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THE scent

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I know this is a kinda odd question, :confused: but I have a question for you guys (especially GM detailers); on both my 90 TGP and my 90 GP SE, they both have a distinct scent to them, kinda like a cologne, the interiors smell of it and both owners manuals smell STRONGLY of it. Don't get me wrong, it smells good, :cool: that is why I ask. Does anybody know what this is? Some GM product?

BTW I bought both cars from separate owners in different states (SE in North Dakota, TGP in Wisconsin), so it isn't something from the owner, as both cars smell the same. somebody help me solve this mystery! :lol: thanks

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Not too long ago I was trying to dye some seats, when the dye didn't hold I called some upholstry shops and asked them about it. I was told that the manufactures put so many chemicals into the faberics that they won't hold a dye, even 10 years later. The smell you are smelling could very well be these chemicals...


An yeah, we will probably all get cancer from it... but what WON'T give us cancer these days?



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probably some sort of carcinogen. :lol:


we'll all have cancer in 10 years.




Right now mine smells like New Car Scent and petrified french fries.....:lol:


dont know what your scent is though....

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Mine smells like ass. I fart too much.





I had an air freshener in mine, which was new car scent, but thats long gone. I always leave the windows open so it really doesnt smell like much of anything right now


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No kinda of AC Delco brand air freshener that I know of....


If I got a car that slightly smells bad, I'll throw in a waffer just to add some nice smell


If it stinks kinda bad, I'll spray this stuff I got from CarBrite "Terminator" onto the carpet, and in the cowl so it goes through the vents.


If it's really bad, put a "fogger" (small can of scent) in the cupholder, push down the cap and slam the door shut. It releases the entire contents of the can and hence "fog" appears inside the car for a good half hour+. Usually do this on smoker's cars.

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My '90 TGP is like that too, I really like the smell. I think I'd have to agree with what Jamie said above, the smell does seem to be from all the fabric in the car.

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My Cutlass doesn't really have a smell that I've ever noticed. The TGP had a smokey/musky smell to it (cigarette burns all over the seats would explain that one). The STE has some strange smell that kinda bothers me, makes it feel a little dingy inside. Getting it's interior to smell better is kinda low on my priority list right now though :lol:

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My Lumina doesn't have the "scent". It usually smells of moldy AC, though.


GM cars back in the 80's used to smell like really bad BO. I would estimate some were as bad as about a 35 on the hobo power meter.

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It's Sex Panther by Odeon.

Alright Bryan Fantana! :lol:


My '90 TGP is like that too, I really like the smell. I think I'd have to agree with what Jamie said above, the smell does seem to be from all the fabric in the car.

I love the smell, too. I might have to go get some GM dye and make it into an air freshener! lol :lol:

BUT, I wonder how they got the owner's manuals to smell so strongly of it??

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I think its just all the chemicals and whatnot involved in the production of every piece in the car. I remember seeing something in my grandpa's Chevy van.. a disclaimer of sorts, that mentioned the plastics and fabrics used in the production contains carcinogens (only in CA) and, when burned, emit toxic smoke.. that's probably the smell.

I've strongly noticed the same smells throughout Grand Ams, Aleros, and Intrigues. Aleros and Intrigues always smell like hot, wet dogs to me.


It's Sex Panther by Odeon.

60% of the time, it works every time.

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I've had two TGP's, and both of them had the same scent. Kind of forgot about it until the one came from California, and it had the same smell. It is very distinctive and it smells great. We should try to recreate it and patent it, then sell it to all the w-body owners.

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I've had two TGP's, and both of them had the same scent. Kind of forgot about it until the one came from California, and it had the same smell. It is very distinctive and it smells great. We should try to recreate it and patent it, then sell it to all the w-body owners.

Dude that would be awesome! I love the smell.

My '90 TGP is like that too,


but that thing never moves....lol


Yes it does! I've been driving it lately, it's running better than ever. :cool:

Both my 90 GP SE with 220K on it and my 90 TGP with 120K on it have the smell (TGP is a little stronger scent, though) I like that the smell still hasn't worn off, I love it!! :willynilly:

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