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Weird turn signal problem

Karps TA

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Hi guys, Newbie to this board.


I have a 93 Grand Prix Special Edition. 3.1


A couple of weeks ago I got a little smoke coming out of the steering column. It's happend before every once in a great while. But never caused a problem. Having worked at a dealer I recalled this happening, and it was no big deal. However a day later the turn signals stopped working. They would come on but not blink. The flashers work fine. I checked the turn signal switch in the column and found one of the contact to be a little black, obviously that's where the smoke came from. I cleaned the contacts and the turn signals would sporadically work for a day then back to not flashing.


So last nite I got a new turn signal switch and I replaced it. Same result. Lights go on but don't flash. Is there a flasher relay or something in these cars? I didn't think I saw one. Any clues on what else I need to check? Kinda stumped on what my next step should be.



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Its the turn signal switch in the column. All three of my cars did that... smoke from the column, then they stopped working. Replace that and it'll be fine.

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usally they stop blinkin if u need to replace a bulb n u have to manualy keep hittin the switch for light to blink try replacin all ur blinka bulbs to see what u gte for results since u already tried the switch n just cuz the seem to light up dont mean the bulbs r workin

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Replace the flasher under the column.


YEah, it prolly got fried or something to that effect. IT's right next to the pedals, after removing the access cover you'll see it

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Thanks guys!


For some reason I didn't think newer cars still used flashers. I thought by now they'd be integrated into something. I'll look for that.

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Most newer cars use solid-state flashers these days, but W-bodies are still a bit old-tech and use thermal flashers... and 2 separate ones at that (one for t-sig, one for hazards).

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my cruise works off and on, and my turn signal will sometimes only work if you press up and hold it in the right blinking signal postion. I have seen smoke out of my collum before. Should i replace my turn signal collum? I kinda of think all my problems are related. help, Thanks,

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that will probaly fix my turn signal, but how about the cruise. It works oft and on, and when it does it usually has a 5-10 sec delay, so it downshifts to get back to speed. Anybody know what could cause that, i'm lost. Thanks,

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