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omg ub3 problem


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hi everyone. i have just upgraded my 94 cutty to the ub3 digital cluster from the base cluster with tach, heres the problem. the fuel gauge only works when it wants to. i am going nuts because it took me forever just to even get the tach to work :willynilly: :willynilly:. but thanks to toro toro he got the tach thing figured out. when the key is turned on the cluster tests like normal but the fuel gauge goes up to full and stays. when it works it is accurate to a T but when it doesnt it constantly reads full. cant figure it out because it is totally random so i cant pin it. help!!!!!!!! :mad:

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damn. I'm not ready to do a write up on how to do a cluster swap. :(

the way the guage works is the more ground it recieves(variable feed to ground from the sending unit in the tank), the lower the guage reads. This means you are intermediately losing contact with the feed from the tank. You should recheck your pins and make sure they are properly attached in the cluster. the other possibilty is that you have a cold-solder joints on the ub3 circuit board. go in there and reheat a few.


as part of my write up I would suggest implanting a digi-cluster conector into the wiring so that the stock connector is still availible for you to return the original someday. (or if there are problems)


did you wire in your abs light? and how about the airbag light?

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I am also leaning to a float issue, or a intermitent contact somewhere. But I know how screwy GM floats are, and thats the way I am leaning

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hmmm, ive heard of a lot of people having problems doing the swap. I had a lot of hit and miss issues, but nothing a guess and check couldnt fix. Hope you figure it out

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well the abs light was already on the cluster and the airbag and security light i plan on using the shift light and the extra socket on the ub3. as for the float the gauge works perfect on my base cluster but works on and off with the ub3 what are you talking about when you say have a cold-solder joints on the ub3 circuit board. go in there and reheat a few. . i ordered a adaptor from stockgp to make it work and that is the only thing that doesnt work.


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cold solder joints are on the circuit board of the cluster...many issues can result from them because it is basiccally a cracked connection which will work intermetially (sp? lol gimme a break I'm tired)


when you want to fix them you just reheat the joint so the connection is solid (melt the crack back together)...though you may not be able to see the cracked joint...


good luck

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you guys are excellent thats why i love w-body. it was a soldering problem from the one who made the adaptor so i redid all of the connections. excellent. i used the shift light as my security light and there is an extra outlet for a socket that is my airbag. so finally im done and going to bed. all in a nights work. lol :biggrin:

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