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Ok, heres the situation. It's been acting up for about 2 weeks now. It first started when turning on the car and putting it in reverse and it would die. Fires right back up and off you go. Other times are driving for about 30 min park and turn it off and if you come back to fire it back up in 2 min, nothing happens. I hear a click click click, but its not turning over. I thought it was a power issue, but I tried boosting it and it didnt help. So its not a power issue. If I wait another 3-5 min it turns on. Engine temps are a bit warmer now in the summer, but could my starter be going?


Ok heres the latest update. I took it for a drive with Jamie (GTP Munky) and it was shifting bad. Anyways, we went to a few stores. Semi raced a civic, came back. But the car in neutral and reved it a little bit. Shifted it in reverse and it didnt jump... We both looked at each other... Drove it, and it was shifting beautifully! Came back turned it off for a good hour and drove it home and not a single problem! I am still going to take it in for service incase anything is wrong. Kinda strange though!


Ok now I just drove it 1km and its acting totally weird. It doesnt even sound like itself. Instead of a deep muffler its making a higher pitch. I was at a stop sign and tried turning right and it jumped forward when I hit the the gas. Not like a slowly stop to go, just a jump. So I turned around and brought it home. Is my tranny going now? Like holy fuck. What else can go wrong?


What else can go wrong?


Your oil drain plug could be stripped.


Well atleast that is ok. I took the car for more driving and its shifting into gears badly. I'm gonna have to take it to a shop and get it looked after before it gets any worse. I checked the tranny fluid, and it was alright as well.


Ok, I have cleaned out the IAC and put back in

- Replaced my vacuum pump

- Tested out my vacuum. No leaks

- Tranny fluid is fine.

Im going to take it in for service. But what should I do? New Tranny or get mine rebuilt?

If I get a new tranny, what one? :willynilly:


You say it was stalling

having problems starting


I just think it's likely something else causing these problems... hey its possible you might have tranny issues but it very likely could be something else mimicking the symptoms..


Doesn't sound like a transmission problem to me either. Check your TPS, make sure the catalytic convertor isn't plugged. The click click you describe sounds like a bad starter or a low battery, a low battery due to defective alternator would also cause the surge you describe. When you tried to jump it where did you hook the positive lead to? Are you sure you had a good connection with the jump box?


I tried jumping the car with my 700A Eliminator Power Pack. It has a green/red light if you have a good or bad connection. It was on green so I know it was a good connection. I connected my ground to the strut bolts and positive on the positive terminal. Not on the battery, but on the other thing. Anyways, it didnt help. I let the car sit for a few min. With out the 700A Power Pack, it starts. I know weird. So that really why I dont think its a power issue. :dunno:


As for the car now, when I turn it on... It just sounds bad. Doesnt sound like a normal engine anymore. Its not misfiring or anything either. And when I try to drive it, it needs more gas than usual. Like I have to press the pedal down further to make it move. I see the rpm's jump up, but it takes a lot of rpm's to get the car moving. For an example, if Im at a stop sign and I'm turning right. I have to push the pedal down a lot more than usual. And the weird thing is... When I hit the car the car makes a high pitch whinning sound. Only when I hit the gas. And when driving it feels like its having hard shifts. As if I am driving stick, and dont know when to shift. I cant take it to a tranny shop until tomorrow, but I dont even like driving it in these conditions.


Please help! :cry:


P.S. See Dave I added more info! :thumb:


Well, the car is going in for a check up tomorrow morning. I'll let you know all whats wrong and how much I am going to be raped. :cry:


As for the starting, sounds like could be bad connection between terminal and battery! Putting jump box on the other Positive post (not the one on the battery) will still supply power to the starter, and make ground connection (you said u used strut bolts), but when you take it off and go drive it runs like shit. Possibly corosion between battery and terminal creating a lot of resistance and causing computer to do weird things such as shifting. Click click click could be starter or could be bad connection like i said before. I'd do a starter draw test to see if the starters actually drawing power from the battery and how much. I'd be surprised if it were the tranny.


