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liquid volume of 1 cubic ft???

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what is it like a gallon somethin somethin?


I got a project going on making sealed fiberglass boxes for the JL 6.5s. they are going in the walls by the back seats and using water displacement to get the pods around 1 cubic foot.




Crap, I was just thinking this the other day. But, I know people use packaging peanuts to fill an enclosure, then put them in gallons to see the volume they have.


Lemme find the conversion real quick.


1 cu foot water = 7.48052 gallons


That should help you out some. A cubic foot is a cubic foot, whether you use packaging peanuts or water.


To Convert 1 Gallon US Into Cubic Feet Multiply By 0.13368



7.480519 Gallons

28.31685 Liters

59.84416 Pints

957.5065 Ounces

29.92208 Quarts

119.6883 Cups

28316.85 CCs

28316.85 Cubic Centimeter/milliliter

1728 Cubic Inches

0.02831685 Cubic Meter

0.03703704 Cubic Yard

1915.013 Tables spoons

5745.039 Tea Spoons


OK... I'll stop...

Google a program called convert... The files size will be in the 500kb range and it will convert basically anything to anything, volume, distance, speed, acceleration, area, time, you name it...





damn, how am I supposed to build a pod that big? thats like a 5 gallon bucket and 2 more gallons?


aint gonna fit.


what do I do? build it as big as I can and put some polyfil in it?


doesnt seem it would have to be that big for a 6.5


but then again- the 4" mids needed 2.3 liters.


Well... just imagine a bix box retailers sub-box, and those range from .65-1.25 ft3, so yeah, it's not exactly a small space.


IMO, I'd make a box out of carboard that is 1 ft3, and fill it with packaging peanuts. Be sure to weigh the box before and after the peanuts to figure out how much the peanuts weigh. Then, make your enclosure to your desired size, and pour the packaging peanuts in(don't stuff, because i'm sure your not gonna stuff them into the 1ft3 box). Then, with what is left of the packaging peanuts, weigh that, then figure out the difference of what you have left. That should give you a good approximation on the cu ft of your enclosure. Use polyfil to do the rest.


thats what im sayin, does a 5 gallon bucket plus 2.4 more gallons of peanuts fit in a 12x12x12 box? I gotta try that and find out if thats bs or not. Im gonna myth bust this one. :lol:


thats what im sayin, does a 5 gallon bucket plus 2.4 more gallons of peanuts fit in a 12x12x12 box? I gotta try that and find out if thats bs or not. Im gonna myth bust this one. :lol:


I think someone on an audio forum told me like 3 gallons of peanuts fit into 1 cu ft. If I were you, I'd just go to the store and buy some packaging peanuts, and fill a 1 cu ft box, and go from there. The easiest way to do it.


I just estimated the airspace of the pod Im trying to build at maybe 2 gallons at best.


well they will be huge fiberglass pods with polyfil in them. bet they sound good



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