittings or ferrules so basically I say fuck it I will just rig it up so it wont leak as bad and buy a few gallons of trans fluid at the service station just to get it into the states and then I will trailer it home once I cross the border. Adding fluid as I drive. Well its August and like 100 degrees out and there is a 2 mile long line on the Bridge. Picture me sitting in line driving a white rusty ass 442 with black stripes which is low in the back because there is a motor in the trunk smoking like a son of a bitch because the trans fluid is getting all over the exhaust pipes. The car is backfiring, smoking, and I am just trying to play it cool with plates on the car from a 1995 Cutlass Supreme Convertible waiting to get in line for the Customs inspection. Every person working at the border that day was wearing military fatigues and carrying an m-16 because 9/11 happened last year and border was tighter than a nuns ass. I am thingking man I hope they don't run my plate and find out It's bogus or man I hope the car makes it across the border, or man I hope they dont find out I am smuggling a car from Canada or like $5,000 worth of parts in the truck behind me.


Act III:


After about 30 mins idling the car and after about 3 gallons of trans fluid being dumped into this car to keep the car moving forward I get to the Customs booth, I get a 60 year old African American guy who looks pissed off at the world and the first question he asks is "Did you buy anything in CANADA?" not Citizenship, not why were you in Canada, not anything else but "Did you buy anything In Canada?" Keep in mind that the VIN tags on these cars are right in front of the driver at an angle under the windsheild and in HUGE CAPITAL LETTERS IT SAYS UNDER THE VIN# is MADE IN CANADA. ....To be continued....



this is a great sotry, can't wait for more!

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One of my worst stories is about my RX-7.


My Dad bought it in 1998. At the time it wasn't leaking any fluids.

Then, in 2000, or 2001, oil started appearing all over the floor in the garage. As it turns out the "O" rings under the oil cooler were leaking, and quite rapidly now in 2004 lol. The car could be running for a few minutes and push a quart of oil onto the driveway. Originally I thought the rear main of the motor was leaking (thought the rotor housing may have warped)..but luckily it was the oil cooler.


Now, the task of changing the "O" rings under the cooler. Is looks far easier then it was. The cooler is held onto the side of the block with 2 studs through the block and 2 10mm nuts on the other side. You can't see these nuts from any angle..so you must remove it by touch. Only problem is the cooler is stuck against the brake lines and speedo cable against the firewall. On the other side of the cooler is a bunch of emissions and electronic solenoids which are quite brittle, so I didn't want to remove them.


So, I finally figure out a way to get my hand under the cooler, and get a wrench on the 10mm nuts. Only problem is they have been on there for 15 years (at the time), and wouldn't budge. To make matters worse I couldn't use my arm at all to pull on the wrench, due to the fact my hand was jammed against everything and I had only two fingers on the end of the wrench. Well, after lots of wearing I finally got the nuts off, and my hand was so fucking sore I couldn't move a few fingers for a few days after (they moved, but no strength at all lol)..


The next step was to remove the oil pipe (banjo bolt as it's called) from the cooler, to free the cooler from the block and pipe. The bolt takes a 23mm wrench to remove. My Dad and I couldn't find a 23mm wrench or socket anywhere in town, so my dad made one out of an old 22mm wrench he had laying around.


After a lot of force, the bolt broke free from the cooler, and I finally was able to replace the "O" rings. These "O" rings are DEALER ONLY, typical Mazda, so that's where I went for them. They gave me the "O" rings, but didn't have the copper seals that were on both sides of the oil pipe (they take the shape of the area and seal it nice and tight)... so at the time I made a stupid decision and chose to reuse the old ones, well I'm guessing you guys can figure out what happened next.


After fucking around with the oil cooler, and FINALY getting it mounted back on properly (again, fingers and hand hurting mad), I started the car up. Oil is leaking onto the floor, although slower then before, it was still leaking. And of course, it's coming from those copper seals that I stupidly reused. So, off to Canadian Tire..I bought about 20 of these things that were meant to go around an oil plug in an oil pan.


I was able to remove the oil pipe with the oil cooler still mounted to the block, THANK GOD!, so I fumbled around trying to get these new seals down around the oil pipe (again, mess of brake lines and shit)..finally got them on and tightened everything back up.


Started the car, and it hasn't leaked a drop of oil since!, Knock on wood!


I'd say that isn't one of my WORST stories, but it was definately frustrating.

