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All of the sudden, my top will not come back op on its own unless the switch is held down and i help it up initially. It goes down., but not as smooth as before. Any ideas :question:


I heard that there was a pump of some sort with hydraulic fluid in it.


Where is this located?? I have 94 Cuttlass


the pump is to the front of the trunk on the pass side, you will see the trunk has a kick up in it .just pull back the trunk liner on the floor and you will see it .


There is a pump and two hydraulic cylinders that could all be the source of your problem. The thing is, when the top starts getting sluggish, it could be for so many different reasons that my convertible service manual doesn't even cover this problem.


I would start with the Convertible Top Motor (pump), I'm not sure how to service it but check it for leaks and perhaps call a dealer about servicing it. If that looks all good, you may have had some leakage from your lines going to your Lift cylinders, if that's the case, you make need to top up your hydraulic oil. I am sure GM still sells this product.


If all your top pump, cylinders and lines look good, there could be an issue with the top frame. There are a number of spots for adjustment however it could just be a matter of removing it and putting in some new washers and cleaning things up a bit.


You might be interested in this thread:



Good luck and let us know how it goes.


OK So put fluid into pump, while operating I heard a gurgling from the right. Found that the passanger side lift cilinder leaks fluid out.


Looks like a major pain to replace. Anyone have experience with this as a DIY or is this mechanic job.




Cylinders are as discontinued as they get :cry:. I mean, some vert parts pop up from time to time, or you can get them through GM parts direct...but like weatherstripping, they are damn near impossible to get your hand on (especially NOS).


But, it can happen, so keep an eye out on eBay, the forums and junk yards. If your line is leaking, and it needs to be changed out too, that will be like "raiding the lost ark" and "finding the holy grail" all in the same day too.


I don't know what would happen if you took it to a dealer. They would probably blink twice and refer you to a local convertible top shop. I would say a convertible top place would be your best bet for info although someone here on the forum may know if the cylinders can be reconditioned or what.


Good luck, keep up posted


the cylinder replacement itself is not very hard at all. But finding the cylinder will be. I thought I read that replacemtn cylinders are availobile for $70 from somewhere? if anyone knows?


The good news is that the lift cylinders interchange with early Cavalier and Sunbird convertibles. Also Camaro and Firebirds. Or so I've been told by a knowledgeable person. So you can probably get a good used one at the auto boneyard.


I wouldn't be surprised if Mustang lift cylinders interchanged also.


If anyone has access to one of those Hollander interchange manuals they could tell you for sure.


The good news is that the lift cylinders interchange with early Cavalier and Sunbird convertibles. Also Camaro and Firebirds. Or so I've been told by a knowledgeable person. So you can probably get a good used one at the auto boneyard.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mustang lift cylinders interchanged also.



*skeptical* I would need to see it to believe it. If they do interchange, that would be awesome but wouldn't the cylinders just have a generic part number in that case? They certainly wouldn't be as hard to come by as they are right now either and I would think other people (and dealers) would be aware of this fact. I know my dealer said I was SOL on that part when I inquired (but he could've just been going by part number).


Crazy K, last time the cylinders were available from gmpartsdirect, I think they were something like $140 marked down from $270 (GM price). I would love to pick some up for 70! The convertible top pump was over $1K from the dealer.... I'm glad they can be rebuilt.

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