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What is wrong with this stupid car?!

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It has no cam position sensor, just the crank position sensor as i described.


If you're talking about the plastic thing that distributes the spark, yeah those have a tendancy to carbon track. I know i troubleshooted our car because we had another one that was known good from our other car. If you have a friend with a quad 4 car, just borrow the whole IDI cover for 20 minutes


Lol it is obviously the crank sensor, *IF* you have replaced the coils and housing module. It only does it at high RPM, the sensor is either skewed or faulty. Replace the ckp sensor. Even better, monitor it real time with a graphing scanner as you rev it... you should be able to see erratic or no reading at high RPM (keep in mind with the enigne revving at 2500 RPM you may have to save a graph of the rev and watch it frame by frame. depends how good of a scanner you use). Also check and make sure you arent crushing/pinching any harness wires under engine load. If the car has any type of alarm that can disable spark then unhook it completely before doing anything. But again... it is most likely the ckp sensor judging from your videos and the description of your previous attempts to repair it.


Alright well tomorrow the new housing is going in and if that doesn't fix it (which I'm convinced it won't) I'll put a new crank sensor in it. If that doesn't fix it, fuck it I'm done with this car haha


Will a bad crank sensor only cause one of the coil packs to work? Because right now I'm only getting good spark from terminals two and three from the housing and weak sparking from one and four.


Well, we went from no spark to little spark... Lets try this again. Replace your ICM and Coils again. This time replace with Junk yards parts, but make sure the parts are AC Delco. Then we can go back to the CPS.


Well, we went from no spark to little spark... Lets try this again. Replace your ICM and Coils again. This time replace with Junk yards parts, but make sure the parts are AC Delco. Then we can go back to the CPS.

No, we always had spark, go back to page one and look at my second or third post. Anyways, it's fixed. Fucking AutoZone gave me bad coil packs. I will never go there again... and I used to think that Napa was incompetent...

Well, I am glad we stopped you from replacing the CPS. I must have misread it or something (to lazy to go back and re-read LOL). Anyways, its done, and its running, thats what counts (I only use AC Delco parts for the ignition system, off market brands arent always reliable).


God damnit. I was bringing my friends Dad to drop off his car at his wife's work and on the way back the engine started to sound funny, like i was revving my engine but i was steady on the the throttle the whole time. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and had no trouble the rest of the way back to his house and back to mine. Hopefully I was only imagining things.


Okay, so now I start the car and it runs fine for about maybe 4 miles... and then the engine slowly starts to skip and when I hold the gas steady the engine sounds as if it's revving up and down. I think it's another coil problem because the two in their right now are questionable. But incase that's not the problem, anyone have some suggestions? I was so happy, this car ran good for like 3 days and then it starts acting up again, but at least it's not even close to what it was before.

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