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Jet Chip for the 3.1

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Do any of you guys know how much more power the jet chip will give me?And what does it do to your car, will it hurt it?


Personally, I have never heard of anyone having a JET chip. In fact, I didnt even know JET made a chip for 3100. If they do, make sure its says its for a 3100 and not for a 3.1L, these are different motor. Application years for 3100 are very late 93-96 (up to 99 in montes?). Again, I have never heard of a chip for a 3100




Well, well well. I stand corrected, lol. Didnt know they were made. It looks to me as if that thing would plug right in. Dont know how much power you would see from it, but with those chips, you shouldnt loose any driveability or reliability.




alright thanx robby, i think i will get that along with the exhaust lol i wanna be pushing close to 230hp when i am done with everything. Do u know who makes a good cam for the 3100?rob

Check at http://www.cranecams.com http://www.compcams.com . Your cam is a roller cam, so make sure you get a roller cam. I Think one is made or at least I have heard of one, cant remember where though.




I think comp cams might be working on one, but as it stands now, he will have to go with a custom grind. Go to http://www.gmforums.com and the 60*V6 section and do a search for 3100 cams, I know at least one person there has a custom grind that might be able to help you out and give you an idea of what specifications would be good for your application.

uh, the guy at http://www.turboz24.com has a roller cam, check out where he got his from, its a custom grind, Im pretty sure




I'm pretty sure that Curtis has to have a custom grind :wink: , IIRC, he has a good deal of custom stuff done to that badass Z, he needs to sell it to me :D , I'll trade him a stock 93 Z24 for it. :lol:


yeah, Im pretty sure its a custom grind too, I dont know why I didnt put that in the first post




Curtis also has a regular 3.1 engine, not a 3100. Roller cam, solid roller lifters, and Crane roller rockers. Add to that iron heads and a Camaro 3.4 intake, the thing is far from stock.


The 94+ 3100 engines used a flash PCM, ie there is no removable chip.


right, the "chip" that is being referred to is a thing that plugs into the PCM, not something to replace the what is on say my car, a MEMCAL. Its a little things that just plugs into the PCM, (at least thats what it looks like from the pics on JETs site). Yeah, I know Curtis has a lot of custom work, I just knew he had a roller cam, which is what a 3100 has, thats why I mentioned his site




Not quite, the chip that is commonly referred to is the EPROM that is on the MEMCAL on pre-flash PCM's. The 94+ is a flash PCM, therefore no chip what so ever to remove. To program them you need special software and a cable to do it through the ALDL port, much like OBDII is done. The chip on those PCM's are either soldered to the board, or just extra EEPROM on the microcontroller.


I will never go with Jet chips in any of my cars again. Bad experience with their products. I went with Superchips for my Z34 and my SHO. :) :)


So you guys are saying i will have to have one custom made? Thats got to be lots of $. I think that the Jet Chip is gunna be sweet, what did it do wrong to your car u didnt like man?



I bet you 10 bucks the jet chip wont give you 3 hp. If you get it, dyno it and see. They dont do shit for the older cars so I really dont think anything they sell that plugs into the ECM but isnt the chip for the fuel tables is gonna do much better. Save your money for something worthwhile.


The cam isnt available, unless you want a regrind. Comp is working on some grinds but thats about as much as anyone is saying right now.


What curtis has is nothing helpful for a 3100.


I agree, I dont see how something that plugs into the PCM will add HP. Like has been said, unless you change the EPROM and the fuel tables and what not, you arent going to see any real changes




unless you like your engine dont get the JET chip all I hear is very bad things

  • 1 month later...

Yea there is nothing for the gen 3 3100. Because it is a flash menory CPU you cannot "JUST"Put a chip on it.


there is a "mod chip" but i have to find the URL for you.


JET chips are the bigest waste of money in the galaxy... the dont do a damn thing... even for new cars... get a custome burned ECU if you can.. one made for the exact mods/specs of your car


if you ned to get any thing for your lumina take a peek at RSMRACING.COM


A friend of mine had a 91 lumina with a 3.1 in it .We put a stage 2 super chip in it and it no effect what so ever hp wise.The only difference we noticed was the car idled at a lower rpm.We checked the 0-60 times with and with out the chip and there was no gain there either.I dont know how the jet chip is though.


somehow i doubt, on that kid's website with the Jet chip, that he gained 25HP and 20 lb-ft! There is no way, I'd like to see a dyno test on that one!

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