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Well no one spreads more salt on the road than NovaScotia... so much in fact that if we try to sell our cars out west, regardless of condition buyers tend to lower their value, some dealers wont even take them.


that's because they're all rusted to hell on the underbody no matter what...I've seen some vehicles 3 years old that dealerships buy and bring them here - nothing but rust on the underside of the car

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Salt is the #1 reason I want to move out of Michigan.


Seriously, how can this be good for the environment? Our whole shop everything including the hoists are covered in salt. The roads are white. I wish they used sand.

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your rust belt line is missed... welll... alot of states...


That pic is from Wikipedia. The "rust belt" doesn't mean salt usage its more of states that have alot of manufacturing. IE-The midwest.

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guess what?? I PUT MY RIMS BACK ON TODAY! fuck winter.. i'm done with this shit.. at least I have polished aluminum and don't have to worry bout salt corrosion.. I don't know why I took em off, I just started realizing that i wasn't gettin as many girls as i was with em on.. so anyways.. i'll be choppin for christmas..

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I simply don't get it why they use salt. Have there been any throughout economical calculation of the total cost using it?


I mean it:

* Makes cars brakes fail (rust related break down of brakes) with accidents as results

* Devalues cars and other things such as e.g. shoes

* Contaminates the nature around where it's used -- it flows into the ecosystem where it's normaly isn't present

* and so fort and so on....


And all of this to prevent accidents. I think it's short sighted goverment view not to see the total cost of the salt use vs the cost of the accidents it prevents.... E.g. Japan doesn't use road salt and they still manage the winter traffic.


Do you know that about 51% of world output of salt is now used by cold countries to de-ice roads in winter (from wiki)!!!




Yes I hate salt...


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damn...that alot of salt!...the funny part is...as much salt as there is, the wheels still look 100x cleaner than johns do!...:lol:


aww kiss my ass



my gtp was covered in salt too, but somehow it was cleaner this morning, i dont get it. good thing too, had an appraiser look at the car for the damage in the door.



I need to get the TGP up to my house, but theres salt on the roads :(

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my dad was at some open house for a new Chrysler dealership(he works with car dealerships around the suburbs at the bank he's at) and there were members of a Chrysler club in the showroom...he was tlakin to the owner of a purple 70 Hemi Cuda.....



The Cuda was DRIVEN to the dealer. "what its only 20 miles" WITH SHITLOADS OF SALT ON THE GROUND!! A six figure car being driven in that. Made me shake my head.

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Man, I love Georgia sometimes. Even when it DOES ice up, sand gets thrown down, not salt.


I'd imagine it helps having a coast nearby.


MICHIGAN IS SURRONDED BY COAST ON 3 SIDES!!!! But Detroit is on top of a salt mine. I don't think having a coast means shit.

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Id rather have the sand than the salt! Sand doesnt rust cars! Salt does! :lol:


I hate sand/gravel....smashes the shit out of everything...one of these days i'll take some pictures of my sister's Taurus which was driven on the freeway everyday for 5 years straight....I'll take pictures of the PITTED windshield, some of the chunk of glass missing are so large water streaks when you clean the window because it gets caught in the chips...and I'll take pictures of the paint - err - lack of paint on the front end of the car.. lol...


But yeah, no rust on that car..just fucked up from all the sand/gravel we use here.

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I had way more than that on my car about a week ago before i washed it. I usually only wash the salt of when it gets above freezing. Ive heard that the salt wont rust the car if its below freezing out. I hate NYs love affair with salt, why cant they use sand like PA does?

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I had way more than that on my car about a week ago before i washed it. I usually only wash the salt of when it gets above freezing. Ive heard that the salt wont rust the car if its below freezing out. I hate NYs love affair with salt, why cant they use sand like PA does?


PA dumps just as much salt as NY does, how i wish we used sand :frown:

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