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Lumina failed NYS inspection results in good laugh


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Yesterday I took the Lumina in for the Safty/emmisions inspection and I was told it failed by the mechanic. Reason why it failed was because I was leaking power steering fluid. I have been leaking power steering fluid for about oh 5 years now and never had a problem, I just top off the fluid about every 10 months or so. Now you must be asking what is so funny about this? The quote to fix the leak is as follows:


Rack and pinion $400

High pressure line $ 125

Fluid $30

Front end alignment $70

Labor $423


Total: $1048


The guy says this to me "So a, what do you wanna do? We offer 90 day credit if you need some help. Oh by the way your intake manifold gaskets are leaking too, do you want me to give you a quote to fix those as well?" My responce is this "(a little giggle) screw you buddy, I'm gonna take the car home, hose the under side with the garden hose and get it reinspected." The look on the guys face was one to remember and I wish I had a camera. Sure enough I did just that and it passed without a problem... I even got a nice complement about the shape my car was in. The guy who did the second inspection asked why it failed the first time and I told him they said the outter tierod end was bad... which I knew was just fine and that it only shows up on the computer the car failed due to steering and suspension.

I know some of you guys get a good kick out of retarded price quotes.


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I grew up in NY and even worked in a shop..and we did inspections.That guy was really trying to rob ya!(we knew that already)


Also,DId they try to check your headlights for out of alignment? I worked at a shop in NY years back where they failed cars all the time on inspection,because the shop bought a headlight alignment tool that had 2 boxes and suction cups.One side was cupped on one head light,the other on the next headlight and looking through a glass hole you could see if the headlights were on par or off some.If they were off,it was 19 bucks to have it done or fail inspection.I laughed..boss was a crook.

I never did those anyways,wasnt a license state inspector that time.


The tire shops are also the worst for inspections...youll need new wiper blades,new front end,new tires,even if they have over half thread life left,and need every new lens bulb in order to pass inspection.Its nuts.


Btw I moved to KY(long story)...one good thing down here,no Inspections ever for anything.




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I gotta get mine inspected next month. I still have to find a place to inspect it, since Im not gonna bring my car to anyplace, sine you guys also know whats involved in an imspection here in NY


ohh BTW, how did you like that $20 for an inspection?!?! :willynilly: :lol:

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Where'd you go?



3756 Lakeview Road

Hamburg, NY 14075


Some fat little pencil prick works there and some penis pump with greased back slicked hair that could pass for being mildly retarded.



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The funny thing is that my house in PA is very near to NY, and it seems a car with a rust hole 3x as large as your head will pass inspection up there.


A PS leak isn't even a saftey issue if its not RUNNING out of there...even the PA commies wouldn't do that crap.


I always get to pay an extra $25 for them to put my gas cap on a machine and add an extra inspection sticker to my windshield. Its total bullshit. I also live less than 2 miles away from the county that has no emmisions testing

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LOL that's a great story! :lol:


Safety inspections are only done here when the ownership changes... so I don't have to worry about that (until I change it from my dad's name... but I'm sure everything will pass anyways).


Emissions are every 2 years... just had it done and it passed. :)

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where i live in PA its not bad, no emissions at all, i love it.


safety inspection isan't that bad, as long as theres no rust holes in structural parts of your car, brakes are ok, glass, etc. its all good.

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Ahahaha if only you had the camera!


The tire shops are also the worst for inspections...


I used to go to Goodyear. They wanted $1500 to pass me including "New parking brake assembly, all new cables, new outer tie rods, alignment, and I could use clean my fuel injectors as they were old" Those suckers are 2 years old lol

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Man sound like its a major pain in the ass to get an inspection in ny

i live in cali and we only have to smog test our cars every 2 years, and know i am not bragging,


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yeah....they'll do that. Some shops will try to upsell things, but it's illegal to tell you it's needed to pass when it isn't. There's a lot of things I agree with when it comes to state inspections, because a lot of cars out there shouldn't be on the road, and the sheeple that drive them are too ignorant to realize that. I personally wouldn't want to live in an area where morons can legally drive a car held together by bubblegum and a prayer.


This has been the thread-stopper, writing off....

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I personally wouldn't want to live in an area where morons can legally drive a car held together by bubblegum and a prayer.


Maybe some people can't afford "nicer" cars

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There's a lot of things I agree with when it comes to state inspections, because a lot of cars out there shouldn't be on the road, and the sheeple that drive them are too ignorant to realize that. I personally wouldn't want to live in an area where morons can legally drive a car held together by bubblegum and a prayer.



