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Oil pan gasket part 2...return of the gremlins...???

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Well, some good news for me. It turns out that I don't need to replace the oil pan gasket right away as I thought. The bad news was that it was my tranny leaking. It was still under warranty though and I got it taken care of today. Appears a bold came loose and caused a pretty good leak. So I'm still good on the oil pan gasket. I know I still need to replace it but I can at least wait a while. Only a few drops once in a while for now.


I probably should post this in another section but I'll ask here. Just had another setback with the car that I'm not quite sure of. While it was in for the tranny service, I had them run a diagnostic on the A/C. It hasn't been working (posted in another thread) and I found out, as someone stated, that it was low which caused it not to work. Got it recharged and ran dye through the system. A bad fitting but O rings were good so not too much money to fix...and I've now got cold air.


The problem that I have now is....power. I drove from the shop to a corner store and, when I came out, it wouldn't start. Battery was dead. I called the mechanic and he came, gave me a jump start, and suggested I drive it a few miles to recharge the battery. I drove it about 5 miles and it felt like it was just not driving right. My ABS light came on, so I turned around and headed for home. (Keep in mind that it's now past closing time for the shop). As I was driving back, I noticed that the ABS light had gone off but the brake light came on. I thought that maybe the emergency brake was on but...no. Then I noticed that my speedometer was bouncing back and forth...in time with my music. I turned the music down and my speedometer went down...to about 60 which was what I was doing. I turned up the volume and the speedometer went up to 80. I shut the stereo off...and noticed the lights on my A/C controls were going crazy. Blinking back and forth like a space ship had me in their beam or something. WTF???


Well I made it off the freeway and, when I got to a light, the car was running like shit. When I took off...no power from the engine (or tranny). It barely began to move. Eventually it got enough speed or power and I made it to my front door. I shut the car off and then tried to start it. Nothing!!! Now I'm wondering if the battery is bad, the alternator is fried, or if some sort of fuse got blown? Or if I should have traded my GS in for that GTO I as looking at last week? Any Ideas?


I'll be calling the shop in the morning to see if they can come and pick it up for another check. Hope it's nothing major...but there is that GTO!! :rolleyes:


Yeah, when gauge clusters start going nuts, its usually the alternator.

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