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i got a 88 regal custome 6 speaka set up 4 dash 4x6 door n 6x9 rear shelf i already kno how to add a din size faceplate wit a special kit (im ordin everythin off of crutchfield.com) i wanna do a full sony xplode sytem in da cap of da car but in da trunk i wanna go bazooka but muh question iz how do i replace muh 6x9 n 4x6? n i cant find 4 sony xplode so im wonderin if neone kno a site werre i can find dem or wut r some of muh optionz to replace dat 4 i find a 5-1/4 sony xplode if i wuz to go dat route how woul i get dat to fit

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My Cutlass had 4" speakers in the dash.. I was able to use a dremel to modify the opening to fit some 4x6's in there.


Just some advice though.. I'd look for something other than Sony.. I used to have sony stuff in my Lumina, and after the shit breaking so much, I finally gave up and looked for other brands. There's better out there.. you just gotta look.

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My Cutlass had 4" speakers in the dash.. I was able to use a dremel to modify the opening to fit some 4x6's in there.


Just some advice though.. I'd look for something other than Sony.. I used to have sony stuff in my Lumina, and after the shit breaking so much, I finally gave up and looked for other brands. There's better out there.. you just gotta look.


muh bro haz a 2001 grand am n we did a full sony xplode up front n nuttin haz broke n it soundz good(he got hose speakzin in hiz trunk az hiz subz n no he didnt take dem out da box he threw da hole entire box both of dem in hiz trunk)but wut r some otha brandz u surgeest n i will look into dem n u sayin if i use a dremel n cann fit da 5-1/4 i wuz lookin at dat amtchez da 4x6 n 6x9 i want da depth wouldnt get into da way or nethin???

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Like I said.. I was the same way when I first got in to car audio.. I thought my Sony subs sounded good, and I thought their amps were great as well.. until one of them kept killing itself. I got fed up, and got myself a US Acoustics USX-600D amp for my subs.. Haven't had a single problem with that amp, and it's efficient as hell. I then upgraded my subs from some Mobile ES Xplodes to the NEW infinity Kappa subs.. that was a night and day difference in the volume, and quality of sound. They hit harder, went lower, and were much cleaner sounding than the sony's. Not to mention, the physical size of the sub itself was twice that of the sony sub.

Look for anything besides sony.. Alpine, Us Acoustics, Kenwood, Infinity, Pioneer...


I'm not sure about 5 1/4's in the dash.. but I do know that 4x6's would fit with some work.

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in da trunk iz werre i wanna do all bazooka ampz n subz n i wanna wrie all da sony cab speakaz i wanna wire to a bazooka amp runnin all 6 speakz

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u said 4x6 would def fit but how would it sound wit 2 pair of 4x6 n just one pair of 6x9 im lookin fo mo bass den treb im a big bass head i wanna be able to play bass music n sound hella good bass madd deep n i want da bass to shake da ground n be able to be herd from far away i kno cab speakz aint da cause of dat but they do help

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Guest RedCutlassSL

i think i speak for all when i say this. hey, its great you want to modify your car. and i can understand if you speak like this. but you don't type like this, you have to make a conscious effort to type ghetto. could you please just type like we all do? it makes it much easier to read your posts and help you out.

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Guest RedCutlassSL

see, that was perfect, and much easier to read. i'm willing to help you out, but i don't really want to take the time to decipher your post

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Piss on Sony. Two Words. "Planet Audio"


Just wait til the X-Plod, Explodes. Crap.


Oh yeah, .....Phlanet Ahudio. Fo shizzle, muh nizzle, up in the hizzle. :lol:

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If you're a bass head, don't get Sony. They aren't reliable and they don't sound that good. Look at JL Audio, Alpine, Kicker, Pioneer, Cerwin Vega, MB Quart, Focal, or Infiniti. I'd say all of these are better than Sony. Bazooka is decent, but listen to a few different brands before you buy.


