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Make a AIM W-body chatroom!!


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We need a AIM based w-body chatroom link at the top of the page. Over at other boards, these type rooms have worked out nicely and are fairly populated from time to time. Please consider this suggestion. Whadda ya think?

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it may or may not work. my opinion is that it wont, since this has been tried and posted about before and it never took off. but hey, the new york lotto tells me 'ya never know"

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it may or may not work. my opinion is that it wont, since this has been tried and posted about before and it never took off. but hey, the new york lotto tells me 'ya never know"


riddle me this batman :lol: , how can it "not" work? It would work if it existed because, for it to work would only mean that you would be able to access it. If you mean it wouldn't work in terms of people utilizing it, then you may be right, but I'm sure that it being there would encourage a little usuage out of it. Anyways, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it if a chatroom isn't created. I just figured it would serve as a median for us fellow w-body enthusiasts to have a more direct interaction with one another and share thoughts, opinions, information, etc.. with one another without taking up so much space/bandwidth for petty things on the board(as I'm doing now :wink: ). peace!

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heres the answer to your riddle, straight out of robin's files....i use the term worked just as you did in your first suggestion, therefore making it pretty obvious that in fact i was talking "in terms of people utilizing it". sorry if this reply seemd to come out assholistic but its the only way i saw how to answer that question.


anyways...its not a bad idea, we'll just have to see what people say. it would help to have a link to it always visible at any time on the site anywhere on the site u are including the forums

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I'd use it.. I sit on my ass in front of a computer at work all day, it'd be nice to have something to do on the days we have downtime here.

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when the forum was first down I was board and was browsing through the AIM chats rooms and nobody was talking about what the chat room was about, they would have something like this link 21/f pics and if you click on it, it would take you to some outwars site.

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they would have something like this link 21/f pics and if you click on it, it would take you to some outwars site.



why would u be clicking on a link like that :wink: :lol:

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they would have something like this link 21/f pics and if you click on it, it would take you to some outwars site.



why would u be clicking on a link like that :wink: :lol:


I was board

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