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I have two good stories;


Story # 1


Act I:


Back in 2002 I purchased a RARE 1969 CANADIAN Built 442 in Edmonton, Alberta from a guy name GTOJoe on ebay. I paid $3,000 for the car which was loaded full of Olds parts, the trunk had an original 1969 400 engine block in it, the interior was full of heads and intake manifolds and carbs. The trans was just rebuilt and there was a 1970 455 sitting in her engine bay which reportedly ran fine. Well I figure the car has got $3,000 of parts just sitting inside of it so what the hell I will buy it. After doing homework on how to get it home to me I decide to have it shipped via railway to Windsor, Ontario (which is a loooong ways) and from Edmonton and I will drive it across the Windsor-Detroit border. I later learn I HAVE to it this way because the car was built in Canada and I was basically importing a car into the US. Also I learn that I have to hang illegal license plates on it to do this. Otherwise I will end up hiring a broker to import the car and a bunch of Duty fees that exceed the cars value, and thats IF I am even able to import this car into the country because of EPA regulations and border restrictions. So I con my buddy with a truck to take me up there for $50, I never mentioned any of the smuggling a car into the states or it's parts and avoiding duty and taxes on a Canadian built 442 and if we get caught we will probably get stuck at the border and maybe go to jail. So we both get up there and pick the car up from a tow lot that I paid $10 a day for storage that was located a few miles from the Ambassador Bridge. I ask the guy who took the car and was storing it, how she ran, he said OK its a little loud and it smokes a little but it drove OK. So I then pay the guy for the storage and he hands me the keys. My plan is now to load all of the parts from the car and put them in the back of my friends truck. The story I told him we were going to stick with was " we bought these parts off someone from Detroit and they couldnt be here for pick up so they drove them to a friends house in Windsor" to again avoid taxes and duty on all the parts. I also told my friend to make sure he didnt say that I was traveling with him.


Act II:


Well we unload all the parts from the 442 except the engine block because it has pistons a crank and a oil pan on it and it was too heavy to pull out of the cars trunk !!! And I fire the beast up, the car runs really rough and the trans is making a funny sound when put into gear. Well I pull her outta the lot and see smoke billowing out from under the hood. Closer inspection reveals that there is a compression fitting that someone put on the trans cooler line that was hanging low and got ripped off while loading the car onto the train. Well I didnt bring any tools with me or fittings or ferrules so basically I say fuck it I will just rig it up so it wont leak as bad and buy a few gallons of trans fluid at the service station just to get it into the states and then I will trailer it home once I cross the border. Adding fluid as I drive. Well its August and like 100 degrees out and there is a 2 mile long line on the Bridge. Picture me sitting in line driving a white rusty ass 442 with black stripes which is low in the back because there is a motor in the trunk smoking like a son of a bitch because the trans fluid is getting all over the exhaust pipes. The car is backfiring, smoking, and I am just trying to play it cool with plates on the car from a 1995 Cutlass Supreme Convertible waiting to get in line for the Customs inspection. Every person working at the border that day was wearing military fatigues and carrying an m-16 because 9/11 happened last year and border was tighter than a nuns ass. I am thinking man I hope they don't run my plate and find out It's bogus or man I hope the car makes it across the border, or man I hope they dont find out I am smuggling a car from Canada or like $5,000 worth of parts in the truck behind me.


Act III:


After about 30 mins idling the car and after about 3 gallons of trans fluid being dumped into this car to keep the car moving forward I get to the Customs booth, I get a 60 year old African American guy who looks pissed off at the world and the first question he asks is "Did you buy anything in CANADA?" not Citizenship, not why were you in Canada, not anything else but "Did you buy anything In Canada?" Keep in mind that the VIN tags on these cars are right in front of the driver at an angle under the windshield and in HUGE CAPITAL LETTERS IT SAYS UNDER THE VIN# is MADE IN CANADA and at this point I'm sure he's seen it. So I tell him no officer I just bought this here trans fluid and there were a few gallons in the backseat I had not used yet, he asked me then what was smoking on my car and I said a trans cooler line had broken and I was slowly leaking and it was burning off the exhaust manifolds so he said well hell at the rate that thing is using trans fluid that would be like charging you duty on a tank of gas you bought a hundred miles back. He asked me what I went to Canada for I told him for the casino and he laughed and said "You went to Casino Windsor in that thing?!?!?! hehe.... obviously you lost" Then he asked me if the car was a real 4-4-2? I told him yes and he said it had been along time since he seen one on the road and then he proceeded to ask me how she ran, I said "she runs rough but sounds pretty good when the secondaries open up". Then he asked me again if I had bought anything in Canada and I said no. He said OK before I let ya go "See if ya cant smoke em' (the tires) a little when you leave" I am thinking ohh god I am not even sure if this car is capable of doing a burnout let alone with a 400 pound engine block in the trunk. So I am like ahh what the hell I'll give it a shot, floored the car and she squawked them a little bit but not much.


