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Darn Cooling Fans @#%*#$^


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This is my problem: My passenger side cooling fan never will come on so I decided I'd try switching the power cables between the two fans. The drivers side will come on after the engine reaches temp to keep it cool and I know it works so i plug that one's power cable into the other one to see if it will come on. no such luck which should mean that the fans moter is fried right? NO i cant tell because as always murphy's law interferes and now the car refuses to get warm!!!!! GRRRR.


Ive got another more embarrasing problem that has been mentioned briefly here before but i still dont have a definite idea what it could be. You know the sound a ten-speed bike makes when your coasting and stop moving the pedals? That fast clicking sound. Well my car makes that noise always no matter how warmed up. No ive read peoples posts saying it could be anything from a belt to an f'd up torsion thing to piston slap so Im hoping maybe someone can clear that up for me. the noise can be heard from all around the engine compartment but it seems to be comeing from the main belt side.


Thanks and sorry for the long discourse :D

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I would think that the driver side fan runs more frequent that the passenger side fan. The passenger side fan should be less frequently used up and should last longer than the driver side fan.


I would take that fan off and check the connectors and wiring for corroded and loose connection. I would then directly connect it to the battery power source to see if it works.


With the other issue you have, what is the title of your post about that clicking sound?

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hey with the fan problem i cant help, cuz mine is doing the same thing. but for the ticking sound check your injectors, when they get old they get louder and louder usally a sound that the injectors are gonna go soon. normally its just when the car starts in the morning then they progresivly get worse. not sure if this is your problem, but that is the sound my 3.4 is making and when you take the cover off the injectors its really loud.

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