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DynaMat Questions

Grand Moff Joseph

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I'm gathering parts for my stereo upgrade, and part of the prep work I want to do is to install some sound deadening material on my trunk lid, and a few other ramdom places. I have always assumed DynaMat was the best way to go, but I recently discovered that they offer both traditional roll on mats, and a spray/paint on material.


So, should I go with the mats, or the spray on stuff? Better still, is DynaMat the way to go, or is there another alternative?







Its called e-dead. Very easy to use and much MUCH cheaper than Dynamat. Even though you may need 2+ layers of e-dead ( depening on which version you get ) itll more than make up for it in the cost. Personally, I like the mats, the stick on stuff.


I was thinking that the mats would be the easier way to go for the larger trunk areas. However, I'm looking to put some of this stuff in my dash as well, so I think the spray would work best in those tighter areas. (I hope)


Ya know Jay, you seem to know your sh1t when it comes to audio stuff. Maybe you should go into that business? :)


Dynamat IS the pimp shit..


..But if cost is a concern (We sell a "kit" to do 12 sq. ft. at Best Buy for 95.99.. Working there, I NATURALLY get a discount so I am dynamatting the ENTIRE car)


eDead is great, but the layering is the thing that bugs me.. But Jay is right: def. worth every penny, and every minute put in!


So, it sounds like my choices are:


DynaMat: Expensive as hell, but a total solution

EDead: Cost effective, at least on par with DynaMat, but need to figure out the number of needed layers


hmmm...too many choices! :willynilly:


yeah, ive been trying to decide this for a while too. cept i cant make up my mind


This weekend I get to try out some brand new V2SE eDead. Its not even for sale on the website yet. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it turns out.


This weekend I get to try out some brand new V2SE eDead. Its not even for sale on the website yet. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it turns out.


Sweet, please do. :)


will one layer of this e-dead still work? or do you have to use 2 or more


It'll work, but not as good as dynamat will. If you layer it, it makes up the difference. It's because it's thinner than dynamat


See this is where eD shows their colors...


They claim the eDead is a butyl product, when its not- well not exactly...




I HIGHLY sugguest anyone wanting sound dampening to read that.


I would also like to interject this statement:


You do not need to "coat" the entire vehicle or surface to gain the sound dampening you desire. Mat over stiffening ribs does absolutely nadda. Where you need it is on the thin sheet metal areas. Even there you dont need to coat them, strips will do. You are trying to keep the material from vibrating by means of mass loading the panel. The material you put on takes the energy of the sound waves and turns them into heat... This is all.


Overkill never hurts :lol:



But as espensive as the Dynamat is that I have, I have personally seen what it has done with my car numerous times in different situations. ( plus the fact I get it cheaper since I buy so much of it from the local shop ) So seeing for myself what it has done, I know it works, I know how good it works, and if something works for you, you stick with it. Now clearly Im not saying Dynamat is the best out of the ones tested, because well its not, although its HIGHLY ranked.


Has anyone ever tried to get tech support from any of these dampening companies?


Its a joke, at best. The ones that LIE to you about there products, how can you trust or believe them???


I sugguest Second Skin. Its a product truly engineered from the ground up for the application. Not just some trailer roofing with a name like Fat Mat...




I read somewhere that Dynamat is essentially the same as roofing insulation. I would say SaturnFans but they've already been called "special" here...


I googled http://www.google.com/search?q=dynamat+roofing in and the results seem to show that it works, namely one called "Ice Guard." Some sites recommended doubling it up. Now I know don't believe everything you read online, and that BS sometimes spreads fast, but it might be worth a shot. Try it without anything then put the roofing stuff in. If it works you saved a bundle, if it doesn't you didn't really lose much...and I'll claim it was a big prank so we can all laugh and I don't end up looking like the idiot who suggested that.


Personally I would try to steer clear of Dynomat...it seems to be overpriced. Use an alternative which will do the same job, but cheaper. Don't apply that to everything though, I tried that rule on something else, next thing I know, the results come back from the clinic positive for 12 different STD's...but enough about my weekend in Vegas. Let us know how that works out


Dynamat is the factory standard. And your saying stay away because its expensive?


Dynamat is the factory standard. And your saying stay away because its expensive?

Besides it being expensive its Asphalt based.


WHile your at it tar your dorrs ;)


Dynamat Original is asphalt based. Dynamat Xtreme ( what I have ) is Butyl based.


I have heard that if you are going to buy non-butyl sound deadning you might as well just go get some roofing tar (something called "valleys and peaks" i think??). But im sure TONS of people have asphalt based deadning and ive rarely heard of it ever falling off. It doesnt get super hot where i live so im planning on getting some e-dead as soon as I pay the credit card off. I suppose if you live in a really hot area or your car is in the hot sun all day everyday it would be worth getting a butyl based deadner.


If you are going to use an asphalt based deadener expect this to happen!!


It Just Fell Off!!




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