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:frown: This has been pissing me off for the longest time. My scanner picks up a *BAD* Quad Driver 4 on my 95 GP 3100. So I been trying to find out what the hell it all means. Finally I got the official service manuals and there aint jack in it. I also have the transaxle book. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only quad related info I can find is in the trouble codes. Quad 1 and 2/3 that relates to shifting gears. But there is no other info except the trouble code number. There is no info or diagnostics on it. Can anyone here clue me in on what the Quad Drivers actually are or how to find out? I understand that their circuits but I'm lost on it because of no direct information. And the strange thing is the service manual names it the Quad Driver Module. Ok. I never seen or heard of a Quad Driver Module. It's not in the index. It's not even in the books. What the hell is going on here? Is this some long lost secret or some guarded book I have to kill people for?

I believe it is ECM, or PROM related. We have replaced ECMs at work for quad driver codes. That's the best I can come up with for info right now.


I'm not too sure about that. I replaced the ECM already and it still shows up. It doesn't set off anything but the scanner sure tells me its bad. What are the chances of having ECMs that have bad quads? . . . especially when there not readily detected. And further more why are they not detailed into something more than just a trouble code number?


I'm bumping this one up.


I just got word on possibly what the deal is here. This piece of crap only uses three quad drivers and the fourth is not used so it just states *BAD*. And I'll also mention that this is not in the service manual. :rolleyes:


Well the thing is I did replace the PCM. On this half breed however there is no data relating to what each one controls. At first I was under the impression that it was a circuit now however since it's PCM . . . that leads me to believe that these are eproms which make up the Quad Driver Module of the PCM. There is no way for me to diagnose these at this time and I happen to have gotten a raw deal on a used PCM. What are the chances of this occuring in mass quantity to the PCMs of this particular era? That means big bucks at the GM plant, especially when their proprietary. This calls for a new standardization. I'm calling for an Intel take over and Microsoft has already been at it. I cannot wait. This year will end OBD once and for all. You'll see. July 4th will be a day to remember. Mark your calenders.


Quad driver is nothing more than a transistorized solid-state switch. Basically, it's a chip soldered onto the PCM's motherboard.

Bad quad driver = bad PCM. That's all there is to it.



Right see that's what I was thinking that it was a chipped module. And since my vehicle's half breed only utilizes three of them or perhaps just two or whatever the hell, my scanner states it as *BAD* since it is not being used. That's how the scanner was made, but that's what I've been told. The mystery is still there. Is the Quad 4 Driver being used? I might be able to live with the fact that since I replaced the PCM it still shows up and that's the truth. The biggest mystery is what they do. What are they controlling? Can a break in the circuit fry out the chip? Can there be an overload that will damage the PCM if it is replaced again? How do these quad drivers end up bad? The book only offers the trouble code which hints to the tranny. I'm going to need the PCM book if I want to find out these deeply guarded secrets.


I don't think it's supposed to report that it's bad when it's just not being used.

Quad drivers are open-collector output when "off" and are grounded when "on", so the diagnostic probably checks to make sure the output of each quad driver is 0V when commanded "on" and if the output is >0V, that shows up as bad.


A break in the circuit won't fry the chip, but a short in something it controls would. For example, a quad driver that controls a solenoid that normally takes 100mA of current that gets a shorted winding in its coil and ends up consuming 10A of current would overheat and eventually fry the quad driver. I've heard of shorted injectors overheating a quad driver causing an ECM to shut down entirely (stalling the car) and then not being able to restart until after the quad driver has cooled down.



That's awesome but that's just it. So they can fault out on a sensor ground (broken wires and connectors) but again that's all it is? Their opening and closing from sensor feeds but these vehicles are using the same PCMs generally within the same era but the quad drivers can be set to whatever the manufacturer has specified which leaves me with no details except the trouble code. (Keep in mind there are no trouble codes being set off). I can go ahead and get another PCM but the Quad 4 driver will fry out again. Right? All I can do is guess? From a bad ground? How am I going to indentify Quad Driver 4? There is one particular sensor that keeps going out but I cannot back track into it far enough to a quad driver. I cannot remember right now but I think theres a fusible link. I'm going to pinpoint that wire to this leak but I'm not assured that switch to the driver. And if I look at the pin map there are no directions to the QDM.


It won't be a sensor ground. Quad Drivers only control actuators, so it could be caused by a shorted/defective actuator or a bad PCM. Those are the only 2 things I'm aware of that can cause the problem.



  • 3 months later...

I'm brainless right now on the acutators. Where there at and all that? I don't see this being the ECM. It picked this up when I swapped ECMs so that leaves it to the acutators. Now are these transmission?


a scan shows the SAME thing on my 95, "bad" on quad 4 driver.


I have yet to scan my 94, but will when I pass through Cleveland again.... the nearest place I know of to Indy where they can scan it.




bad quad 4 driver came up as something that controls the EGR on a search, BUT that was in a different GM car with different everything, so it Could be different in ours.


yeah. who knows there is no info in the service manual on it. Its a blindfold besides having the OBD 1.5 crossover junk. There's no answers to any of this but I intend to run it into the ground.


yeah. who knows there is no info in the service manual on it. Its a blindfold besides having the OBD 1.5 crossover junk. There's no answers to any of this but I intend to run it into the ground.


just as the owner of this website said... the pcm is shot replace it. why it died is the question ... mine did this last yer along w/ many other things after i did an engine swap. sucks but, whichever ... and holy crap talk about staying idle and not fixing it! :0

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