Act IV:


Now my thoughts are back on my friend in the truck behind me they wont let you through the gates until the person behind you is cleared at this point, so I am waiting for him to get through. I have no idea what my friend is telling this guy but it's obvious they are having quite a lengthy conversation. The old man gets out of the booth and rolls his tonneau cover back to the cab laughs, smiles, and waves him through, next thing I see is a fist hanging out the window of my buddys truck and him finally pulling to the gate. Whew!!!! he made it, now if the car makes it to the bottom of the bridge I am then the proud owner of a Canadian built '69 442. Well I drive the car down to the bridge and start to have second thoughts about parking a 442 in Detroit over night while I go home to get my trailer.... Thinking well by the time I get back here this car will be up on blocks with no parts left so I will see how far she will make it before she runs out of juice (trans fluid that is). So I drive this car about 20 miles outside of Detroit and then the Temp warning light comes on (yes it still works)...The car is overheating and the car shuts down. I let he sit (I parked at a Hooters restaurant just south of Gibraltar) and flag my buddy into the parking lot. I figure at this point we both need some well deserved beers and we sit down adn I ask him what him and the Customs guy were talking about.

This is also a good time to let him in on my dirty little smuggling secret and how we both could have just ended up in jail, yada yada yada. Well he tells me man I wish I would have known that, so naturally I ask him why, he says man if I had known that I would have never fucked with that black customs guard back there. i say what did you say. He says awww I just told him that I bought those parts and was picking them up in Windsor, then he asked me are you sure you arent with that guy in front of you in that raggedy old Oldsmobile up there and your truck isnt full of smuggled used auto parts. So my buddy says yeah man you got us, they are in back of my truck take a look. Then he said the guys laughed and said get the hell outta here. So I laughed and gave him the rock and told him to "stay black", I nearly fell out of my chair in awe and dismay but he was dead serious about it. So he says well maybe he thought it was funny.


Act V:


We drank three pitchers of beer ate some burgers and I asked the manager of the store if I could leave my car there overnight and 'd be back with a trailer to pick it up in the morning. The manager said no problem that his waitresses go out after work all the time and it's status quo that there are cars there in the lot in the morning and the car would be OK there. Turns out I ran the motor til it ceased I scored the cylinder walls and toasted the 455 and had to end up using the 400 that was laying in the trunk. After reassembling the engine and virtually restoring the car I sold all the parts and the car barely broke even. I wish I would have kept the car.



WOW talk about close call. i would have been pissed if the same guy called the cops for reckless driving for trying the burnout.

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worst thing I have is about 6 mo ago, the rear floors (already rusted) fell out of my damn S10 Blazer on the highway, and took all the groceries with them.


i lol'd at that one


I was gonna say that sucks but it was kinda funny :lol:

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My parents 96 Ciera wagon. At 67k the LIM went (surprise) and my mom kept driving it and seized the engine. We traded it in to a Honda dealer, they paid off the loan, put in another engine, and sold it lol

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worst thing I have is about 6 mo ago, the rear floors (already rusted) fell out of my damn S10 Blazer on the highway, and took all the groceries with them.

i lol'd at that one


I was gonna say that sucks but it was kinda funny :lol:


how the hell. I don't have any truly bad stories I guess.

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WOW talk about close call. i would have been pissed if the same guy called the cops for reckless driving for trying the burnout.

That happened to my friend- we were screwing around in his jeep on the dirt roads by my place and a cop just happened to make his once a year drive down that road that day- he got charged with reckless driving lol. :lol:

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Both of my worst car stories worked out well for me.


