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Hey, I been working on this Lumina that we have been given for a few months off and on.

It has the 3100 engine in it.


The guy that gave it to us said it needs a headgasket and a fuel injector.


Teh car runs rough, and it had a dissapearing coolant problem. The oil is normal colour, and the valve cover wasn't covered in "milk"


So now i have this intake gasket sitting on my desk, and I am wondering. What do the gaskets look like after leaking. Do they all look corroded, or do some of them still look normal? one of passageways does look different than the rest, it has crap around it. It came off the front head, and the passage way is on the passide of the engine. The plastic looks a little etched or dirty compared to trhe rest of them. I will post a picture when I have time and batteries for the cam. Also, this side of the head (pass, front) looked like it had been wet around the seam. And the engine was wet around this area too. Im just concerned about doing just the gaskets and then learning it was something else that is all. This is the first tiime I have worked on a 3100 pushrod, i have been done headgaskets on my taurus before (3.0 pushrod) there was half as much stuff to remove, so this seems like alot of work so far. Thanks for some ideas.


Hey, welcome to the board (noticed it was your first post...)

If I'm not mistaken you would likely see any damage, the trick is telling what damage was there before you took it off, gaskets don't always come off cleanly. If you have disappearing coolant you would probably have a crack in the gasket if that was the culprit. My suggestion is if you swapped the gaskets and its still happening, do the job again but this time get the heads and lower intake manifold inspected at a machine shop.

Before you go spending money on all new gaskets and an inspection... Is there any coolant showing up where it shouldn't? maybe coming out the exhaust (in a liquid or steam form), any dripping on your driveway, How about in your interior? (I've heard of heater cores leaking into the passenger compartment, not sure if that would apply to a w-body or not) Mine recently dumped out my tailpipe in a liquid form...hoping its an intake gasket so I don't have to touch the heads and cam carrier (damn LQ1)...


Hope that helps you out some...




Here's my old ones. Changed them this past winter. The winter before I lost a little bit of coolant, than the problem went away, only to come back.... was losing about a quart of coolant a week before i tore it up...


this was the worst one, it was cracked and broke when i took it out. Notice the seal is seperated from the harder part of the gasket.




seals seperated...




We would best be able to tell you if the gaskets are bad if you can get a picture. If they look anything even close to what C-BAD posted, then the gaskets are toast.


I have some pictures of it. I just have to find a way to get them posted. I only have one of the gaskets off right now. Maybe it has been replaced before, because it doesn't look that dirty.there is a spot that looks questionable. i will post a picture in a little bit after removing it from the camera. And thanks for the welcome. :)


The leaking gaskets I replaced on my sis's 02 GP, if I cleaned them up, they'd "look" like new. However the rubber seam below the coolant ports are split, the gasket can be twisted apart there. Looks can be decieving. That style gasket practically leaks once it's out of the mold.


As long as you have it apart, it is good preventative maintenance to replace them. Who's to say that once you replace the headgaskets that you find out the intake gaskets you re-used are bad. Replace it while you have it all apart to save you the headache.


Oh no question about it i will replace these intake gaskets. im just worried about not going deep enough now that i am this far in. here is a picture of the one part of the gasket that looks odd in relation to the rest. the rubber seam is also a little flat compared to the rest of the rubber.


[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.


Mine look like they were brand new when I looked quick. But right around the rubber material, there were cracks that was leaking anti-freeze. And to me, for all that work to go through to replace them, new ones are worth it IMO. Ive never heard of re-using plastic gaskets since they compress when you torque down the intake dont they?


Alrighty then, i will definitely change the gaskets and attempt to re-assemble everything properly. One question, while I have the intake out the injectors are very accessible. I do not know which one was misfiring, or mis-spraying, or if it was even at all. If i use an ohm-meter, what should the resistance of the injectors be, there is an allowable resistance right? And if i find one that is bad, should i just swap in a whole new set if i can find low mileage ones? Im not familiar with the lifespan of GM injectors; I know i have never had a problem with fords. I would assume they are equal.


Thanks for the help. It is nice to find a forum dedicated to these cars... btw, someone on Taurusclub.com told me to come here, whoever that was, thanks because i never would have found it.


This looks like a split in the seal to me ??? Just like my gaskets.


I think you found your problem.




Yeah i took a closer look and i can see where you are talking about... there is a definite separation of the rubber from the plastic in that location, and in a couple others but its not as obvious. So later this week i will get the intake gaskets from GM. I know there is a difference in engines mid year in 95 I heard, how do i tell which engine I have, I have my valve covers off. The rockers look to be the same style as those that I have on my 90 taurus. I'll take a picture later on.


Do you have a full picture of the old gasket? It will have "pushrod guides" on the newer style, mine to not.


I would buy the Felpro gaskets... i've seen pics and they look to be a much better design than GM ones I got (which looked exactly the same as the ones I replaced) :roll:


When I did my gaskets, I got em from GM, and they didnt look the same at all. The gasket materal was completely different than stock.


okay, i am having a hard tiem taking a picture of this thing with my webcam. but here is a part of it, i had to remove three pushrods to get the gasket out. boy GM buried that thing under tons of stuff! anyways, here are a couple photos



[attachment deleted by admin] Removed to free up storage space.


From that second pic it appears to NOT have pushrod guides, so it is the non-roller (older) type.


I have seen bad 3.1 intake gaskets that showed no visible signs of deterioration. If the rubber around the end ports on either side is distorted, pinched, torn, etc. then tht is most likely your culprit. You can assume it is the gaskets almost entirely by reputation, although visual signs are nice. If you want 100% surety then pull the heads and have them checked, and shaved a bit if you want more compression. You already have the valvetrain apart, taking off the heads isn't that much more work on a 3100, and then you know you have new head gaskets.


And.... BUY FEL-PRO PERMA-DRY PLUS GASKETS they are the best gaskets you can buy right now


I just posted in my thread some pictures from the job I did. They "looked" good but were still leaking.

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