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MA Audio?

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I've always seen MA as a decent audio company, but never seen anything of there's perform. I'm looking for a new amp and I found this one at sonicelectronix for $100. It says it pushes 800w at 2 ohms RMS. I kind of doubt that but what do you guys know about these amps? Link below.




Well when I think shitty car audio I'm thinking of Sony and stuff in that range, and for some reason I've thought of MA better than that lol


I would buy Sony before that.


Dude, just shove out the money and get a good amp and be done with it!


lol Okay okay, I just wanted to know what you guys thought. I'm going with a Hifonics amp, and I don't care what you say about Hifonics, I think they are great from what I've seen in my friends car.


I would steer clear of MA audio......I've been there....and didnt like it AT ALL!


Hifonics definetally has some good products for the price.


What do you guys think of Massive???

Very nice products but they can be pricey.


reason i asked is the insurance claims guy asked me if i wanted some of their stuff to replace my old




reason i asked is the insurance claims guy asked me if i wanted some of their stuff to replace my old




Never heard of them but I would steer clear of that... I mean is it stuff the insurance company has or that the claim guy is trying to give to you?


reason i asked is the insurance claims guy asked me if i wanted some of their stuff to replace my old




Never heard of them but I would steer clear of that... I mean is it stuff the insurance company has or that the claim guy is trying to give to you?


I guarantee I could list 50 companies you've never heard of before that are much much better than anything you know.


Anyways, Massive Audio is pretty good stuff.



I bet you could to. I wasn't telling him to steer clear because I hadn't heard of them, just because it seems kind of weird to me that the insurance company would try and give him new stuff instead of just reimbercing (spelling...) him for what he lost.


I put a set of MA Audio component speakers in my truck. They're very unusual speakers - very thick cone material, huge magnets, really heavy, gold binding posts, and all chrome plated. They sound pretty good to me and seem to be much better quality than regular consumer brands.

At the time, one of our regular members that went by "musthavemuzk" (I think his real name was Monty) said MA Audio wasn't too bad, and he was really hard-core into car audio. Too bad he's not around anymore. He used to even donate regularly and like many regulars, one day he just disappeared, never to be seen again.


I don't know if their amps are that great, or if they've gone downhill lately, but I don't think it'd be as bad as Pyramid or Legacy!



Sony better then ma audio? Ya fucking right lol. I love my Ma Audio amp. Been working great for 5+ years.




I dont think MA Audio is that bad. Granted their not top quality but i put some of their speakers in my sisters car years ago and she never did blow those ones up, which is amazing.


Wow I cannot belive you guys think MA audio is bad, all the MA systems I have heard pounded.

  • 1 month later...

I have 2 12 Sony Xplods P5's (like the new black ones but red) i got those last year for Xmas present along with the sony 1200x2 amp personally me myself and all my other friends think they pound for being sony and ill give sony credit on somethings but when it comes to sony amps i think there just garbage..I hooked up a kenwood 920x2(KAC-7202) amp up and it pushed them Xplods real nice..But from what ive heard of MA Audio there pretty decent id rather go with MA then legacy or Pryamid thats for sure..MA cant be that bad :confused:


Slick and a couple others are prolly the only ones going to remember this BUT. MA audio stands for MOBILE AUTHORITY!! They used to sell them at the traveling sales like super sales with tools and shirts LOL!!!


Mobile Authority WAS GARBAGE, Since they have been MA they have been making much better products. I wouldnt put them up with JBL, MTX, RF, PPI, or those but they do make an OK product for the money.


I remember Mobile Authority. Many years ago, I repaired a broken Mobile Authority amp owned by my brother-in-law. It was a big piece of crap, like Legacy, Pyramid, and Profile. Wow, I never made the connection to MA Audio.



Wait...I thout MA was Memphis Audio :thinking:


Totally different companies. Memphis Audio=good. MA Audio=junk.

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