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Power steering pump front seal


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Anyone else have one of these go? sure made my day! :evil: Anyways, turned out to be the front seal, cost me 200 bucks by the time all was said and done. Thing is, I can't seem to figure out why it went... It was hella hot here today, but.... I dunno, it just doesn't make sense. Because it was hot I was watching my temp guage all day and it seemed to stay in the safe zone. Then I started hearing noises from my steering, pulled over, popped the hood and found fluid all over the engine compartment! :? Kay, I'm done venting... thank you. :P

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I've had the seals blow on both my 90 TGP and my 90 LE. They didn't go suddenly though. They gradually got worse and worse until I finally got sick of washing PS fluid off the engine, and changed them. I also had to replace my high pressure PS line on the TGP, as it was leaking BADLY!


And you paid $200 to have them change it!!!!!???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


I paid $15 for a new seal and $60 for the power steering pump pulley puller (say that 5 times fast :lol: ). :D It wasn't hard to change either.. :wink:

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I know I know.... :oops: Next time something like that happens, I'll do it myself. Problem was: I was working at the time and just had to have it done, right then, right there.

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I had one go on my '89 Cutty. It started as a slow leak that eventually progressed. I put some Power Steering Stop Leak and that made the seal blow out completely. One day I lost power steering completely and when I pulled over, the entire engine compartment was soaked and dripping in PS fluid.


I spent $60 on a new one from Pep Boys and had them transplant the pulley for me. It was a huge pain to remove the pump without removing the pulley first, but I didn't know about those new fangled pulley pullers back then. :) Anyway, Pep Boys screwed up the seal on the new one getting that pulley on there so I had to replace it a 2nd time. :(

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