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setting up Air/Fuel Meter

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hey i recently bought an Air/Fuel meter from Autzone from the 2Fast 2Furious section (yeah i know ricer!!)...it looks real real nice!


well honestly i havent bought it but im gonna..i wanted 2 know to were would you hook it up 2??


The "reading" wire (purple if I remember) taps into the Oxygen sensor.

The red wire is you hot wire for the light in the gauge.

The black wire is ground to complete circuit.

The worst is feeding it through the firewall, best of luck!


- RedFox340


when I installed my tach, I ran the wire tach wire through the drivers door hinge. It cant be seen at all, I hid it under the plastic molding, then ran it to the tach, much easier than going through the firewall




"feedint it thru the firewall"


tell me about it!! :shock:


i had an amp at one point when i had just got the car and yeah it was a MAJOR pain in the ass to run the wires thru that stupid little hole! I lost a strut tower plate nut down there 2 (no pun intended) so my strut tower plate is held by 2 bolts instead of 3

  • 3 weeks later...
were in god's name is the blasted O2 sensor?? :evil:


Should be on the BACK exhaust manifold. Have fun taking the top half of the motor off to get to it




is there any other way to get to it other than rip apart the whole top like thru the bottom or something?

is there any other way to get to it other than rip apart the whole top like thru the bottom or something?


Honestly, I dont think so. Theres even less room behind the LQ1. I have my 3.1L apart now, and theres no way in hell I could have gotten to the O2 without having both manifolds out




Yeah, you should be able to, but good luck figuring out which wire it is. The wire from mine, runs under the back of the motor near the back of the tranny, and then goes somewhere. Good luck though!!




the o2 sensor wire leads into the ECU as part of a harness or is it connected to the fuse box ontop of the ECU?


The O2 sensor signal lead is A-16 & the O2 sensor ground is A-22


On the lead ins on the PCM, the sequence goes ABC & D for the main connectors, and working from top to bottom left to right they're numbered.

1-2-3-4-5 and so on and so forth


aight thanks! now i can setup the A/F meter witout having to take off the intake...by the wya wer do you guys suggest i should mount it...Robby, i was thinking to the left of the A/C vent below the wiper controls by cutting a ronud whole on the dash


hey sunpro! i got the same kind. The 2Fast 2 Furious A/F meter looked cool but cost too much $$

is there any other way to get to it other than rip apart the whole top like thru the bottom or something?

Yeah there is. Take your air box out of the way. now with a flashlight look down just above the steering rack and you will see a plug with one wire coming out of it. You will want to splice the guage in as close as possible to the O2 sensor itself. :)


i would but it says something about that here....


"Connet the green wire to the signal wire between the oxygen snsor connector and the car computer. Do not connect to the wire between the oxygen snsor and the connector, as this wire is often shielded. If the oxygen sensor has 2,3, or 4 wires, consult wiring diagram for your vehicle or conact vehicle manufacturer to identify the signal wire.


i set up the gauge! JS91Z34 thanks for your help, i was able to get to that blasted O2 wire. The wire leads to the top of that thingy by the throttle body, looks like some kind of 3 sided thing. I spliced the green wire to that purple wire and the rst was history. For now, i mounted it on the headlight switch panel, kinda like robby, xcept i put mine on the top of it cuz my friend has an 86 Mustang GT Pillar pod that for some reason fit perfect on my pillar.


The operatino of the A/f guage is somewat complex to understand...when i start the car the A/F gauge reads rich then turns to ideal....then it fluxuates between ideal and lean...when i give it gas it shoots to rich then goes to lean while ime still giving it gas (rev limmiter maybe??). I will finally be getting a digital camera to show you how it all went and myabe some video if someone hostes it for me.


By the way, wat wire is the one for the headlight switch? i left the white wire on the gauge off cuz it said to connect it to the headlight switch but the h/l switch is more harness than actual wires so i was wondering how can i connect it to the headlight switch or if there is another thing i can conncet the wire to that will come activated when i turn on the headlight swtich?


thanks everyone also, i erally love these boards for the support and help....i just reread the post and i sounded all dyck...sorry :(


check a Haynes manual for the wiring diagram. My tach comes on when I turn the head lights on. Its pretty easy, you just need a wiring diagram. I would look for you, but my book is outside across the street with my car




i drove it 2day and same as in stationary, fluxuates between Lean and Ideal...man i cant keep my eyes off it!!


Without spending ~500 on a w/b o2 like LambdaBoy you really aren't going to get alot. The fluctuation from lean to ideal is just as it's supposed to be. The ecm reads the sensor and continues to lean it until it gets to an certain level then it will add fuel to a certain level. Etc... Etc... The only thing narrow a/f meter can read is stoch, once it goes lean, it has no idea how lean, rich is the same way. By god they are fun to look at thought aren't they. I like the pic, looks like a good place for it too. How much did that run if you don't mind me asking.


about $29 at Autozone...i tried something, i moved the IAT sensor to a colder location and it still reads lean and ideal though now it moves to RICH more often than not..it will go RICH then go Ideal then Lean like the computer is automatticaly compensating for the fuel....at idle, the sensor will read ideal when the IAT sensor is placed in the rightplace....when moved to the colder area, the sensor reads IDEAL then tickers to RICH...


very fun to look at!! :D

  • 3 weeks later...

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