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Got a system, help running wires.

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1996 Grand Prix, 3100 Sedan bench front and rear seats.


OK so I picked up some fosgate P1 10" subs with a fosgate amp... 250 RMS watts, good for $150 on a "misprint" sale. Also got a nice ported box. Tuned the ports and everything, now I'm having troubles.


I can't seem to find a place to run power through my firewall! I read that there is this place to the right of the brake booster, however my area doesn't look anything like what it shows in the picture (can be found in some threads around here). I can't figure out wtf to do, I really don't want to try to drill a hole in there. I was trying to figure out where Awebb ran his power cable for his remote battery install, his wire goes down in the middle of the engine bay and I dunno where it goes from there.


Once I get into the cab, how do I get into the trunk? I can't manage to see any place, so I was going to remove my rear bench seat to take a look and I can't even figure that out. Some sort of bolts somewhere?


Is there a special place to run it through after the seat is out, or am I going to have to rig up a hole or something?




Here we go...


However I'm told that if my shifter is on the column (which it is), then the shift cable goes through there. But he says I still may be able to get the wire through there.


What should I do?


i say if thats what you can get at go for it... BTW that grommet is way easier to get at on your era of montes, that thing is about 6 inches lower on my monte had to use it when i installed my foglights... lots more shit in the way


That's the thing I can't quite get there. My shifter is on the column so I have a shift cable coming through there... I also have more electrical wires in the way.


i had to go ghetto to get it through there granted i was trying to pull a 14ga wire through there, would assume your trying to get quite a larger wire. i cut and straightened a coat hanger and just forced it through the grommet, taped the hell out of the wire to the other end of the hanger and just pulled... came through no problem... worked easier for me to pull the wire into the engine bay. FWIW i taped about 3 inches of my wire onto the hanger. might be worth a shot


i had to go ghetto to get it through there granted i was trying to pull a 14ga wire through there, would assume your trying to get quite a larger wire. i cut and straightened a coat hanger and just forced it through the grommet, taped the hell out of the wire to the other end of the hanger and just pulled... came through no problem... worked easier for me to pull the wire into the engine bay. FWIW i taped about 3 inches of my wire onto the hanger. might be worth a shot


Thats pretty much how i ran wires through mine, except instead of using a coat hanger, I unscrewed my antenna mast and used that instead :lol:


That's the thing I can't quite get there. My shifter is on the column so I have a shift cable coming through there... I also have more electrical wires in the way.


im not sure how different mine is, but ihave the column shifter, and i fit my wire thru there. And, as far as going thru into the trunk. I took off my seatbelt cover on the drivers side, and shoved the wires thru there. I had no problems and they went right up into the trunk. I think if you remove your rear seat, you'll have to go thru the sound deadener thats between the seat and metal back


Got it in.


I tried and tried and tried to find a better hole to go through. Coulden't find CRAP! Ripped apart under my dash on the pass side to bare metal and there wasn't shit. All of the wires went through yes, but they used a solid type connector that is bolted to the firewall and the connector is plugged in each side.


I ripped apart under the drivers side and found a cable going through right above the dead petal, what it's for I have no idea could be hood release to shift cable. Ripped out the gromett and an 8ga wire bairly fit through. With some tape it worked good.


Back seat was easy after I found those bolts in the front. Took it off and found 2 holes in the rear seat and poked the stuff through.


This ported box THUMPS!


Now... how in the hell do I make my trunk stop vibrating?!? I feel like white trash the way my trunk buzzes on the outside. Sounds great inside though.

Now... how in the hell do I make my trunk stop vibrating?!? I feel like white trash the way my trunk buzzes on the outside. Sounds great inside though.


Itll never stop! :lol: Ive got 3 layers of Dynamat Xtreme on my trunk lid, and one layer throughout the whole trunk. When I turn it up, it still vibrates!


fact of life with thump in the trunk... its gonna vibrate, spend a fortune on dynamat and shes still gonna rattle on some frequencies... just make sure you license plate is secure and not rattling (thats the most annoying rattle, i found on my buick)


It actually took me a long time to get rid of all the rattles in my car. But once I did, man did it sound good!


My Lumina doesn't rattle much at all with the sub going hard...granted I rarely pound it hard anymore...sorta out of that stage.


A tip for easier time when pulling wires through rubber grommets, etc...spray them with silicone based lube and it'll slide through EASY


mine rattles like a sob. my rear deck rattles the most. It annoys the shit outta me. Suprisingly it doesn't vibrate the trunklid THAT much. the taillights vibrate more than the trunklid does


The only time mine really does rattle anything is when Im really pushing the subs.


I think I may have you all beat when it comes to rattles....lol


I vibrated my rear bumper off! And it sheard off the plastic hold downs on the under side of the bumper cover. I cracked apart the moulding around my rear windshield, so now my windshield squeaks as well. And yes I have 2 1/2 layers of qualitly sound deadener throughout my trunk. Its at the point where just dont care anymore....if it rattles I just turn it up until I cant hear it anymore. God help anyone within 3 cars of me!


is ur system rlly that loud



Well....loud is subjective. Lets say hazardous to those who value their hearing. And even more so this summer when I get my extra couple of Kilowatts installed. :mrgreen:

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