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Curse The Weather


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I have had nothing but problems with the first major freeze here. Temps dipped below 0°F. My doors froze, my windows froze, my hood wouldn't pop so I could get the oil pan heater cord out. My Power steering has started to whine again. I assume its the power steering lines because the reservoir was half empty. Added a bottle and it hasn't gone down much in 50km of city driving. I am unable to locate a MAP sensor vacuum line. I don't have a correct part # for it. My ABS light is on and the roads are like skating rinks in the mornings. I replaced the wheel speed sensor A.K.A. the big ball of rust. and it still isn't working. Anyone have any ideas?


I managed to break the door free from the ice. key word break. The door lock will no longer operate. The door froze in the unlock position and I think I broke something when I had to rip the door open. I pulled the latch just to disengage it, meanwhile pulling on the top and the side prying it loose. I must not have had the latch pulled hard enough. When I try pushing the lock down from inside it doesn't budge.


As for the hood, I ran the car for about 25 mins and it heated the latch enough to release. Luckily I can plug my car in.


I am hooped. Luckily I have a gated property at work that I can keep my car safe in while I'm working. I just need to thaw the car out and see what really broke.

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the linkage in my door from the lock mechanism slipped the other day after I washed the car....was working all day after..then boom, slipped and door was totally stuck shut...so I tore the panel off as much as I could and got the door open and readjusted everything....fucking GM lol...

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