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started installing JLs/new HU

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sorry, havent mastered photography :lol: the dash insert is too short and it sticks out. good thing I have a universal that will make it fit.


took out the rear panels and did some sound deadening




cut out the sheet metal and glassed some molds for the pods







You puttin' subs back there?



A little advice on taking close-up pics: Your camera should have either a button or a position on the selector wheel that has a flower symbol next to it. The flower is the universal symbol for "close-up mode." Put your camera in that mode when your subject is less than 3 feet away...




I saw that flower thing. still havent messed with it yet. my camera is definately smarter than me. :redface: I got it used though with no owners manual. anyway, the pods are out and rings mounted. Just got to finish up the top side over the foil and then can build the panel to the grill.


I got JL 6.5" subs and three way crossovers.




does that JVC play dvds?

yes. a lot of other formats too. will have to check what all are.


the first water check done was semi-accurate and came up with ~2.9 on one side and 3.1 on the other. gallons of water. that was last night. today it is sealed and glued up for leaks and will run another test.


had to drill new mount holes for the stereo/heater control bezel to bring it 1/4" out from the dash. adjust the button pad to bring it out flush. then still had to use a long ass universal dash kit and it finally clicked down. :confused: this JVC is the longest HU I ever seen. and my last one (panasonic 7" widescreen) was pretty deep too.






Just be glad you don't own one of those cheap Dual brand decks. Add another 1/4"- 1/2" in length.


somebody likes rage against the machine





Nice HU! :thumbsup:


I personally wouldn't have cut away so much of the inner structure though. Now the only bracing you have for a T-bone collision is sheetmetal that's barely over 1mm thick. GM says drilling 1/2" holes into the inner structure for PDR purposes is unacceptable, I wonder what their engineers would think of a foot long hole!



all the strength comes from the lower section of the panel there where the sheetmetal is 4 times as thick. I cut through a section of steel that was already super thin. I would still be able to rely on the strength of the door pillar and the unibody. if you were sittin in the back seat, the pods might come into the car and break your legs instead of bending like steel. true.

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