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hopefully the right section as i guess its a performance thing


is there any OBD1 tuning/ datalogging for a palm?


i see some OBD2 programs but dont see any old school


There will be nothing tuning as far as OBD-I goes. If there's a PalmOS-based OBD-I scanner, I've never seen it.


The only thing for OBDI that Ive seen is the OTC scan tool which allows you to go into every system, look at it and change things. To what extent Im not sure ads Ive never personally used it. Ive just seen my dad use it on my car.


BTW, that scan tool is in the $1K range....




I honestly thing your better off swaping to OBDII. Theres so much more you can do.


well i already got all the moates shit but i just recent got a palm treo cell phone and it would be cool just for data logging if it was possible.. i got a laptop anywayas to complte my system as it is, was just seeing if i could asd something cool to my phone is all

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