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Difficult decision time.....


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So, a while back, I posted that I had reached the decision to get rid of all my current cars. It's just not the right time in my life to be blowing money, time and effort on them, not to mention expending anger and frustration about treading water on progress. I still fully intend on selling 3 of the 4 cars, but.....the TGP has me semi-wondering, now. I have done quite a bit to it the last few weekends...



Plugs (NGK Iridium)

Wires (Taylor 8mm)

Coils (Delco)

ICM (Delco)

Oil return line (through TGPilot)

Tranny cooler lines (custom bent brake lines)

Thermostat (Napa)

Lower radiator hose (Napa)


I also swapped my leaking radiator with the one from the TGP I parted out a few years back. That's kinda' what started this onslaught of new parts I threw at it. Well, the end result is a much better running TGP. The horrible vibrating instead of accelerating when I got on the accelerator is completely gone, and it's taking off MUCH better! So now.....I'm some what swaying towards possibly keeping it. I'm kinda' torn at this point, though, because there's still a LOT that it needs. This weekend, it is in for a passenger side CV axle replacement, which sounded REALLY bad yesterday. It would have been completed yesterday, but after I picked up the part, the thing wouldn't start, so I couldn't get it to the mechanic in enough time to get it done before the shop closed. It was the starter, which has had an issue with getting heat soaked and not working for quite some time. Problem here is......the engine wasn't even on for 2 minutes (the parts store was in a shopping center directly across the street from my parking lot)! I came back 2 hours later, and still no good! I had to hit the starter with a hammer while an employee from the parts store turned the ignition to get it started. So.....I'd say that's about due for a replacement, too. All together, this takes care of a pretty good portion of the problems plaguing this car, which is why I'm considering keeping this one out of the 3.


However......it's still going to need a new steering rack (I'm pretty sure that's what the play in the wheel is from), an accumulator (brakes come on and off as they please, hopefully this is all it needs), oil pan gasket (I think that's where it's leaking from), and a few other little issues like the occasional smoking from the steering column when I hit the ignition, or flick the left signal on, the fact the oil pressure drops to 0 when I make left-hand turns, new tires, new struts, etc.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I don't know if I'm really even looking for a response, or opinions. I think I just needed to see everything spelled out to vent some frustration, and get a "step back" perspective on everything. But anyway......that's everything in an abbreviated nutshell that's going on with my TGP at the moment.

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I'll respond anyways.... :)


I guess it depends what the car IS to you. Do you want it just for a DD or as a weekend toy?


If its a labor of love I'd say go ahead and tackle its issues and fix it up. If its a simply a DD with a tight budget in mind, you may consider selling it to an enthusiast who wants to spend the $$ to fix it.


If you're happy with it, just hold on to it and slowly buy parts and fix problems as cash flow allows you to.


Just don't do something you think you'll regret later on.

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Well there in lies the problem. It's not really a financial issue, though part of why I'm getting rid of the cars is because I have to prioritize my spending a bit better than blowing it on 4 16+ year old cars that aren't worth jack, even in mint condition. First and foremost, I'd like to get a house within the next year or two. Secondly, time consumption is an issue. My new schedule and location of my job doesn't really allow me much free time anymore. And most importantly, even if I had more free time, I live in an apartment complex where working on cars is strictly prohibited. So....all in all, I'm really being impractical on the one hand by keeping this thing.




On the other hand, I know I'm going to get extremely bored real quick with an "ordinary" car. Sure, it'll be nice to have a newer, reliable car that doesn't cause me to sweat bullets every other week, but at the same time, it won't offer the exhilaration of owning a car that makes the mechanics go "wtf?" during an oil change, etc. Also, it's not like I'm going to get much for any of them. Maybe $2k for the better conditioned AWD STE, and the rest go downhill from there price-wise. So part of me is thinking what would it hurt to keep one on the side?


I guess I'll start by getting rid of the other cars in the next couple of months, and go from there. One thing at a time. I'll see how I feel, and what the situation is at that point.


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I reached a similar point. I'm working full time again, well paid, etc, but it leaves me little time to do anything else. I'm tired of owning a car I can't autocross, road race or drag race without blowing tranny, axles, etc.


I'm to the point where I'm going to give up on FWD. The real choice is do I simply downgrade my Cav, sell all the turbo parts, and store the motor? or build an MG GT with my 3.1 and either 2 T3 turbo's or a single GT40 turbo, Richmond 6-speed, and full LSD in the rear end... but with my work load, I'd only have a little time on weekends to work on it and a long term project isn't something I look forward to solo.....

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If the TGP is starting to come together again, keep it as a project. Just buy a dependable DD, sell the other cars you don't need/want, & keep all the parts you will need from your TGP parts car. Other than that, I think you already know what you want to do.

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my tgp is the most reliable DD I have ever owned. this thread is confusing to me. you guys should try having a ford as a daily driver :lol:


and its not expensive to fix one up either. IF....you do it yourself. parts are not really that hard to find either. for such a rare car. these cars are only worth the love you put in to them

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I say keep one car, and sell 3 to get a newer car. One you can drive everyday, and you still have the fun car that is a backup car too. This way you won't be bored or overwhelmed.


That's how I would do it.

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I say keep one car, and sell 3 to get a newer car. One you can drive everyday, and you still have the fun car that is a backup car too. This way you won't be bored or overwhelmed.


That's how I would do it.




If it were me, I would decide which one was most favorite....hell even if its an AWD one, swap some TGP stuff into it perhaps *Turbo 3.1 AWD STE would be way fun :)* and sell the others for a new daily driver.....and if you have resources, maybe store that car away for a while until you do have time? I don't count on everyone switching to riding around in little rocket ships any time soon so I think you would be okay storing it for a year or 2, or some more....

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I belive if your the Chief of the house..you should own 3 vehicles. One for fun, one runabout, and one truck.


You will always need a truck for somthing. A runabout is a relible car you won't mess with mechanicly toooo much. But a few amps or rims won't hurt with some tint. And a fun car or project car.


I think you should decide on which one you like the most. ANd considering how old some of thise cars are...there are but about 1/3 left from production numbers left. SNEEZ Cough...AWD..hmmm ..fart.




I know what your going though. ITs cut down time again at my path. My keepers for life is my 63 PU. The next one is the TGP. So those are the only ones im keeping. Latter on I will buy a pussy getter. :lol:

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