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Freaking driver-side power window broke!


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//begin rant


Okay so tonight on the way home from a friend's house I notice it's a cool 95* F outside, so I decide to take advantage and roll down the window. To avoid a wind storm upon getting on the freeway, I attempt to roll it back up but all I hear is a "clunk" sound, and it wouldn't go up. Now the window just moves up and down if i grab the top and manually move it, like it fell off the track thingy. Now I just hope that extended warranty I bought is good for something. *sigh* I'm taking it somewhere, probably a Pontiac dealer tomorrow, I hope I dont have to pay anything. :evil: (And if you're still reading, thanks for listening to me whine...)


Just in case it turns out it's an arm and a leg (and possibly another limb) to fix it, are they easy to fix? I guess it depends on what's broken really. I can hear the motor working, it just seems like it broke loose from something... :dunno: Hopefully I won't have to do anything and the warranty will cover it all.

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*sigh*..... they just aren;t built like they used to.


I believe there are plasic tabs on the bottom of the glass where they attach to the motor. they probably broke off.

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My dad's 95 Impala does this about once a year(piss poor design). There are little plastic tabs that sit in the window track that break. It's nothing hard to fix, just takes time to do. He got fed up enough with it that he started making his own tabs, because the ones he was buying from the dealer were poorly designed, and cheap plastic. He uses a better grade of plastic, and improved on the design.

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Hey, my front passenger window is broken too. Has been for a few months, luckily its in the in up position. I really gotta fix this b/c right now I have no A/C.


If it is the little plastic slider piece in the rail(get a picture to be sure), I'm sure my dad could make one or two, and send them to you. He made a cutting bit and a little jig to make like 10 an hour.

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well I went to a Pontiac dealer today and they said I'll have to wait until Monday to call the warranty company to see whether or not it's covered. On top of that, they have to "take it apart and see what's wrong with it" before they call the warranty company. I'm gonna take it apart myself sometime today or tomorrow hopefully and see if the clips just need to be replaced. Oh, and on top of all that, both gas stations by my house decided to run out of mid-grade and premium gas, so i had to get regular because my low fuel light was staring me in the face. It seems to be running okay so far, but we'll see... what a wonderful weekend! :willynilly:

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Hey, my front passenger window is broken too. Has been for a few months, luckily its in the in up position. I really gotta fix this b/c right now I have no A/C.


If it is the little plastic slider piece in the rail(get a picture to be sure), I'm sure my dad could make one or two, and send them to you. He made a cutting bit and a little jig to make like 10 an hour.


Well, I'm pretty sure it's the motor. Neither button (driver or pass.) does anything, but the voltage does drop if you press the buttons and the motor makes no sounds. I'm hoping its a bad connection, but with the voltage drop and no action I bet its the motor.


[end high jack]

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