As for the starting, sounds like could be bad connection between terminal and battery! Putting jump box on the other Positive post (not the one on the battery) will still supply power to the starter, and make ground connection (you said u used strut bolts), but when you take it off and go drive it runs like shit. Possibly corosion between battery and terminal creating a lot of resistance and causing computer to do weird things such as shifting. Click click click could be starter or could be bad connection like i said before. I'd do a starter draw test to see if the starters actually drawing power from the battery and how much. I'd be surprised if it were the tranny.


I had that problem!!! I couldn't figure it out for the life of me, so my dad made arrangements with his mechanic to have it checked out, he called me up 20 minutes after I dropped off the car and said it was ready, no charge (I love family friends)


Stop by tonight Jason...maybe we can fix it before it goes in for the check up!!




I wouldn't say fixed...more like it stopped and is just waiting to come back...


To me it did sound like a tranny problem, I checked a few of the electrical connections and they all seem clean to me, even cleaner than mine.

When driving it runs normally untill the transmission changes gears, its a very harsh change, causing the entire car to shake. When hes in park I can hear an abnormal high pitched whine and a ticking from the transaxle side of the engine. The ticking sounds like bad valve tick, should of checked the oil while he was here but it skipped my mind while I was trying to think of other causes.

When it stopped doing everything and went back to normal he didn't even shut the car off, I ran into the house to grab some cash and when I came back it was running normal, he said he just reved it up a few times.

Been a long time since I worked on a transmission, is there any sort of issues with these transmissions that can cause it to act like that? maybe a bad torque converter? sticking valve? bad electical connection within the transmission?




Well, one test for a bad torque covertor, put the car in neutral, foot off the brake, and rev it with short stabs on the accelerator pedal releasing it each time and letting it return to normal idle. If the car makes any attempt at forward motion, even the slightest replace the torque convertor.


the tranny pump could be going out they sound like superchargers when they are on their way out....


Well, one test for a bad torque covertor, put the car in neutral, foot off the brake, and rev it with short stabs on the accelerator pedal releasing it each time and letting it return to normal idle. If the car makes any attempt at forward motion, even the slightest replace the torque convertor.


Tried that. Never moved. Just slightly rolled back cause my driveway is on a slight hill. Good idea though my friend!


the tranny pump could be going out they sound like superchargers when they are on their way out....


I replaced some pump. It was called vacuum something. It could of been the culprit! But still taking it in to be safe. Thanks for the info!


the tranny pump could be going out they sound like superchargers when they are on their way out....


I replaced some pump. It was called vacuum something. It could of been the culprit! But still taking it in to be safe. Thanks for the info!


Maybe mention that to them when you get there in the morning, just tell them that you suspect it may be the tranny pump and see what they say




the tranny pump could be going out they sound like superchargers when they are on their way out....


I replaced some pump. It was called vacuum something. It could of been the culprit! But still taking it in to be safe. Thanks for the info!


Maybe mention that to them when you get there in the morning, just tell them that you suspect it may be the tranny pump and see what they say




Oh your sneaky. You want them to turn out like Jiffy Lube dont you? :lol:

But Im off for the test. I'll let you guys know what happens! Pray for my car!


