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Emissions testing is pissing me off!!!

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So, my birthday is coming up in 20 days, and my Z34 is due for it's etest then. I've tested it twice now, both with similar outcomes, a FAIL on the hydrocarbons during the driving portion (ASM 2525) of the test.


Test #1


ASM 2525

Limit Reading Result

HC (ppm): 55 60 FAIL

CO %: 0.31 0.02 PASS

NO (ppm): 408 75 PASS


Curb Idle


HC (ppm): 200 125 PASS

CO %: 1.00 0.80 PASS

NO (ppm): N/A N/A N/A




Test #2 After using Top End Cleaner and Concentrated Fuel Injector Cleaner


ASM 2525

Limit Reading Result

HC (ppm): 55 59 FAIL

CO %: 0.31 0.01 PASS

NO (ppm): 408 139 PASS


Curb Idle


HC (ppm): 200 125 PASS

CO %: 1.00 0.60 PASS

NO (ppm): N/A N/A N/A




I'm at a loss at what to do next, but I have a couple ideas,


Here's a list of my emissions related parts, their manufacturer and their age:


The cat is a Catco model and is 1.5 yrs old.

The plugs are NGK Iridium and are almost 1 yr old.

The wires are Magnecor 8.5mm and are almost 1 yr old.

No vacuum leaks / idles fine.

The valve timing is set to stock specifications.

**The O2 sensor is AC delco and is 2.5 yrs old (70,000Km on it)**

**The chip is a 60degreev6.com chip (EGR enabled)**

**The intake is a WAI with a K&N cone**


I think I'm going to start with putting the stock chip and the stock airbox back in the car, and possibly changing out the O2 sensor seeing as its got some mileage on it (not the most fun to change)


Is there something I'm missing??


Any help is greatly appreciated.


A tip for changing the O2, rock the engine forward with a tow strap, get a couple long extensions and an offset O2 sensor tool, and go to town from the top. If you have to, sit on the engine. I've done it this way before, and it wasn't too bad.


Seems like you're running just a bit too rich, so trying a new O2 might fix that as most O2s when they go bad they make it run rich. But, it couldnt hurt to throw the stock chip in seeing as it's easy to do.

  slick said:

A tip for changing the O2, rock the engine forward with a tow strap, get a couple long extensions and an offset O2 sensor tool, and go to town from the top. If you have to, sit on the engine. I've done it this way before, and it wasn't too bad.


What does this offset 02 sensor tool look like?


I don't know how pulling plugs on a DOHC is, but I know you're supposed to replace them after you run top engine cleaner. I'd at least take them out and clean the electrodes.


I would run the stock chip and airbox, reset the ecm, take it for a 50 mile drive, then try the test again. Oh and be sure you're using 87 octane.


I'm going to put in the stock airbox and chip right now.


Make sure you drive around before you do the test, no matter what. Your engine and exhaust system work best at normal operating temperatures. If you go in cold, you're going to fail, most likely.



The car was at operating temp during both tests. The cooling fan was cycling on and off.


stock airbox and chip has been installed, and the ECM reset. Maybe I'll try testing again tomorrow....


matt you cannot feel bad lol.... heres my test after a stock chip install and a cat aswell....


lol these are some bad #s... good thig i "found" a way to "pass"




  GutlessSupreme said:

I don't know how pulling plugs on a DOHC is, but I know you're supposed to replace them after you run top engine cleaner. I'd at least take them out and clean the electrodes.

There super simple. Much easier than a 3.1 Just need a 12 in extension, a spark plug socket, and a u-joint. 5 minutes and your done.


  C-BAD said:

What kinda gas you running?


Im running 87 right now.



  kuntzie said:

matt you cannot feel bad lol.... heres my test after a stock chip install and a cat aswell....


lol these are some bad #s... good thig i "found" a way to "pass"


Holy shit! Those are some BAD numbers. Now, since you've brought it up.....what is your way to "pass"?


a car went onto the machine ad passed, yes it was my car ;). i cant get them currently anymore actually.... but ill have a supplier in a bout a month or so..... i need one by oct 6th though as i got pulled over by f***ing those god damn minisry inspectors, i got oe week to get an etest, and i wont even come close right now lol. so i was gunna say ... hey matt can i borrow you and your car sometime this week/ tomorrow... i need one for the TGP and im sure urs can pass/


Yes call me when you know when you want to do it. Where are you going to take it? Can they possibly make my Z34 "pass" :lol:


Here's a dumb question, but have you changed the oil lately? When we had emissions testing here, that was one of the things they'd tell you to do if you failed the sniffer (well I never had a car that failed, but I knew a few people who did with otherwise perfectly tuned vehicles, who then changed the oil and later passed.)


Sounds stupid, I know, but I'd imagine that crusty old oil would have a ton of unburned hydrocarbons lying around :shrug: ...


If you can't get it to pass legally, something is wrong, considering my TGP had readings of about 5 at idle and about 2 at 2500, you still have something wrong, check plugs and wires...


Oh yeah, and if the problem definitely cant be fixed, grab some "grape juice" that stuff will fix all emissions problems..... :twisted:


Go to your local auto parts store, and go into the tools section. Right beside the O2 socket tool, there should be and offset o2 socket tool.


Go get some denatured alcohol and pour some in the tank before your test. I forget the exact ratio, but just do a search for it on google and something should come up. Its an old trick.


Of course the easy thing to do is make friends with a mechanic-when you own a 81 Camaro like me with no cats, smog pump, or egr, and a 1,200rpm idle that burns your eyes-you kind of half to!



  DiscoStudd said:

Here's a dumb question, but have you changed the oil lately? When we had emissions testing here, that was one of the things they'd tell you to do if you failed the sniffer (well I never had a car that failed, but I knew a few people who did with otherwise perfectly tuned vehicles, who then changed the oil and later passed.)


Sounds stupid, I know, but I'd imagine that crusty old oil would have a ton of unburned hydrocarbons lying around :shrug: ...


My oil is 5w30 synthetic and has less than 500 kms on it with a new ACD filter

  z284pwr said:

If you can't get it to pass legally, something is wrong, considering my TGP had readings of about 5 at idle and about 2 at 2500, you still have something wrong, check plugs and wires...


Oh yeah, and if the problem definitely cant be fixed, grab some "grape juice" that stuff will fix all emissions problems..... :twisted:


The difference is my Z34 does NOT have a brand new motor. I may have to try some "pass all emission" type of product


  slick said:

Go to your local auto parts store, and go into the tools section. Right beside the O2 socket tool, there should be and offset o2 socket tool.


Ok I'll take a look for one the next time I'm at Canadian Tire


  AllGoNoShow said:

Go get some denatured alcohol and pour some in the tank before your test. I forget the exact ratio, but just do a search for it on google and something should come up. Its an old trick.


Of course the easy thing to do is make friends with a mechanic-when you own a 81 Camaro like me with no cats, smog pump, or egr, and a 1,200rpm idle that burns your eyes-you kind of half to!




Interesting....sounds like it could work...


In cleveland the trick that I've heard.... is take your car to the testing facilities located in the ghetto. They couldn't give a rats ass about accuracy which means.... well you get the hint.


those "gaurenteed to pass" products are kinda screwy tho ... they won't do much for your hydrocarbon emissions ...


high HC can be so many things, one thing I suggest, is replace the plugs, and rather then setting them at the factory recomended .060 ... run 'em at .065 just a lil' bigger will get you a hotter spark, and help to burn more of the fuel ... also ... cheap low octane fuel - the lower the octane, the shorter the hydrocarbon chains and the faster (and more completely) they burn.



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