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Oldsmobile Convertible PDF Request Thread.


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For 2 bucks, I ordered the Oldsmobile 1990-1992 Service Manual Convertible Supplement (with the green cover) off eBay. I am going to try and scan it and PDF it for those who want it so feel free to leave your request in this thread. It's got tons of great information and now I really want to get the 1992 one I have seen creeping around on eBay. Also, does anyone else have one of these?



P.S. Obviously, I'm not charging for the PDF. I just don't want to post it for every jabrone-lurker out there who just joins this board for info but doesn't contribute to the community. :thumb:

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I can promise you that it will not be released as a link download. Just simply indicate in this thread that you would like a copy and I will PM all those interested when it has been scanned in.


Of course, I'll add the both of you to the list :wink:

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I can promise you that it will not be released as a link download. Just simply indicate in this thread that you would like a copy and I will PM all those interested when it has been scanned in.


Of course, I'll add the both of you to the list :wink:

hopefully with your permission, i would like to analysis it for any data that may make great how-to threads. But lets get those interested a copy. Some things like this would be great if we could post (ie a great sticked post in a vert section) but lets see what happens first. fire away my man!

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I don't wanna cause any legal issues for shawn either..

agreed. Doing write-ups from info read in the manual should be ok, as i would only be documenting my work based on what the manual states. None of us are trying to profit from it so as long as we aren't plagerizing it It should be alright i would presume.


none the less, i would only keep a private copy of it otherwise, though i would like to buy one myself.

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