I agree, but to an extent. If you live in the country or in a small city and there isn't much traffic or high speeds, then the car can be more laxed as far as safety goes. I know that if I lived in a big city like Toronto I'd have new tires/struts/tranny fixed and anything else so that it's able to cope with hard driving on a regular basis.

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I had a boss who drove this 82 Volvo waggon (I think it was a 240??). The exagust leaked into the cabin. Driver's seatbelt wouldn't move. Rear hatch latch was busted. Driver's door glass fallen into the door. All lights on the passenger side of the car inoperative. Oh, and the hood release cable was busted. THAT was a car that shouldn't have been on the road anymore.

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I personally wouldn't want to live in an area where morons can legally drive a car held together by bubblegum and a prayer.


Maybe some people can't afford "nicer" cars

Cars don't pass or fail inspections based on appearance. If a few people can't drive a car so unsafe that it couldn't stop worth a damn, for example, and rear-end you, then so be it. I won't shed a tear.

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I had a boss who drove this 82 Volvo waggon (I think it was a 240??). The exagust leaked into the cabin. Driver's seatbelt wouldn't move. Rear hatch latch was busted. Driver's door glass fallen into the door. All lights on the passenger side of the car inoperative. Oh, and the hood release cable was busted. THAT was a car that shouldn't have been on the road anymore.


I agree. Lights, safety equipment, brakes, suspension, glass, etc should be in working order/satisfactory condition if it's to be on public roads.

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i remember working at the shop some lady brought in a old ciera with rear brakes that were 100% inop, the only reason it got fixed is because of inspection.

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I'm all for keeping the jalopies off the road, but I hate when shops use it as a money making scheme. Sure there are cars that shouldn't be on the road because they truly are unsafe such as non working brakes. I just think of a situation where an old lady takes her car in and the mechanic plays drama queen saying "oh your car has a spec of rust on the tail pipe and the car will melt unless you get it fixed for $500" Of course she will think oh no I have a major problem and I must pay them to fix it. They sorta threaten you too with the possiblity of your car failing inspection and you must fix it now or pay for it later with fines... so what is an unexpecting person to think other than bite the bullet and get it fixed at the high cost because of the fear of legal issues. What if they failed cars for leaking oil? Half the cars in America would be failing inspection.


Auto inspections are 50/50 between keeping the cars safe on the road and big business if you ask me.

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yeah, most of what you guys are referring to is not done or optional in Ohio. If you take a vehicle to do a driver's test they do a safety inspection, and you can also request to have a state trooper do it here in Ohio but that is all for the safety side. We used to have e-check but it has since been done away with. One thing that always pissed me off was that if you had OBD I they did a tail pipe test, but for OBD II they charged $20 to hook a computer up to yours to tell you hey guess what you check engine light isn;t on so your OK. That was such BS. I absolutly agree that they should do safety inspections periodically but it should be done by a repair shop and they should not be able to fail you unless it is serious. The thing I like is that the olds dealership I take the cutty to, when they do the oil change they also do a safety inspection. That was how I found out that the brake lights weren't working and i needed to install a new turn signal switch.


And if you think about it the FAA regulates aircraft maintenance and safety and look at how many fewer problems there are with aircraft crashes and how much safer it is to fly. J.M.O.


I do agree that this can be abused, but I also think that the state should randomly ask people about what they were told during their inspection that way if an inspection site is abusing the system they can be dealt with.

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At least in NY, the state plants "test vehicles" into repair / inspection shops. The vehicle usually has 3 known problems that should prevent it from passing, and they check to see if the inspector catches it. They also see if unnecessary work is suggested. At my old job, they got 2 of the inspectors caught "with their pants around their ankles".

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thats some shit man! is a front end alignment necessary with the rest of those "repairs"?


I've had that happen, had one shop quote me for a new front supension(balljoints, struts, tierods, sway bar bushings)=$1300


when it ended up just being $300 balljoints

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Where'd you go?



3756 Lakeview Road

Hamburg, NY 14075


Some fat little pencil prick works there and some penis pump with greased back slicked hair that could pass for being mildly retarded.




Dude where do you live? hamburg area? I deliver parts for Napa in hamburg. I deliver parts to Joes sometimes, biggest crooks EVER! Ive got some good stories about them...

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I personally wouldn't want to live in an area where morons can legally drive a car held together by bubblegum and a prayer.


Maybe some people can't afford "nicer" cars

Cars don't pass or fail inspections based on appearance. If a few people can't drive a car so unsafe that it couldn't stop worth a damn, for example, and rear-end you, then so be it. I won't shed a tear.


In NYS they dont pass/fail by appearance, but in other states they do. Take NJ for example, if you have a hole because of rust, or just a hole in general in any body panel, your car fails until you get it fixed.

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