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Shaved door handles and poppers


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Hello all. I haven't been here in a long while. Been busy. Anyhow I'm looking at shaving my door handles because I'm tired of them breaking. I've done the drivers side (kinda). I got the handle smooth for now. Thou when I do it right I'm going to paint the trim piece as well cause I can't get paint to match for shit. Also right now to open the door you have to reach in and push down on the threaded rod I've got in there. It works. Pretty well actually. But it's not right. I want poppers but I didn't have the time to look for good ones before I left for Iraq. Which is where I'm at right now. Just kinda looking to see what others might have done. Mainly I just need poppers. Good ones. What have others used? Any suggestions on where to start looking? Figured here was a good place to start. Thank you all for your help.




William Grimmer

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i have not yet shaved mine, but i have all the parts, i am using actuators for the trunk popper. My cousin has been doing that for years and never has one of his customers complain and no big holes need to be drilled. Painting the trim piece looks like crap, just to let ya know

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You have pics of the stuff your using? Also are you setting it up to use a remote or just a push button on the car? It's been a while since I replied just busy here. Thanks for your help.



William Grimmer

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when you go to the shop (best buy, circuit city) get lock actuators and they will actually pop open your door. Thats what i have, no pics of the parts as they are in the back seat a hour and a half away. Yes i am going to have them hooked up to a channel on my alarm key fob. People then go to tell me what if your battery dies? What i am going to do is extend another set of "posts"

from my battery to the bottom of the car where i could get at them with jumper cables or a jump pack if needed. I really don't like the idea of having a button "hidden" somewhere on the car that anyone could find and press. JMO Hope that helps

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what kind of car are you looking to do this on? The coupe doors already basically have the shaved look with the b-pillar mounted handles anyway....I would like to shave the handles on my car if I could do it a a relatively cheap amount

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what kind of car are you looking to do this on? The coupe doors already basically have the shaved look with the b-pillar mounted handles anyway....


i was thinking/wondering the same thing...seems pointless to shave the handles on a 1st gen coupe...

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To be honest it's not the look I'm after. It's the fact that I won't have to spend $45 to $75 on door handles that are becoming harder to find. I am tired of replacing these things every couple years or in my more recent case like every 6 months. So the best fix is to make them shaved. Fixes the stretching issues and the breaking issues. Now if someone would remake these in something other than the shitty pot metal they used then it wouldn't be an issue. But I'm sure those would cost more.

Thats my reasoning, that and it looks better and it's cool. hehehe. Thank you guys for your help.



William Grimmer

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I have owned multiple w-bodies for over a decade with those handles and have gone through many many a winters up here in michigan and I have NEVER broken a handle. You are probably one of the people that puts all of their weight on the handle when they pull on it

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I have done everything I could to be gentle to it. I had gotten a couple years out of one but it stretched a lot before that happened. Plus the spring cuts into the metal which weakens it as well. I have started it just need good poppers and to get my alarm hooked up to them or at least the drivers side. Not sure how to do that thou.


Thank you.

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heres a thought, why not just not shave the handles but get poppers anyways? :dunno: i guess I feel like shaving them does nothing for the looks anyways. I don't know, thought it might be an idea. I've never had any handles break (knock on wood) and I've owned the car for over three years

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Ok the shaved look is easy with these doors and most people won't even notice it. Hell most people don't even know where the door handle is on these cars. But whatever your tastes that is for you. As for the handles breaking, they do, some take longer than others. Go to a junk yard and look around you'll see almost every car that has this handle style is broken on the drivers side. The ones that aren't broken are gone. Mainly I was just looking for ideas for door poppers since it's something I haven't dealt with before. Thank you for the input from all of you.




William Grimmer

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The Lambo doors I found a bunch of kits on-line. Most are pretty generic. Nothing that was just bolt right in. But most only required a little drilling. Thou I wouldn't trust it with the weight of these doors I'd want to weld the hinges in and get some strong gas shocks for them. Me and one of my buddies did do Gull Wing doors on a Tracker using piano hinges and shocks from a hatchback Colt. Yeah it was Ghetto but for the price it was good. Plus it's a tracker who really cares. Anyhow if you look around you can find them pretty easy just make sure it'll work before you buy it. One thing I did run across is some guy trying to sell Plans on how to do it. I don't know about you but I think thats kinda fucked up. Well happy hunting.



William Grimmer

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