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Strange fuel pump sound


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The last few days my fuel pump has been making a strange sound at different times. Usually its when I'm coming to a stop, but it goes away as soon as I let off the brake. Also, once in a while it will make the sound after I'm done accelerating and am letting off the gas to maintain a constant speed. The sound is a very noticeable whine. This only happens when the tank is very low (around 1/8 tank); it goes away after I fill up. The fuel pump and filter were replaced two months ago, so they are virtually new. The fuel pump sounds fine when I first turn the key on before I start the engine, and there are no other symptoms other than the whine. Anyone have any ideas?

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Mine makes the same noise, from about 1/4 and below. I cant hear it when the car is running though.


Add some cleaner in the tank. Maybe the inline filter needs to be changed.


Ive done this and it makes no difference.


But I would just try to keep the level above 1/8 tank.....

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I talked to someone who suggested that maybe the mechanic left off a part that helps the pump suck fuel when the amount of the gas in the tank gets low.


The sound is VERY noticeable. It's a loud whine I can easily hear, even over the Flowmaster.


Either I'm gonna take it back to the shop, or just never let the gas get below 1/4 tank (which can be inconvenient at times).

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which vehicle is this on? Its not good to run your tank dry every time you fill up, shortens the life of the pump. Fill it up once a week, or whenever your at half a tank fill it back to full

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There aren't any parts in our tanks that help it suck up fuel when it's low. The pump sits in baffled section of the tank fwiw. Just out of curiosity...What brand pump did they put in your car Tim?

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Sounds like the pump is sucking air just. Shouldn't do that although since there is a little mini tank around the pump collecting fuel as your car turns and leans when the gas is very low. It might be so that the tech guy managed to get the pump outside the small mini tank.


The whole thing reminds me of the old days when I was constanly low on cash - had a old VW and they don't have the mini tank. Usually when I heard the wine when I took a corner I know I had a half mile left in the tank or so :-).


Cheers Gimper

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