Ok I took it in. It took a lot longer than we thought. The guy from Mister Transmission first got all the info from the car and popped the hood to check the levels. Than he took it for a spin and said it sounds and is working fine. So he said we can do the flush, take apart the tranny to see if anything is broken or worn out. We got the car raised on a lift. He called me in saying there was a small leak in my rusty lines. And 100 would be to the cost to put new lines in. Than he dropped the pain (What a mess that was) and the fluid was still a nice clearish red colour. He pulled the filter off and it was really clean. So he told me to come back in 20 min while they suck the rest out and connect the car to the computer. I walked around to the dealerships just looking at some used cars. Immediatly I was taken off gaurd by not 1, but 2 salesman. I told them I just looking, but they gave me a card and said if I need any help. Meanwhile I was just there killing time. Anyways 20 minutes go by so my girl friend walk back to Mister Transmission. I expected the car to on the ground and ready to go. Nope. It was still on the lift. He said its taking longer than usual because they have so many cars they are working on. Which was true. All their lifts were full with people working on them. Even one guy was working on one in the parking lot. Anyways, after waiting for another 30-45 min he came back and said everything is fine. Except for the lines. I said dont worry about them. And he told me, instead of fixing this to do this. Add a tranny cooler and removed those lines. He said its a win-win situation. No more leaks and the tranny will stay cooler. So instead of paying 100 for lines installed, he said pay 130 for a tranny cooler or goto Canadian Tire and pick up a tranny cooler and do it yourself. So thats the plan. But the tranny is working perfectly fine. Thank god... Now I can still buy other junk for the car :lol:

So instead of paying 100 for lines installed, he said pay 130 for a tranny cooler or goto Canadian Tire and pick up a tranny cooler and do it yourself.


Is that the price installed? or labour on top of that?



So instead of paying 100 for lines installed, he said pay 130 for a tranny cooler or goto Canadian Tire and pick up a tranny cooler and do it yourself.


Is that the price installed? or labour on top of that?







I paid like $75 for my "Mister Transmission" brand tranny cooler kit (has all the rubber lines and fittings that you need) at Canadian Tire! It was SUPER EASY to install! (You've seen it). Save yourself money and to it yourself. :)


Also my dad had a leak on one of his tranny line so I fixed it with rubber line... it's fine now.


Anyways good to finally get an update on your car :thumb:



I paid like $75 for my "Mister Transmission" brand tranny cooler kit (has all the rubber lines and fittings that you need) at Canadian Tire! It was SUPER EASY to install! (You've seen it). Save yourself money and to it yourself. :)


Also my dad had a leak on one of his tranny line so I fixed it with rubber line... it's fine now.


Anyways good to finally get an update on your car :thumb:


Yeah definitly this is something Im going to do on my own. Save money and help the tranny stay cool. :smile:


this small leak in the lines would cause incorrect internal fluid pressures, would this also cause the car not to move when put into reverse from a dead stop? My car is doing similar things, but is now to the point of not functioning "normally" at all. Forward movement is just as described by early posts, but when shifted into reverse, it will not move. I understand from a friend who has much more experiance working on cars(former mechanic)than I do(occasional shade tree mechanic), that shifting is controlled by the fluid pressure. (The only transmission I have ever worked on was a 5 speed manual from a 1987 Dodge shadow CSX, in which I replaced a couple bearings)


P.S. I do not have constant forum acces, so if someone has an answer, please email me as well and let me know if you have any ideas.


P.P.S. This is in a 1994 Ponitac Grand Prix with the 3100 engine and the 4T60-E, Blue with what I have been told is the GTP ground effects.


this small leak in the lines would cause incorrect internal fluid pressures, would this also cause the car not to move when put into reverse from a dead stop? My car is doing similar things, but is now to the point of not functioning "normally" at all. Forward movement is just as described by early posts, but when shifted into reverse, it will not move. I understand from a friend who has much more experiance working on cars(former mechanic)than I do(occasional shade tree mechanic), that shifting is controlled by the fluid pressure. (The only transmission I have ever worked on was a 5 speed manual from a 1987 Dodge shadow CSX, in which I replaced a couple bearings)


P.S. I do not have constant forum acces, so if someone has an answer, please email me as well and let me know if you have any ideas.


P.P.S. This is in a 1994 Ponitac Grand Prix with the 3100 engine and the 4T60-E, Blue with what I have been told is the GTP ground effects.


My tranny would let me still go in all gears. Just shifted hard into them. I heard if you loose a gear, expect some hardcore labour or a new tranny. I'm sure someone else can be more helpful. By no means I should be giving advice. Im not a mechanic either :mrgreen:

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