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Need pictures of what ppl have for sub boxes

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I got an older model Pioneer sub from my buddy the other day, but the box (Bassowrx box) he had it in won't fit in my shitty Lumina trunk lol, so I'm thinking custom building something....


I dunno the model number off hand but can go find it if needed....the back of the sub says it needs 1.5 cubic feet for the enclosure, dunno how close I will want to be to that....


Also, woul you guys go with a ported or sealed box?? I would rather just make a sealed box for the time being if this sub would sound half assed in one...I don't really have time to make something that's ported...


Anyways I'm looking for what others have and how everything fits in the trunk...I'd like something that isn't going to take out the whole trunk, and hopefully fits all the way to the rear seat and doesn't hit the rear speakers (that's what happened with this Bassworx box, box hit speakers and wouldn't go back any further)....




Oh, this is a 12" Pioneer, single voice coil bought 1-2 years ago....I'll try and find it on the internet and post the model


here is a pictures of what the sub is currently mounted in.. http://members.shaw.ca/mustangrepair/links/subbox


You remember that fiberglass box that I made? I still have that sitting around here, doing nothing but catching dust. Just FYI if your interested...


You remember that fiberglass box that I made? I still have that sitting around here, doing nothing but catching dust. Just FYI if your interested...


I'll keep that in mind and get back to you..thanks for the offer!


That Sub is the Pioneer TS-W305C. I had two of them in my car a couple of years back. Wasnt a big fan. But If you need help with box plans I can help you with those....just let me know.


That Sub is the Pioneer TS-W305C. I had two of them in my car a couple of years back. Wasnt a big fan. But If you need help with box plans I can help you with those....just let me know.


thanks dude, i'll get back to you tomorrow after i'm done work if I need any help.....


that wont fit in your trunk? that looks about to be the same size as my box


that wont fit in your trunk? that looks about to be the same size as my box


It will fit, but it won't slide all the way to the back against the rear seat....when I have it in a far as it will go the box is parallel to the end of the rear window 9if you know what I mean)..after thinking about it though I might just buy the stupid box too and run it...I mean it fits the trunk, I just can't put anything else in the trunk once it's in there....I was thinking I could make something that fits along the back seat and won't stick out to far...but I need 1.5cubic feet that's fairly big isn't it??


Heres a couple pics of what I have. But it will be a little bit different since your only running one sub correct? ( Hope I read everything right :lol: )




Problem with this is that it hits the rear STB that I have so I cant put it in any farther ( even though I have my amps back there too, was one of the reasons there there because of the room )


But your going to want nothing taller than 13" ( 13.5" may work but itll be close ) because with a 13" tall box youll be able to put it all the way to the back seat. Mine sticks out about 4 inches past the seal for the trunk there. ( I hope you know what I mean :lol: ) FYI; my box is 3.0cF so 1.5cF is half of this box. Thats not really too awful bad.






Sorry had to plug myself. I also do box designs...


Ugh, either way it goes its not eactly super hard to do. You just need to know what your doing, which comes with experience ;)


I have an RF Box. It's actually made by Q Logic. It just fits in My Monte by about 1/4"






theres what mine looks like. and jeff...how you described how that box fits in your trunk, is pretty much the same as mine.(although my ground wire and the STB is also preventing it from going all the way back)


Thanks for the offers and pictures guys...I for now am just using the bassworx box that sub is in already....fits good enough for now...maybe when i have more time (which will be never) i'll make a custom one to fit better...


thanks again


My friend made his box out of plywood, and couldnt figure out why it didnt sound good. I told him why but he didnt wanna believe me :lol:


MDF or dont bother!


I just built 2 boxes tonight...


4" PVC ports. I cut the holes so tight for the ports I had to pound them in, no screws/glues needed... lol


I was pretty proud of that. Its hard to get them to fit that good.


Also trying to put a 1/4" Router thru 1 1/2" of MDF isnt fun :(


In my GTP I had a box with 2 RF Punch P1's, and then opened the pass through, and that was pretty killer for sound, and the box was built for a 1988 Dodge Ram Reg Cab so if it had more air space it would've been good. I dunno, as a personal Biased I am a big fan of the sound of a sealed box, but my buddy has a ported box and it makes his sub twice as loud as it used to be in a sealed box so, it all on you shoulders. I would just build a basic box to fit in the truck, nevermind if you save space or what, just make it fit and sound good!


And firefighter_0029...nice subs...I had the same running on a Kenwood 600 W amp, and it was decent, what are you running for an amp?

  • 2 months later...




heres some pics of my 10" subs sitting on the floor in my room, they're in the trunk now



BAH!!! The Dual stuff. I can't tell you how many times I see that garbage come back into work after it has blown up.


well dual has been around since the 60's or 70's and they have some rather garbage speakers that i have seen but these subs are really good

i dont knpow if its a hit or miss with the subs or what, but my 10 and 12 inch dual subs have taken what ive thrown at them no problem, and as long sa you take care of them they arent gonna crap out


hey chris, what's that box you said you have sitting around? I'd like something that fits a little better (shut up, Ken :lol: ), but isnt a huge concern. just thought I'd ask


BAH!!! The Dual stuff. I can't tell you how many times I see that garbage come back into work after it has blown up.


I was gonna say the same thing, but then remembered that i have sony subs......:leaving:


but they have taken a pretty good beating, from my amp, a jack stand, and a George Foreman grill, and after 3+ years, they are still going strong. 142.8 dB strong.


Dual used to make some of the best budget turntables you could buy.


My Dual MP3/CD player in my GP lasted 2 years with no issues, but I'm factory cd player 4 lyfe now.


you only have one sub? why dont you go buy one of those "build it yourself" boxes from walmart? There are like 30 bucks. They come carpeted which almost matches the carpet in your trunk. The carpet on the box kept it from moving around since the carpet in the trunk and the box rubbed together and kinda "locked it" in place. I had it in the GP. Now its in the colt.







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