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not sure if this is in the right place....

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Alright, so I put one of those lil' redline neon lights w/ strobes in the ends from Autozone on my dash. (yeah yeah, ricer-ish, but I like the way it goes w/ the music) I have absolutely NO electrical experience at all... I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good way to hardwire it into my vehicle... I know i'd have to buy another switch b/c the current on/off swith is located on the assembly that plugs inte the blunt *cough* cigarrette lighter... Also, if a solution is proposed, I would like to keep in mind that I plan on adding about 7 more neons in the interior... you'd be amazed what a light show does to the horniness of a high female :twisted: :twisted:


In Minnesota here, it's illegal to have any kind of neon lights in front of the driver. You're allowed to have neons if they're behind where the driver is sitting. The ticket for this is pretty high, so this might be something to think about before you install this.


yeah I know there are some crazy neon lights around the US, but fucc 'em... as long as I don't have 'em on while I'm drivin they can kiss my ass.


why not wire it in making use of the remote stereo wire, so you wouldn't have to have a switch? (but then again i guess you couldn't turn them off if you wanted, either, without turning the music off.)


I would like to keep in mind that I plan on adding about 7 more neons in the interior... you'd be amazed what a light show does to the horniness of a high female :twisted: :twisted:


I am so quoting this in my sig :)



Sad sad lil guy, gotta get the girl high first? tsktsk :)

i do admit when your girlie is high she can be a super freak! rip rick james


Do youself a favor! Run a new power line with a fuse from the battery, it will save you a lot of headaches. I currently have some cathods running off an old cigarette lighter power line that I removed. It works great but when I add more cathodes it starts to dim. One of the things I'm doing now is relocating the battery, and when that is done all the cathodes will be on a seperate power line. Its more work but in the end your results will be a lot better. Right now I have four 4" cathodes, one in each vent and two 12" cathodes, one under each front seat. I've currently got the entire interior ripped apart and will be adding more cathodes before its finished. Will look sweet, just lots of work.






Thank you for your pointless post. I'm not going to waste time arguing with your bitch ass, because internet arguments are pointless. I am willing to bet that you keep your damn mouth shut around people that you have something to say about when you are around them though... I've noticed that's a trend with you internet shit-talkers. If you dont have an answer for my question, or some useful advice, keep ya dick-beaters from typing a response in any post of mine. Thanks ya bitch.


EDIT: GTP_Munky, thanks for the advice.... I surely don't mind savin' myself a headache.


damn, whats with people lately.


Must be that time of the month.


BTW, do what Munky said


Not a problem...Dunno how much you care but with the talk of "legality" up there this might also help. I installed a bunch of switches, 1 for each set of lights (vents and seats are on seperate switches) but I also installed a switch out of sight, when I see a cop I hit that switch and it cuts everything all at once. Pretty handy, and if a cop ever asks about the other switches, well they will appear to do absolutely nothing, I'll just say I wanted to be like all the cars in the movies but dunno squat about wiring. LOL!




For all the accessories I have installed in my Lumina I made a new fuse block underneath the storage bin in the center console. So far I have my Sirius, and some other 12 volt accessories wired to it. I have it set up on a relay so the fuse block isn't live unless the car is on...I plan to add an inverter into the back of my center console for 120volt accessories, and maybe a rear 12 volt power source since this car doesn't have one.


So I did sort of what Munky suggested, just a step further with the actual fuse block to split up the power....BTW - I used an 8 guage power wire from the battery, so hopefully I'll be able to add all these accessories to the block without popping the 30amp fuse...




Thank you for your pointless post. I'm not going to waste time arguing with your bitch ass, because internet arguments are pointless. I am willing to bet that you keep your damn mouth shut around people that you have something to say about when you are around them though... I've noticed that's a trend with you internet shit-talkers. If you dont have an answer for my question, or some useful advice, keep ya dick-beaters from typing a response in any post of mine. Thanks ya bitch.


EDIT: GTP_Munky, thanks for the advice.... I surely don't mind savin' myself a headache.


Wow, you're a dick. He wasn't "shit talking", he was actually agreeing with you and joking around.


If I had seen this earlier, you'd be banned for awhile. Watch it.

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