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Hey Guys, I have a 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix, 90K 3rd owner. The cars sunroof is giving me a little trouble. About 2 months ago, I opened the roof cause it was beautiful out did all my shopping came home and went to close the sunroof........nothing. It was stuck wide open and wasnt budging, (found out later it will not move without the motor). After whining and bitching to my dad about it being opened, he looked at it. Nothing in the tracks were blocking it. So we pulled the headliner down, tapped the motor with a small ballpein hammer....nothing. Tested that the switch is giving a signal with a test light....both forward and backword motion indicate signal being sent from the switch. Next we unplugged what we think is the Sunroof Relay, im not totally sure it thats what it is but it is a small blackbox that slides into the internal body skeleton which has wire that look to go into the sides of the sunroof. I got a wiring schematic that shows that unit as the Sunroof Control Unit that is attached on the left and ride sides of the sunroof that only viewable from the inside track of the sunroof. My father is a mechanic and told me that most motors,wiper, and in this case the sunroof motor, when you reverse the polarity it will operate the motor, if it is still working. To my suprise that sunroof moved. We got it closed, thankfully, the sunroof leaks a little but I wasnt looking for niagara falls in my car everytime it rained. I noticed that the sunroof would move like it should up, tilt but would not close and lock. Now obviously, your thinking well ya dumbass you just said the black box was unplugged. So anyways, I would like to get this working again, 1 because its my first sunroof and its hot out, and my ac doesnt work. Am I right in think that I can just replace the control unit and be done with it or is there more? Im looking for someone would has either repaired this before, or is knowledgable in sunroofs in general. Also is there a way to adjust the left to right alignment, it seems that when it did work it was always pushed up on one side. Last but not least, LEAKS!!#@$ Im going to tackle this when I repair the other problem, but past the rubber hoses that go from each corner, does it go to body frame or are there more hoses? Sorry bout so much typing, but you guys have helped me each and every time. :willynilly: :exclaim: :lol:

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The drain hoses run down the A-pillars (the pillars along side the windshield) and exit out between the door and fender.


The "astroroof" issue has been brought up several times, and there are some PDF's from a GP service manual floating around here somewhere (IIRC, it was Bossman429 who posted them, so do a search using his screen name...)

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