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My ABS light comes on in the rain!! :mrgreen:

I just dont understand WHY ONLY IN THE RAIN? :question:



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Just a shot in the dark here....


When its dry nothing is happening, no signal going through the wires so the computer things all is well. But when it gets wet, it shorts out and trips the light?





..what does that connector go to?



I'm going to venture a guess and say that it plugs in to the hub and goes to the wheel speed sensor.


..what does that connector go to?



I'm going to venture a guess and say that it plugs in to the hub and goes to the wheel speed sensor.


WERD, My bad I should have stated that. :redface:


I bet you can buy the plug and pigtail at the auto parts store for not too much.


Be sure to put some di-electric grease in the connector!


My ABS light goes OUT when the pavement is wet. Odd.


Maybe the opposite wire is broke on yours.LOL We got enough snow today to test and the ABS IS NON-functional on the lumina in this state (Light out even)

I work at AZ and Advance autoparts cant get them either, I am getting one from patgizz. Awesome!!


water in itself doesn't conduct electricity. SALT water (of almost any concentration) does.

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