If you want a LOT of bass, use a ported or bandpass box. you'll get more volume for your money. Just make sure the box is the right size for the speakers, or they'll sound like crap.

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money aint a thin to me i wanna put n da biggest subz in mnuh trunk preferbally 3 of dem im thinkin bout 3 17" wired to indavidual ampz cuz i wanna macth one sub to one amp n i want dem enclosed into a custome box i made

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Guest RedCutlassSL

17 inch subs? do they even make them in that size? and if they do, thats gonna sound like ass. to fast music, they would be very slow to respond. wow..um...i tried

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when i got my first car steros where big it was the cool thang i had two kicker 18's in custom built box in the back of my ESCORT 87 it was the shit at the time

then i woke up and faced reality.

i wanted to go fast so i got a gp and my life has not been the same since not super fast but it is all i need 8)

oh yea if u want really clean bass go with lanzar or ma audio kicker is clean too and if u want a good amp for your money go with rockford fosgate or BOSS very under rated amps and good for their price

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yes they make 17z muh boy haz 2 in hiz toyata camery n they sound good to fats music y would they respond slo i dont undatsand??

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Ok, not that I could understand most of the q's but I will explain my experiences w/ audio (Have been pro/custom installer for 9 Years.) Only decent Sony stuff I have seen was there demo van @ dB drag World Finals. Bazooka, HELL NO. If you are a basshead than don't buy bazooka. Probably some of the best equipment I have seen CrossFire. Ten 10" in a Ranger 12,000 watts, 165db. Last I checked could only get it in Ohio and IN. I have been told recently that Orion has went to shit. I personally right now am running (2) 225 HCCA Dig. Ref. and (2) Co 15's. One of the first vehicles I competed w/ was pair of 12" cobalt subs ($88 each) and a SoundStream Reference 500 ($600 which is CURRENTLY in my Cutlass running my highs, see website) turned over halfway down. We hit 147 Db w/ a ported bandpass box. Sitting next to the car your couldn't even tell the stereo was on (hitting 140+) That was 7 yrs ago. Memphis has been bought and sold times over, but continues to produce great equipment. I come from the school of current. My Orions are rated @ 25x2 and put out 400 watts each. People call them cheater amps, I call them quality amps. My rant is now over, hell, I probably didn't even answer a single ques. Oh well, if I can be of help, lemme know.


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god seemz like u kno alot about ur system set upz wut would u recomend fo me az in speakaz face plate subz n ampz n i think dis forom got a lil of track all i wanted to kno wuz wut i can do wit da 4" openin in muh dash but now im curois

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If it were me I would go w/ the Eclipse 4" and leave it alone. I heard a pair of those a while back and almost picked them up. As far as head units go, depends on what your doing. I have been a hard core Alpine person myself. Everyone tried to get me to go Eclipse, and I was considering it, until I went to the dB drags and every demo veh. there that didn't make there own CD player had and Alpine in it. NO Eclipse, not one. The only downfall is there recievers suck, so if your going to listen to radio, and not Xm, Alpine may not be for you. (Only one channel here doesn't come in well) If you consider going the current route w/ amps remember, they EAT TONS of power. BTW. The JL 18w3's are fast as hell. Fast as most 12's. I prefer 12's myself, for accuracy and depth, they are a happy medium. I have 15's now and they slide alot, but they weren't too expensive. I have heard some about AudioBahn, have been considering them myself to try them out, and they are relatively cheap online. Don't want to take up to much space, any more q's just ask. Glad to help.

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Guest RedCutlassSL

when i say 17s would be slow to respond, i mean because of there large size, fast music with a fast beat, it will lag behind the music. end result? sounds like shit

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Check out Planet Audio. I have 2 of there P-12 12" subs and they are awesome. Great product for the price, sound as good as infinity kappa's, but 1/2 the price. Planet Audio is big in California and they are starting to make their way across the US

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