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What is the best way to seafoam my TGP?

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What is the best way to seafoam my TGP? It has a bit of a stumble off the line (probably an injector) and yeah I need some advice to where I should put it in (besides the gas tank). Is there an easily accessable vacuum line I could put it in? Thanks


Get a funnel, and pull the line closer to the pass. side off the brake booster. That's how I do it. I usually pour most of the can in slowly, and then pour the remaining 5% in so it kills the motor, and let it sit awhile.


I love that shit. :lol:


tgp's have PM3, no power brake booster...is there a breather or PCV line? Its been a while since i've looked at a MPFI engine


tgp's have PM3, no power brake booster...is there a breather or PCV line? Its been a while since i've looked at a MPFI engine


Duh.. sorry.


lol, i couldnt for the life of me get it to stall when i did mine, i literally did about half the can all at once! bad timing strikes again?


it cleans the carbon out of the topend of your engine. All i know is it helped my friends explorer out to no end! Literally it had NO balls before and afterwords we did a huge smokey burnout


so what do you do with it, where does it go, what does it do more specifally


You suck it through the intake through a vacuum line.


so what do you do with it, where does it go, what does it do more specifally


You pour it into a vacuum line and what it does it take all the carbon out. I did it on my 01 Sonoma that has like 90k on it. It sucked the whole can almost, even though it died with just the hose off and made a huge smoke cloud. Literally it was very thick, my nieghbors weren't too happy!


Afterwards it didn't want to start because I think I fouled the plugs (orginals). I would recommend changing them afterwards if they haven't been done.


If you want me to help you I can.


I used GM Top End cleaner on my 4.3 Blazer last year after I did the intake gaskets, and it smoked like hell. I did use a lot of cleaner in the heads too, it was a dirty engine, and the TB was all oily and shit, it was a real messy job. But nevertheless, I had never seen one smoke like that before.


I used GM Top End cleaner on my 4.3 Blazer last year after I did the intake gaskets, and it smoked like hell. I did use a lot of cleaner in the heads too, it was a dirty engine, and the TB was all oily and shit, it was a real messy job. But nevertheless, I had never seen one smoke like that before.


not to hijack, but are the intake gaskets on those like the 3x00's. Do they tend to leak?


I used GM Top End cleaner on my 4.3 Blazer last year after I did the intake gaskets, and it smoked like hell. I did use a lot of cleaner in the heads too, it was a dirty engine, and the TB was all oily and shit, it was a real messy job. But nevertheless, I had never seen one smoke like that before.


not to hijack, but are the intake gaskets on those like the 3x00's. Do they tend to leak?


Yeah, they are real prone to leaking, mostly externally though. You will find that at the base of the manifold, near where the valley between the heads starts that there will be issues with leaking for sure. I will never own one of those trucks again, it was a money pit. Alternator, intakes, shocks, fuel pump, ball joints, w/pump, power steering leaks, front axle problems, yeah some of those are routine maintenance but there are serious problems with those intakes, and the coolant systems had some sort of horrible reaction (aluminum and dexcool) that made them DIRTY. Never again.


so what do you do with it, where does it go, what does it do more specifally


You pour it into a vacuum line and what it does it take all the carbon out. I did it on my 01 Sonoma that has like 90k on it. It sucked the whole can almost, even though it died with just the hose off and made a huge smoke cloud. Literally it was very thick, my nieghbors weren't too happy!


Afterwards it didn't want to start because I think I fouled the plugs (orginals). I would recommend changing them afterwards if they haven't been done.


If you want me to help you I can.

Yes I know to put it in a vacuum line, but is there one that is easily accessable that I could suck it up with? thanks for the advice, everybody! :smile:

edit: Oh and by the way I have done this to my dad's Chevy/Geo Metro and before I seafoamed it, it wouldn't even start until the gas pedal was on the floor :willynilly: and it stumbled horribly, then I dumped the bottle of seafoam in the TB (the opening faces the hood, so that made it really easy), and it smoked really badly for about 20 minutes, but now it runs MUCH better, so I do know what I am doing, I just need a place to put the seafoam, as the TB on the TGP doesn't face the hood; it is horizontal. :frown: Once again I am looking for an easily accessable vacuum line. Thanks


This is definitely something I would never be comfortable doing on a turbocharged vehicle. Just the fear of having a chunk of carbon come off a valve, through the exhaust manifold......into the turbine wheel... :eek: A big hard chunk of something running into a turbine wheel wouldn't be a good thing. I'm weird like that though....


I would say the easiest for a stock TGP would be a the transmission line if you can easily get to it and pull it off, then just stick a new line on there into the can, yeah its small but as long as it gets in there, oh well....


This is definitely something I would never be comfortable doing on a turbocharged vehicle. Just the fear of having a chunk of carbon come off a valve, through the exhaust manifold......into the turbine wheel... :eek: A big hard chunk of something running into a turbine wheel wouldn't be a good thing. I'm weird like that though....



That's actually a good point.


What would happen if I took the line going from the intercooler to the TB and disconnected it at the intercooler and dumped it in there? Would that work; or would it just make a mess and start a fire? :eek:


What would happen if I took the line going from the intercooler to the TB and disconnected it at the intercooler and dumped it in there? Would that work; or would it just make a mess and start a fire? :eek:


Why not just steal like the EGR line off the top of the TB vacuum ports?


My brother used that stuff on his focus, smoke went EVERYWHERE lol(he has no exhaust), and we got it on video


Well I just bit the bullet and did it last night.I took two bottles of seafoam; I put 1 can in the gastank and the other in a spray bottle. I took off the tube that goes from to the intercooler to the TB, took the spray bottle with seafoam in it, had my neighbor step on the gas pedal to open the butterfly, while I sprayed the whole bottle into the TB. It's a good thing I live out in the boonies, because it made about half of my 20 acres into a dark fog! :eek: :willynilly: :lol: Then I took it out for a speed run; I went around my 6 mile block, and out of each corner I held it at WOT and got up to about 80 on each straightaway to clean out the system. By the time I got it back home, it had quit smoking and ran AWESOME!! Before I did the seafoam, it had a bad miss off the line, and just idling it would miss also. At stoplights, it would go down to about 500 RPM and almost die, then rev up to about 1,100 RPM and just keep repeating the same thing. Now, after the seafoam, it will hold a steady idle, whether in Park or Drive, and it now has NO miss anywhere on idle, or getting off the line. It NEVER stalls either. Seafoam has cured all of my drivability problems! My TGP is bone stock, right down to the cracked crossover, :rolleyes: and it now runs like a new car! :twisted: I now swear by Seafoam! :cool: Best $9.00 (2 bottles) ever spent! :twisted:


I'm getting about a 4-5 MPG increase now also! :twisted: It just keeps getting better! :cool: I'm convinced that anybody who is having drivability problems (even severe) should Seafoam their car. Here I was thinking that I had a dead injector or two; it now runs like a new car! :mrgreen:


My TGP used to smoke a little bit on startup, but it now doesn't smoke anymore! :mrgreen: Dirty injector dumping in too much gas? Anyway it is fixed now. Seafoam is awesome! :cool:


I love seafoam too......anytime someone starts a thread on crappy idle, stumble off the line or crappy mileage....i say do a can or preferably 2 of seafoam and then comeback if your still having problems...



i went from 36-37 mpg in my civic w/ a loud idle and bogging off the line to 40 mpg and a smooth quiet idle.

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