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my Getrag 282 is rattling....?

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Guest TurboSedan

that's what i get for doing more street racing lately :( i never let it wheel hop or do burnouts around corners, never speed shift or anything so i'm not *that* hard on it :?: i do roach the tires from time to time tho (going straight of course). and it's a 206,000 mile 3.1 with no mods and never rebuilt so i'm obviously not putting alot of power thru it.


so anyway the rattle used to be there in neutral with the clutch pedal out. if i pushed the clutch pedal in, the noise would go away. now it seems like the same noise can be heard while i'm driving, weather i'm accelerating or decelerating it's there. it's still quiet but i think it might be getting worse. BUT, if i push the clutch pedal in the noise goes away completely. so i'm wondering if this problem sounds like a bad throwout (release) bearing, or if it's something more serious like the trans itself or the differential?? btw, when i reinstalled the trans i think i lubed the throwout bearing the wrong way, ie. i used moly grease for Fords (sparingly) and not anti-seize like i think was what i should have used :oops: the clutch and throwout bearing have about 35,000 miles on it.


any insight much appreciated! thanks,



I think your on track with the throwout bearing. My friends car did the same thing, there would be a slight grinding noise, then when he pushed the clutch in, it would go away. His never got to the point where it would make the noise under regular driving conditions, cuz he blew a hole in his tranny case and all the fluid leaked out, and bye bye tranny. Anyway, I think your right on the throwout bearing



Guest TurboSedan

man i hope it's the throwout bearing!! just in case - i know of an '88 GP with a Getrag 282 locally that i can get for $300 (everything including axles, pedals, shifter blah blah). hopefully tho this problem can be fixed with a new clutch kit; which i was planning on anyway with the turbo that will be going in soon.


also, i checked the fluid (GM Syncromesh) and it looks great & full - like the day i put it in 35,000 miles ago. the trans isn't acting funny and the clutch isn't slipping, it still engages and disengages like it used to. the only problem is the rattling noise.....

thanks for the reply



yeah, if the tranny isnt acting up at all, go for that throwout bearing, and since your going for a turbo, go ahead and get the hi-performance clutch in there, might as well, do it, cuz your gonna be taking the clutch out anyway to get to the throwout bearing



Guest TurboSedan

yeah i won't be getting a standard replacement clutch - it'll be something much better. i haven't really started looking around for good clutch kits yet tho (all i know is that i'm staying away from Centerforce). hopefully the CS will be ok to drive until i get my GTS up and running, which incidentally is awaiting a new clutch kit as well. with my GTS, the input shaft sleeve broke off and made ALOT of noise, and then the throwout bearing went *thru* the pressure plate on the way home from the dealership! thankfully no damage to the trans itself, just gotta replace the sleeve now (easy) and new clutch kit. fwiw, i bought a RepSet clutch kit for the GTS and my brother hasn't had any problems with them in his turbo dodges (probably mid 14 sec cars).


Guest TurboSedan

the rattling is getting louder :( and i can also hear it now just slightly when i push the clutch in. it used to go away completely when i pushed the clutch in. the tranny fluid looks fine, and is full. the tranny is still working properly and no complaints at all except for the rattling noise getting louder. the clutch isn't slipping, no grinding into gear, no falling out of gear etc. looks like my CS will be off the road soon.... i'm just hoping to find a thrashed TO bearing :?



what about your release fork? I think thats the right word for it. MMy friends car was doing the same thing, changed the fork, and now its great. Just throwing out some more ideas



Guest Anonymous

I was just going to mention the release fork. I had to replace the one in my old '89 GP I had. I couldn't ell you if it causes rattling when worn though. Mine was twisted into a freaking pretzel.

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