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Signal lights sorta work, sorta don't...

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this started recently, and honestly if one more thing breaks on this car this year i'm gonna flip out...


When turning right, the turn signal stalk thing can't cancel like it should anymore..it cancels "half way"..so when you go to turn the lights stop blinking...but then start blinking again once you straighten out, and then it cancels.


When turning left, the lights refuse to blink...but jiggling the stalk arounda bit and the lights will star tto blink.


So is my rpoblem in the multi lever turn singal stalk thing.....or the flasher under the dash...or both?? Like I say I'm really fed up with all this crap breaking for no reason...it better not be the turn stalk...and if it is I hope the junk yard doesn't charge much for one, and I hope it's easy to remove becasue the right side of my car is gonna have another dent in it pretty soon beside the other one I put in it from last year!


Thanks for the help


Remove your steering wheel, the cancelling cam, and the upper column cover. Pull out the multifunction stalk and unbolt the top half of the signal switch (be careful not to lose the little "ball.") Bend down the electrical contacts on the part you removed (bend 'em down quite a bit,) grease up the contacts on the bottom half of the switch with dielectric grease and reassemble.


Cost = $0 (unless you don't have a steering wheel puller or know someone who does.)


Sounds like what Im going through right now. The left blinker won't work unless you lift the lever a bit. It only happens with the lights on.


do your flashers work? i've been living with the not so fully functioning turn signals for a while now, and thoguht it was the stalk itself...however today i realized that my flashers dont flash(well the right one does) so im thinkin it might be a lesser problem then i thought


very common problem with the luminas... my gfs dads lumi is like that. you have to take off the steering wheel and replace the flasher switch and the connector for it, they are both worn out by now. somebody did a writeup about this .. try searching for it


yeah, the whole taking off the steering wheel just seems to be a huge bitch. lol it doesn't bother me as much as it does my dad... lol im just waiting for him to take the car in to have it replaced, and pay for it himself!


Well it could be the TSSwitch, I've replaced 2 already (1 on each car). Get the wheel puller from Can Tire.


Read Discostudd's writeup on how to tear the shit apart, it will be similar (less steps for you).


Read Discostudd's writeup on how to tear the shit apart, it will be similar (less steps for you).

Or he could just read my 1st post :lol: I finally got to repair a TSS on a 88-93 column (my Rent's 92 Cutty Convert) :) . It's definitely easier to replace the TSS on the older column (you don't even need to replace the switch if you can get it to work by bending the contacts down.)

do your flashers work? i've been living with the not so fully functioning turn signals for a while now, and thoguht it was the stalk itself...however today i realized that my flashers dont flash(well the right one does) so im thinkin it might be a lesser problem then i thought


They do work after I play around wit the turn signal stalk..if I don't they turn on and remain on constant (no flashing)...I would replace the flasher..but it seems the issue is in the TSS...and since I have tomororw I might look into it if I have time....it seems to be working fine again as of yesterday so I dunno wtf is going on...it'd also warmer right now outside...maybe it has something to do with the cold lol...


Definately look into the TSS though...thanks to everyone who replied..if I ever get around to fixing it I'll post back


come down and I will help ya fix it :lol:



it's tempting, but 2 hours each way is a little far to fix a turn signal switch lol..thanks for the offer though


You know, I was just in Regina a couple days ago, and I completely forgot to look you up... I went with my brother right after work, he bought a truck, and my damn EGR problem was killing my car, so I didn't really drive around town, it's fine on the highway...


Jeff, if you need a hand, let me know, I usually get 2 days off a week, and I got some tools in the garage, including the steering wheel puller... :cheers:


well it was the TSS that was at fault....took it all apart today and replaced it with a brand new switch from GM..got my buddy to buy it for me who works there so it wasn't too bad price.


I could have killed whoever installed my command start thoguh..god damnit did they hack up the harness from that switch...so I rewired most of it correctly again.


Anyway, as it turns out one of the little contacts in the old TSS was cracked and it fell out of the switch when I took the wheel off lol...


anyway all in all if I didn't have to rewire all the command start shit the job wasn't very hard at all...pulling the wheel was easy and everything so yeah


Thanks for all the help and advice and offers for help :) this forum is awesome as usual


it's really easy to do actually....if I didn't have to rewire the mess the installer of my c.start did it would have taken like 30mins tops....i'm slow at wiring automotive stuff...plus -20*c the soldering gun took a while to heat up lol

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