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Anyone know wtf the lemon clause is


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I remember when i bought my impala, the salesmen said that there is a lemon clause since i bought a demo unit off the floor(had 7k) on the odemeter. Said something about 3 repairs of the same thing but i dont know if it was in the first year, or within warranty.


This is the 3rd time i have to bring my car in for Warped Rotors(after 2,000 miles) and 3rd time for the ISS. Not to mention i need to get my rack and pinion replaced. He said something about replacing my car free of charge(dunno if that means i still pay for it ect). I jsut want some info before i feel like an ass when i go into the dealer to open my can o whup ass :evil:

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That, and yeah, in the first year. Debs truck almost got in on that, because of the Ball Joints. Basicly the owner of the dealership said that if something else on that same thing breaks, he will take the truck back, give her money back basicly (what she has paid so far) or let her get soemthing from them, and just change the ammt already paid (which would help, shes been eyeing some Stratus R/Ts and Daks with more options)


But, we havent had any more ball joints problems, so oh well



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