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GOD I hate people!!!


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So it snowed pretty good here very early Friday morning. I was worried about the 30 minute (normally) drive to work, but found most of the roads were cleared since I didn't have to leave till 11:30 AM. The parking lot at work wasn't thoroughly plowed, yet. None of the lines were visible, so people were parked all sorts of incorrect ways. Oh well. No big deal. I park in my normal row, about half way back. I go to the car for lunch/dinner break at 4, and I find this (these were taken at home, not at work):







I could see the tire marks in the snow where the impact occurred right in front of where I was parked. Needless to say, I was freaking fuming. No notes, no nothing. Probably didn't have insurance. And of course, it had to happen RIGHT when I get rid of comprehensive coverage for the first time in my life. I'm so incredibly pissed right now. I mean, granted it's just going to need a fender, wheel flair and front bumper cover (that's going to be a bitch to find), it's not only creating work needlessly, but work that I can't do till next spring. So now I have to drive around with that side of the car looking trashed. I guess it's for the best that I didn't catch the person doing it, because he'd be dead right now, and I'd be in jail. :gr_mad:

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Man that sucks. Good luck in getting it fixed. Just have to walk around the parking lot one day and find car with red on its fender. Could have been once of those assholes who always have to back in and don't know how to park worth a shit. Look on the bright side, you can fix sheet metal from home easier than in jail if you had messed up the dumbass.

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I would give Mitch RareCarVR a call. I think he has decided to part out both of the red TGP's. Im sure he can give you the hook up...


I thought you were selling one of your TGP's? Decided against it?

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Sucks but...


At least it was'nt the other side where your vacuum ball is and such. Also are the plastic parts broken at all? I only appears to be the fender thats damaged. Looks like you can get the plastic parts cleaned up if they are not stressed and broken.


It's kind of odd the way the damage goes. Can't tell if it's a car or truck. Scrap some of the transfer paint off and into a clear baggy so you don't lose it. This way you can use it to check cars. Take any tread pics?


I know I'd lose my mind.

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Thanks for the support/condolences, guys. Greatly appreciated.


1990lumina - The valance isn't the right one. It's off a non B4U GP, so I'm not too worried about that part.


5speedz34 - The badge on that side was missing when I bought it. I have another set of 2 I bought off eBay for it, though.


Brian - I just talked with Mitch a couple nights ago. He's on his way out here, but that was before this happened, so I'll have to wait on the parts, though finding them around here will be a breeze this spring, too. I'm still selling the TSTE, if not both turbos. I sold one AWD already, and was busy with the move after that, so I haven't had time to get the other cars prepped and sold. The guy who bought the AWD wants my other one, too, if the price is right. But I don't intend on selling that one anywhere near as low as what the first one went for.


MonteCarloChick - It's hard to see in the photos, but there are streaks of white paint all over it. But somehow, I doubt I'll ever find who did it. I'm guessing it's not an employee, because they must know I work there, too (car being there everyday and all). It would be dumb to try a hit and run on a car whose owner works in the same strip mall as you. Sooner or later, I'm sure I'm going to notice red paint all over a white car. :wink:


Sean - Oh, I'm sure finding another fender will be cake. It'll have to wait till next spring, though. I have a fender off the TGP I parted a few years back, but it's not a B4U fender, so no pegs to attach the wheel flare from. It was glued on on the parts car. :eek:


Stevo - The flare is cracked where it folds under. I'll need a new one, but that should be pretty easy to find around here. I think the bumper cover is still salvageable, too. Yeah, I'll definitely scrape some of the paint off. I didn't have a camera at the scene, so I didn't get any pictures. But I filled out a police report. She saw the tire tread.



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I hope you nail their ass. I am just wondering though...


What can you do if you have a high to positive suspicion of who did it? Are there many body shops around? Check around to see if there are any blue cars in their lots or they are working on. Time is of essence here.

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I hope you nail their ass. I am just wondering though...


What can you do if you have a high to positive suspicion of who did it? Are there many body shops around? Check around to see if there are any blue cars in their lots or they are working on. Time is of essence here.


Means nothing. I had my Acura parked in front of my old apartment. A Ford Pick up pulling out of a garage ripped my back bumper off, and gouged my quater panal. If you lined the bumper back up on the car, the gouges on the bumper and quater panal fit his truck perfectly. And my paint (white) was on his bumper. I called the police, and since the Ford dickhead wouldnt admit he hit my car, and there was no evidence otherwise except the gouges, no charges could be filed. If you can get someone to admit to the fault is when you have them....

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Yeah, finding the person who did it is a lost cause at this point. And as Brian said, even if I found him/her, it would do no good. And if they did a hit and run because they didn't want to pay the small increase in their premium, I highly doubt they're going to spring for a body shop.


I'll get over it.......in a few months, or so. The thing that bugs me is that I was planning on selling the TGP this spring, and I should have been able to get enough to come close to breaking even with what I've put into it. And now, this just puts me that much further from breaking even. Live and learn, I guess.

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