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all you 3.4 DOHC guys must be excited :willynilly:


oh hell yeah, i'm just tingly all over. :lol:


thats ok last night i was discussing with terry ways to keep his L67 from spontaneously combusting. :mrgreen:

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you guys need to really relax about the love for certian motors. come to L67swap.com and i will help you swap just about anything. does not have to be GM

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all you 3.4 DOHC guys must be excited :willynilly:


oh hell yeah, i'm just tingly all over. :lol:


thats ok last night i was discussing with terry ways to keep his L67 from spontaneously combusting. :mrgreen:


yeah, KR is PWNing me this weekend...:cry:

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how much are you getting


i got 5* KR while passing a car...i was going about 78mph...then i got 2.5* going uphill @ 35mph with 0boost on the gauge...

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has to be fasle KR. is it all the time. how new are your plugs


could be a false reading, but i surely wouldnt just say "it's false" and write it off without checking to see what exactly is going on.

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has to be fasle KR. is it all the time. how new are your plugs


don't get it all the time...the car only has 21k miles on it...so i'm sure the plugs are original...i'm wondering if switching to 104's would help me out @ this stage, or would they be too cold of a plug for my mods?...


i scanned it last sunday after installing the PCM & intake...0KR...it was only about 70* and low humidity...i'm not sure if that could cause this much KR though...also, when i scanned it before, i had accidently left something unplugged under the hood...didnt get a check engine like though...i think it may have been for the boost bypass valve though...not positive...only think i've done since sunday is plug that back in and change the t-stat to the 180..

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something is not right with the car then. what fuel are you running. if you are seeing with no boost then there is an even bigger issue. do you hear a pinging noise

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something is not right with the car then. what fuel are you running. if you are seeing with no boost then there is an even bigger issue. do you hear a pinging noise


don't hear anything...that IS the other thing that changed since last sunday...i just filled it up with SUNOCO 94 on monday...maybe its bad gas?...i hope its something that simple...

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has it only been one tank of fuel or more then that


like i said, sunday night it was fine...i filled it up monday...havent drivin it much since, so its still got 3/4 of that tank of fuel in there...gonna drive it tonight...i hate to waste gas, but i'm gonna try to run as much out as possible and refill it somewhere else and see if it helps...


BTW: what else should i be scanning for during my scans?...right now i'm focusing on KR, but i know there are other things i should be looking @...i'm still trying to figure out how to get my scanner to LOG stuff to so i can put it on the computer...

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i also forgot to add...i don't have an actual BOOST gauge in the car...i was going by the gauge in the DIC...it showed NO BOOST...but, i'm sure that thing isnt 100% accurate...so, there may have been a lil boost when it had that 2.5*kr on the hill

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scan for 02 levels. and see if it is constant or just durning shifts. is it always in the same gear


what should 02 levels be?...and u mean see if the KR is always in the same gear?...i scanned it on the highway tonight @ 65mph and 0kr while cruising...which is good...didnt really get on it much tonight just in fear of the kr issues...i'm trying to burn up some of that fuel and refill it somewhere else to see if maybe i got some bad gas...


i really need to figure out how to log data with this scanner, then i can show u my scans and see if u could help me from there...

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