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So, the reason im having problems is that my tensioner pooped out last time. When the belt died the first time, i just lined everything back up according to the marks, and then when I put the engine together before it went in, same deal, both times it was dead on. would there be anything that a dead tensioner would screw up as opposed to just the belt crapping out? im assuming that, or I just lost all of my timing skills or something


Did the tensioner slip because the hydraulic accuator is buggered?


yes. it was new when i put the engine in, and so ive since got a new one (obviously) and can't seem to get it timed right. I know exactly where it is now, and what I need to do, but Ken said he might be around to lend me an extra set of hands and eyes


When it comes to timing, I'll take all the hands and eyes I can get. Good luck getting it all figured out :smile:


When it comes to timing, I'll take all the hands and eyes I can get. Good luck getting it all figured out :smile:


yeah, thats mainly what I need, extra hands and eyes. crappy thing is, i know where it's off and why, but it didnt happen til i put the tensioner on and it tightened up, and pulled the one cam off by a few teeth. i think i know how to remedy this, though, so Im going at it again tonight. while im at it, anyone want me to change a timing belt!? I'll do it for cheap, but if the timing is off, too bad! :lol:

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