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Weird Drivabilty Issue.

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O.K. So i'll try to keep this short. I know we all hate long post.


The car is a 1988 Cutlass Supreme 2.8l.

New parts on it are: Spark plugs

Spark plug Wires

Ignition Module

Fuel pump and strainer

Fuel filter

Fuel tank and sending unit


The issue is that the car runs great when it's cold. After the car gets warmed up it will run rough during acceleration through 1st and 2nd. As soon as the car shifts into 3rd it will straighten up and run fine. At cruising speed it runs fine, when you give it a little gas it starts to run rough. I have had the car for two months and it has now just started to do this, ran just fine before this.

One thing I find very strange is that I put my fuel pressure gauge on it and at idle it runs about 35psi goes up to 40+ psi when you rev the engine. Now for the strange part after you shut the engine off the fuel pressure rises to about 43psi and holds there.

This all has me confised never ran into this before. Anybody have any good thoughts on this one?


Could try putting some Fuel System cleaner in there, and check your coils. These could be ur culprits


Heat from the engine will expand the fuel in the line after the regulator...but your problem may be in the fact that your "pressurizing" the fuel tank. If it is not vented or the charcoal evap canister is plugged or the solenoid that controls the recirc is stuck you might get some pressurization in the fuel system. Road heat will heat a gas tank to the point it expands and pressurizes the fuel system.


Next time you have the problem unscrew your gas cap and see if it sounds like you are letting air out of your tires. Run it like that for a short run to see if it cures the problem. :cool:


Is that air sound normal? My car makes that noise nearing the bottom of the tank.


Is that air sound normal? My car makes that noise nearing the bottom of the tank.


I think they all do that.


I'll try that stuff if I end up with some time this weekend. Thanks guys.

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