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What is wrong here?

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I recently changed my LIM gaskets. In doing so i broke the coolent temp sencer(now fixed). I also changed my battery (sp) about 2 weeks ago. I know that it has to relearn the idle. But when the motor is warm it acts as though it forgot the idle. When coming to a stop sign i slow and i here a clunk(i feel it to). After it clunks the motor revs itself to stay running. It does the same thing at a stop sign sitting at idle. Plus it stalls out when i let of the gas to stay at speed. It also revs itselfson start up when it is warm (like how OAD 1 affects the car). Any ideas on what the problem could be.


Did you actually do the idle re-learn? If not its in the FAQ section, but just pull the ECM fuse for a couple minutes, and do what it says in the FAQ.


I'd doublt check all your vacuum lines, bad vacuum can cause some really weird concerns, and they tend to be brittle as hell.


anyone know if an idle relearn has to be done on a 94 cutty. i have changed the batter twice and disconnected it for work many times and it always stays the same.. when i followed the post for the idle relearn nothing changed :biggrin:


Would like to add a few thing the EGR vaccum line isnt the best it might leak. Plus i noticed that the clonk was the motor surgeing as i slow down to keep it self running. Plus the shift into reverse from park/nuetral/from reverse into park/nuetrol it very rough. It did run low on trny fluid for a few days. (no $ to buy some). My guess for that is a bad low end motor mount. There is a prosses for the idle relearn?? The last time i disconnected the battery it relearned itself so i thought it was a self tought experience.


Alright update vaccum line for egr fixed. Still has prob. It turned out that the head temp sencerwas unpluged but that didnt change a thing. Preformed idle relearn still has prob. Not a new prob came up it is havin power surges.(motor wise and elecrical)Coming home from work yesterday(20-23mi)when i started the car i turned on the heater, and the car died like the battery was disconnected. After a few sec the lights came back on i restarted the motor. A few min later i noticed that when i taped the brake the power sured thoughout the entire car. All lights dimmed for a sec then whent right back to normal. During one of the pumps for brake it died again(dead battery like)once again after a few sec it worked again. What the hell is going on? I em going to try to have the computer scaned today/tomarrow if i cant find anything out here/people i know.



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