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spark plugs

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naw i havent bought anything yet..im probbly gonna go tomorrow for some plugs and wires


ok well before i changed my plugs and wires i ran a scanner on it and it said misfire in #4 ok so i was thinkin maybe a tune up will clean it up..nope wrong..its still running rough...so this leads me to bealive that one of my coil packs is done for..


Well, change the 1/4 coil then. It's the left-most one looking at it from the front.


the one on the far right is showin up on the scanner is the one thats misfiring


Get ACDelcos... best I've used in my vehicles.


what do you think - standart AC Delco or Delco Platinium is better?

I am going to hange plungs in my 2.8 Olds cutlass and I don know - buy standart or platinium??????


Get ACDelcos... best I've used in my vehicles.


what do you think - standart AC Delco or Delco Platinium is better?

I am going to hange plungs in my 2.8 Olds cutlass and I don know - buy standart or platinium??????

Searching helps alot.....


One more spark plug thread, and I'll shoot this place up.



We have had enough spark plug threads that if someone actually searched, Im sure they would find out what their looking for.


One more spark plug thread, and I'll shoot this place up.


At least no one's asked about how to replace them this week.


I think you should pull the whole engine to get to the spark plugs. After the engine is pulled replace the spark plugs with BOSCH Platinum spark plugs. Oh, and don't forget to check your blinker fluid.




ok well i geuss it wasnt the coil or plugs n cables...but couldnt hurt to have a tune up...im thinkin the fuel injectors


Get ACDelcos... best I've used in my vehicles.


what do you think - standart AC Delco or Delco Platinium is better?

I am going to hange plungs in my 2.8 Olds cutlass and I don know - buy standart or platinium??????

Searchng elps alot.....



but my english is not so good enough - maybe easier answer????????????? :wink:


it endded up being the fuel injector in cylinder 4..i never knew how hard it was to get to those damn things


it endded up being the fuel injector in cylinder 4..i never knew how hard it was to get to those damn things

Compared to what? :confused:


well for the longestr time i tought it was the plugs...chamged them...then i changed the coil....that didnt help either.so i had it down to injector or i was loosing compression somewere


it endded up being the fuel injector in cylinder 4..i never knew how hard it was to get to those damn things


wtf I just had my #4 go too. That is really bizare...

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