1 - my buddy totalled my achieva when he backed into it with his chevy truck. i sold it to a guy who does body work, assuring him all the damage was cosmetic, auto body estimates confirmed this. but the next day the headgasket blew!! :eek:


2 - i traded in my Z34 towards my prix. i accidentally left my liscence at the dealer so i went back the next day to get it. he was all pissed off at me when i arrived "why didnt you tell me the alternator was dead!!" it had died that day after i traded it in! :lol:

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I've got a few:


So I'm driving my old '89 Grand Prix coupe down the road, and all of a sudden, I hear a small "thunk!" and see something fall off of my car in my rearview.... and that exact moment, my steering wheel turns to the left and yet I'm still going straight. Turns out my cradle mount on the driver's side had broken, and my engine was hanging by three cradle bolts. So I did the logical thing: I drove it for another three or four months that way! I even drove it to my first W-Body meet in Michigan (from OH) and all the while I was giving the engine hell. A week after the trip, I was backing up to a gas pump, and I hear THUNK, and my steering wheel now spins freely. I get out and look, and sure enough, engine cradle is literally an inch off the ground.


The story continues with me asking the people at UDF to not call the cops because I have a tow truck coming the next day for it, and then coming back and they had had my car towed to an impound lot. The most money I've ever spent on that car was getting it out of impound, and after that, I had made plans with Chris (White93Z34) encouraging me to fix it, but they fell through and it ended up getting towed away to be crushed... I still miss that car.


So after that, I start looking for cheap cars. Lo and behold, there's a Cavalier for $500 or suitable trade in the ghetto of Cincinnati. I grab a computer, an 8mm video camera I bought at the thrift store and run down there, and we wheel and deal and I end up leaving with a '93 Cavalier basically for free! We get it back to Dayton, and I naturally don't have the cash to get it titled right away. It ends up sitting at my parents' house until a nosy neighbor decided she didn't like the car sitting there and called the police, who towed it away. I still don't know what happened to it, but I didn't want to call because there was a white powder of unknown origin in the glove box, and I really didn't want to be brought up on drug possession charges... these were when I was younger, and stupider.


I could tell you about when I first got my '89 GP and the shift cable broke, and I drove it to the junkyard by getting under the hood and pulling/pushing the shifter assembly with a wrench (with the EBrake on) just to have transportation. I actually drove over my foot once. Or I could tell you how I let the brakes in the rear go to shit because I couldn't get the Torx socket off and ended up grinding one rotor down to nothing and getting stuck with no brakes delivering pizza... and then proceeded to clamp that line off so I could drive it again. That actually worked for awhile, it just stopped like shit in the rain.

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in 2006, from january to april, i had pulled my engine to do work 3 times, and my car sat for a month in that time because i didn't want to drive it for the winter. 1st pull:cam install, engine build and general cleanup. 2nd pull: head gaskets leaked, (MLS head gaskets FTL) I tried resealing the gaskets in the car and it didn't work. days before that I pulled the whole top end apart two times. 3rd Pull: my transmission chewed up its differential and the speed sensor went out. so after rebuilding that trans 3 separate times due to some issues with a new diff, it went back it. i also want to add, that the night that my trans got rebuilt 3 times, me and my 4 other friends installed a cam in-car along with 105lb valve springs, ported manifolds and a pulley change. what a night, or should i say day, because we finished at 7:00 am. we started at 6is the night before.


thats my worst car story, the 2nd worse was helping pulling my friend fathead45's motor and trans 3 times in a weekend and had the trans re-built once, all because 2 wires at the pcm were bare and touching, causing erratic shifting. we thought it was the trans itself.

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worst thing I have is about 6 mo ago, the rear floors (already rusted) fell out of my damn S10 Blazer on the highway, and took all the groceries with them.


I hate to say it but I was laughing for 10 minutes :lol:

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We had a 2000 Toyota Corolla that was bought brand new, and I do believe it was truly cursed.


It had 6 miles on it when we bought it. My mom rear-ended an old Chevy W/T with 32 miles on the Corolla's odo. That got fixed, and then my step-brother's g/f backed into it, denting the fender. That got fixed, and then my step-dad hit a deer with the Corolla. That damage got fixed, and then he hit another deer, with me in the car this time. After that damage was fixed he drove the car for a long time, but finally totalled it when he ran a stop sign and t-boned an old Cadillac. So from 2000 to 2002/2003 the Corolla was cosmetically damaged 5 times.

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worst thing I have is about 6 mo ago, the rear floors (already rusted) fell out of my damn S10 Blazer on the highway, and took all the groceries with them.


I hate to say it but I was laughing for 10 minutes :lol:


No that's fine. Truck is now junked and resides somewhere in northern MN in a pasture.

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