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Right Channel doesn't work on 2-Channel amp anymore...

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Okay, so I had the system out of my Cutlass since the new car will be road ready in two weeks... but I can't go that long without my bass lol So today I started hooking the kicker solobaric 10'' up and saw that I had an MTX 10'' I was trying to sell before just sitting there. So I figuered I'd hook it up on the right channel and see how they both sounded. Well I got it all hooked up, turned on the CD Player and the Kicker started thumping but the MTX did nothing. I figured the woofer was junk. So I just switched their channels and the MTX started going but the Kicker was doing nothing... I made sure all connections were tight (even on headunit) and checked again, same result. Whichever sub is hooked up to the right channel doesn't work. I'm thinking that since I was running the Kicker bridged it might have messed up the right channel inside the amp or something? I don't know what to do. Anyways, it's a 400w 2 channel Visonik amp and that's half my problem right there lol But seriously any ideas?


You can usually take a multimeter to the + and - terminals of the speaker output and measure some voltage or amperage coming out. If it's reading 0, then it's obvious.


But, my guess is the channel is dead. What can you expect with low quality products though.


You can usually take a multimeter to the + and - terminals of the speaker output and measure some voltage or amperage coming out. If it's reading 0, then it's obvious.


But, my guess is the channel is dead. What can you expect with low quality products though.


yep, i second that.


seriously how many time has everyone told you that you get what you pay for


stop buying "Neptunes Green Goblin" 600 watt amps for 100 when they suck


go buy some quality shit, or save for it atleast


Did I say my amp was the fucking greatest? NO. I just wanted to know if there was anything I was doing wrong. It's a shitty amp, I know! I deal with it every day. Personally I think a lot of what some guys on here have is crap to but I don't say anything. As for the amp and sub combo it's enough bump for me. I just wanted to know if maybe I had forgot something as I haven't set up a system in a while.


Did you remember to un-bridge the amp? Sometimes there's a switch you have to flip. Also, when un-bridged, you usually need both RCA's hooked up.


If that channel is really dead, chances are something just needs soldering internally.



The RCA's should be hooked up to the amp reguardless of how many channels your running. Thats the amps input. Make sure your RCA's are good. I had a bad set and it drove me up a wall. Switch the RCA's and see if the other channel doesnt work.


I had both RCA's plugged in when it was bridged. One of my friends hooked it up in his car between when I had it in and now, so I think he did something now that I think of it.

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