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Would like to stab at changing my transmission filter. I don't know if it has ever been changed but I would like to. How do I go about doing this and what materials do I need. I am a complete n00b when it comes to this so I need locations of the pan and stuff like that.


Look underneath ur car, you'll see a larger flat pan that will say mostly likely "4T60-E GM Hydramatic" - osays something like that anyway....that's ur tranny pan.


Turbo231?? has a write up on how to drop the pan with minimal mess, etc...I believe there's a post in the FAQ section on changing the fluid and filter using his write up.


I never liked putting the pan back on... for some reason always took me a while...


I never liked putting the pan back on... for some reason always took me a while...


Really? Thats strange...


The best way to do it (like following Turbo321's site), is to loosen bolts on one side more than another, and let the fluid drain out for a long while. There will be a lot of fluid. An, no matter what, even after you think it is all drained, when you start taking out some of those pan bolts, more fluid will come.


Oh, BTW, wear clothes you don't mind getting trashed. No white belts.


It's about as easy as changing your oil, just 10x messier.


:werd: ... and like 20 bolts :lol: but yeah it's simple job.


and you might get it into your hair..at least thats what happened when my trans fluid-doused hands slipped off of the ratchet and landed in the drain pain...yuck


and you might get it into your hair..at least thats what happened when my trans fluid-doused hands slipped off of the ratchet and landed in the drain pain...yuck




worst hairstyle evar


IF your car still have the origional GM gasket with little metal rings in it. i'd reuse it. other wise put a little beat of black RTV on the mating surfacves and do not over tighten it.


get a magnet or two and put htem in the pan....i know there is one from the factory....but i added a few the last time i changed fluid.


I know you can buy those pump things that you put down the dipstick filler tube and pump some of the fluid off....might help with the mess too


I know you can buy those pump things that you put down the dipstick filler tube and pump some of the fluid off....might help with the mess too


but a mess is half the fun...


I guess if you have your own place or your parents don't care lol....if I spilled tranny fluid all over the place my dad would kill me haha


I did it at my buddies dad shop for free today,


read the write up. dropped the pan cleaned it all out bought a new seal and added an addative. It's sweet. Took me 1/2 hour and no mess lol. OWN3DDDDD!!!


I did it at my buddies dad shop for free today,


read the write up. dropped the pan cleaned it all out bought a new seal and added an addative. It's sweet. Took me 1/2 hour and no mess lol. OWN3DDDDD!!!


Should have welded in a magnetic drain plug/bung in it, makes it so much easier next time around :wink:


Yea...what they said. And FYI, it doesn't hurt anything to change your fluid/filter and the more you do it, the better you get at it. Pretty soon, it becomes almost as easy as an oil change, minus the fact that it is messy.


RIP Grand Prix!


I know you can buy those pump things that you put down the dipstick filler tube and pump some of the fluid off....might help with the mess too


I tried that...stupid tube wasn't long enough. $3 well spent lol

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