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im in need of a new radiator for my 93 old cutlass supreme, i dont have the money to buy a new one, everywhere wants over 200 dollars, ive tried jb weld, and some stuff you put in your radiator, both worked for about a week each, i was looking on ebay and theres none for my car, i was wondering if i could buy one from like a corsica of a beretta, if anyone knows that i can do that or not, just need a regular radiator with the transmission cooler, and i really dont trust jy's for parts like this, had too many bad parts just break on me any help would be appreciated, thanx

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Go to an Autozone, or something along those lines... Usually, they have a lifetime warranty. Yes your looking at $200, but thems the breaks...


Other than that the bone yard would be the way to go.... They also offer some type of warranty... usually 30-90 days. You would likely looking at $50 from a j/y...

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I don't see anything wrong with getting one from the wreckers. :dunno: Just make sure it looks good an is not from a car that was hit from the front. Make sure they have some sort of warrantee on it so if it leaks you can take it back.

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If its just the tanks or one of the tanks leaking,you may be able to have a rad shop repair it...or if its inside the fins somewhere they may be able to fix...I had a leaking radiator that needed a new tank on one side.Cost me 65 bucks to have it repaired and bad tank replaced and the entire rad cleaned,pressure tested and etc.Been going fine for 3 years now.


Check around for rad repair shops near you,they may be able to save you a bundle.



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a 93 CS radiator will not be the same as a 96 lum


early W's 88-93 CS, GP, regal, and 90-94 Lumina have the same radiator


later W's, 94-96 GP, 94+ CS, 94+ regal, and 95-99 M carlo, and 95+Lumina have the same


they are each retained differently, and the later ones have hte fans bolt to the radiator, and not the plastic radiator 'hold down'.


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its the side tank thats leaking, ill see if i cant get that fixed, sounds like a decent idea, i would go to a jy but i just dont trust the ones by me also, there not always the best cars, and they offer no warranty, thanx for the help

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