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SPark plug wires?????

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Ok got the timing set all I need to know is which wire goes where. So if I'm looking at the coilpack which goes to which cylinder.




What engine? Aren't the coils numbered? (mine has a sticker on the front of the car right behind the headlights that show the order).


Cool. How do I tighten the serpentine belt tensioner? I know about the 1/2 / 13mm bolt but theres still slack in the belt even when I'm pulling up hard as I can.


Did you take the tensioner off? Or do you just want to put to put the belt back on? You shouldn't be turning the nut on the tensioner just take the belt off. You should be using your wratchet with the square hole on the tensioner to get the belt off and on.


Did you take the tensioner off? Or do you just want to put to put the belt back on? You shouldn't be turning the nut on the tensioner just take the belt off. You should be using your wratchet with the square hole on the tensioner to get the belt off and on.


x2! That's exactly how I did it. If you find you need some extra force to get it started, use a breaker bar with the appropriate socket.


I might just replace the tensioner cause the pulley has a big chip out of it. So just tighten down the 13mm bolt and then use a breaker bar for the 18mm on the pulley?


The internals in the tensioner are prone to breaking. It's easy to replace!!!


Ok so then what cylinders are which. Isn't the back passenger one the 1st and the back middle is 2 and back drivers side is 3. The front passenger side is 4 and so on.


Thanks. Now can you start the car with out the serventine? I know it runs the powersteering and altnater and you wouldn't have that stuff but I really need to here her start. Also the coilpacks numbers go as such right. If the car was in the air and you could see them facing the front it would be....


4 3 5

1 6 2




Yes, you can start the car with no serpentine belt, just don't run it for long.


Ok The correct orders are:


2.8L and 3.1L 146325


1994 and later 3100: 523641


Thanks. Now can you start the car with out the serventine? I know it runs the powersteering and altnater and you wouldn't have that stuff but I really need to here her start. Also the coilpacks numbers go as such right. If the car was in the air and you could see them facing the front it would be....


4 3 5

1 6 2




Yes you can start it for a moment, but the water pump will not be pumping, so be quick about it or you will overheat the engine and possibly damage it. The above coil info is correct.



*edit* someone answered your question while my slow ass was typing


I have a 3.4 dohc. numbers still right?


Thru 95 3.4L: 146325 (left to right)

96 3.4L: 523614 (front to back)

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